Thread Number: 45649  /  Tag: 50s/60s/70s Vacuum Cleaners
Refurbished Electrolux CA
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Post# 472088   6/24/2024 at 17:08 by Keither (California )        

keither's profile picture
My refurbished Electrolux Model CA compliments of Brian Satterwhite with Aerus Electrolux 💕 Featured is an extra long access hose w/ adapter and a custom cloth shake out bag. Included are the before and after pics as well. The machine rocks, just as good as the day it came out the carton! I’m on the hunt for the original locking wands, and the PN1 w metal elbow 😬 If anyone has any leads or an extra set they are looking to sell, please let me know. Thx!

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Post# 472091 , Reply# 1   6/24/2024 at 19:28 by Paul (USA)        

Wow, Keith—stunning! Congrats to you for adding that to your collection and to Brian for his amazing work!

Post# 472095 , Reply# 2   6/24/2024 at 19:47 by kirbylux77 (London, Ontario, Canada)        

kirbylux77's profile picture
Congrats on getting that for your collection Keith. Those Electrolux CA's are rare as hen's teeth! And looks like Brian Satterwhite did a nice restoration on it for you too. Use it in good health :)

Post# 472102 , Reply# 3   6/25/2024 at 08:01 by rugsucker (Elizabethton TN)        

Great Electrolux! Great restoration!!
Tell us more about the extra long hose and adapter.I have never seen or heard of this.Is the shake out bag different from the standard cloth bag that held the paper bag?I have also never seen the black cover over the bag.

Post# 472106 , Reply# 4   6/25/2024 at 11:45 by Keither (California )        
The CA Accessories

keither's profile picture
Guys thanks for the kind words and feedback. I was informed that the extension hose was used for large ball rooms, stair cases, and to reach between church pews. I found this hose and the adapter when I purchased the Bronze Model G CB. This information was shared by a well seasoned collector familiar with the CA’s history. As for the shake out bag this is a custom made reusable bag. This will allow me to preserve my CA filter bags.

Post# 472120 , Reply# 5   6/25/2024 at 21:09 by kirbylux77 (London, Ontario, Canada)        

kirbylux77's profile picture
Keith, that hose adapter looks unique and rare too! Was it a original genuine part, or was this adapter custom made by someone who just wanted to use 2 hoses together?

As for saving the bags and having a custom cloth bag? Great idea! I don't blame you, considering those bags are hard to find and there most likely isn't a generic bag manufactured for it, even long ago in the past, as the CA wasn't produced very long. However, those cloth shakeout bags let out A LOT of dust into the bag chamber, and through the motor and exhaust filter. You really should be using those type of bags only on machines with modern electrostatic or HEPA Filtration on the exhaust for that reason.

Since you are saving the original paper bags, I would put them in a vacuum sealed food bag to preserve them if you own one of those devices or have a friend who could do it for you, it would definitely help preserve the paper a long time.

Considering the vacuum only has the fibreglass filter and paper bag for filtration, I would consider trying to find a modern upright or central vacuum HEPA Cloth bag to convert the CA for using HEPA Cloth bags and improve the filtration. Same as some collectors who own Air Way & Vita Vac canisters adapt a Riccar Type F HEPA Cloth bag and use a plastic bag top to make a HEPA Cloth bag for those machines. In fact, I think a Riccar Type F or Kirby HEPA Cloth upright bag would be just the right size. Ask a local vac shop or send Tom Gasko a email to ask him what may work. You already have the cloth shakeout bag and plastic bag top, so you already have the dimensions for whatever size bag you convert would have to be. Simply line the bag chamber with the bag material, put the bag top on top and fold the material over the edge so it's sealed in place and can't leak.

Post# 472123 , Reply# 6   6/26/2024 at 03:47 by keither (California )        

keither's profile picture
@ Kirbylux: The history of the extension hose and adapter is clearly stated under
Post# 472106 , Reply# 4. We are still learning more about accessories that were offered to the commercial market. Electrolux really did quite a bit of special customizing for some customer's or for a specific market during the earlier periods 60s-80s. One good example is that we discovered a few years ago that the 3 wire Model L was sold as a step down unit for the CB. I do appreciate your suggestions, as some might be considered.

Post# 472139 , Reply# 7   6/26/2024 at 15:20 by Chris (WV)        

Brian does excellent work. Is this the same one thats in the video on aerus richmond's youtube channel?

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