Thread Number: 45654  /  Tag: Pre-1950 Vacuum Cleaners
Electrolux xxx Bearings
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Post# 472151   6/27/2024 at 13:20 by Kirbyman65 (USA)        

kirbyman65's profile picture
Hello! My Electrolux xxx has issues with its bearings on the windup and wind down. Mine is 74 years old so I was wondering is this something fixable or should I not worry about it because it wouldn’t be a daily driver. Any info is greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Post# 472158 , Reply# 1   6/28/2024 at 09:08 by dysonman1 (the county)        

dysonman1's profile picture
Ball bearings are easy to repack with grease, especially the really well made ones as used on the Lux. Also, the fans (revolving) will need washed and the turbine curves cleaned, which will make it run smooth and quiet again. I would definitely make it right and be able to enjoy it for many years, even if it's not a daily driver.

Post# 472278 , Reply# 2   7/6/2024 at 23:31 by k15 (Canada)        

I would agree. I just repacked the bearing in my Electrolux LE, which is decades newer. As long as the bearing has a rubber shield (or perhaps no shield?) it will be possible to clean and repack.
I used WD40 to clean the hard grease and dirt out, and then put fresh grease in and popped the rubber shield back in.

Post# 472963 , Reply# 3   8/26/2024 at 19:03 by mjhoshaw (Western PA)        
I agree too

I definitely would service your motor. Cleaning and fresh lube should ready it for many more years of service. Even if the bearings are noisy, with fresh grease they may last for years. I once had a postwar XXX with a noisy rear bearing that I chose not to replace because it still turned smoothly. After servicing, it ran fine and never got noisier.


Just today I serviced a prewar XXX (475-watt) motor. The all-metal Lux motors are easy to work on. Before doing anything to mine, I test-ran it and found that the bearings were quiet and had a normal wind down. I flushed them with CRC QD Electronic Cleaner spray, and tomorrow I'll repack them and reassemble the motor for use in my current XXX. It previously had its motor replaced with a late 535-watt motor, so I won't lose any sleep over installing the motor I want it to have.


If you use CRC QD cleaner, please note that it cleans really well but it evaporates quickly and will chill metal parts enough to cause condensation from the air. I use the warm exhaust from another vac to bring the parts back to room temperature and prevent rust in the bearings until I can get them repacked.




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