Thread Number: 45643  /  Tag: 50s/60s/70s Vacuum Cleaners
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Post# 472040   6/22/2024 at 21:59 by RoyalFan103 (Bremerton, Washington)        

royalfan103's profile picture
I got a Convertible! It was $12 With my Military Discount! While I’m planning to get a Belt and Bags for it, does this unit take a Headlight?

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Post# 472041 , Reply# 1   6/22/2024 at 22:36 by huskyvacs (Gnaw Bone, Indiana)        

huskyvacs's profile picture

This is the base model with no headlight option. The hood is one solid piece.

Post# 472044 , Reply# 2   6/22/2024 at 23:12 by RoyalFan103 (Bremerton, Washington)        

royalfan103's profile picture
Oh, okay. Still a Very good find!

Post# 472062 , Reply# 3   6/23/2024 at 21:10 by RoyalFan103 (Bremerton, Washington)        
Will a Eureka RD Belt work in it?

royalfan103's profile picture
I have more info, the Convertible is Model U4119 and The Belt keeps slipping! Eureka RD belts are the Closest thing I have! Please answer.

Post# 472063 , Reply# 4   6/23/2024 at 22:34 by kirbylux77 (London, Ontario, Canada)        

kirbylux77's profile picture
Victor, the Eureka RD belts will NOT work on a Hoover Convertible. The Hoover belt is a little tighter fitting than the Eureka belts are - that's why some people will save worn out Hoover Convertible belts to use on their Eureka uprights. As for other causes of belt slippage, I would also check to see if the belt pulley is worn out & due for replacement.

Post# 472067 , Reply# 5   6/23/2024 at 23:58 by Hoover300 (Kentucky)        

hoover300's profile picture
The current Hoover Convertible belts are trash. Too thick and snap in seconds. I've actually had luck with R&D belts.

Post# 472074 , Reply# 6   6/24/2024 at 10:19 by EvolutionClean1 (Nampa, Idaho)        
The best belt

For your new to you convertible is the 44783. They replaced the obsolete 49258 and are designed for the commercial Guardsman machines, which are based on the OG Convertible. They are softer and last forever! I've had the same ones on my convertibles for over a year with no signs of slowing down 😁

Post# 472075 , Reply# 7   6/24/2024 at 10:42 by gottahaveahoove (Pittston, Pennsylvania, 18640)        
They made tons of that model.

gottahaveahoove's profile picture

And, the bag matched , too. That is a replacement (but genuine) bag.

  I fin great Hoover belts in the sealed package,,,  usually with the orange Ranger vacuum on the package.  Tom Anderson taught me a little trick with belts.


Post# 472083 , Reply# 8   6/24/2024 at 14:03 by RoyalFan103 (Bremerton, Washington)        
Update on the Belt.

royalfan103's profile picture
I replaced it with an Old, unused RD Belt I had lying around and it worked!. It took a lot or some stretching, but it works. It doesn;'t slip and it grooms my carpets perfectly. The Old belt was very chewed up and had soemthing looking like the start of new tears. It also kept slipping and left black marks in my carpet which I may be able to rmove with my Cleanslate.

Post# 472143 , Reply# 9   6/26/2024 at 18:51 by RoyalFan103 (Bremerton, Washington)        
It’s up and Running!

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