Thread Number: 45642  /  Tag: 80s/90s Vacuum Cleaners
Differences of Electrolux PN5, 6 and 7
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Post# 472036   6/22/2024 at 18:40 by k15 (Canada)        

I did a search and found a couple good threads, but I'm still unclear on all the differences between the 5, 6 and 7 power nozzles. They're all L-shaped, but what change caused the move from PN5 to 6, and then 6 to 7? I know each model had various versions (ie colors, with or without the switch, with or without headlight etc).

Post# 472099 , Reply# 1   6/24/2024 at 22:46 by Paul (USA)        

This thread has some photos and discussion -

Using that and what I remember, here's a table I constructed. It is likely not 100% as it's mainly by observation.

Extra info:

1. The PN5 was introduced in 1983 and had two successive colors of hoods and labels: black to complement the Silverado Deluxe 1505 and Deluxe Special 1453, and light sand gray to coordinate with the Diamond Jubilee 1521 & Deluxe Special 1453 (recolored).

2. The PN6 replaced the PN5 in 1985. Its hood was Jade to coordinate with the Diamond Jubilee 1521 & Deluxe Special 1453 (recolored), the L-E 1623 and Hi-Tech 2100.

3. The PN6A was introduced in 1985 with the PN6, and the 6B & 7B came out in 1986. These hoods were all in light sand gray with different colors/designs of labels to correspond with a variety of cleaners.

4. The 6B and 7B had identical labels for the same cleaners. I'm unsure if salespersons gave customers an option of fixed or spring-loaded wheels, or if the salesperson made the decision based on carpet styles. Incidentally, the company dropped the 'PN' prefix at least on the power nozzles for these two models; it may be that they were made at the plant in Canada like some of the Lexan-bodied cleaners as Electrolux Canada had merged with Electrolux Corporation in 1985.

5. As far as I know, there was never a PN7 or PN7A.

6. The 5C, 6BC, and 7BC were equipped with 3-wire cords for the CB2000 commercial canisters; otherwise they were the same (to my knowledge). At some point Electrolux changed the 6BC and 7BC designations to new alphanumeric ones, so some CB2000s may have them instead; and there may also have been design changes made.

7. Most of the parts, including the 1.8-amp motors, brush rolls and belts were the same.

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Post# 472432 , Reply# 2   7/18/2024 at 17:37 by k15 (Canada)        

Thanks for the info, not sure why I missed this post earlier. That table is a handy summary. I didn't realize some models had fixed rear wheels.

Another question while we're talking about lux PNs, I have a PN6 and the on/off switch seems a bit flaky. It doesn't always turn on, but will if I push it forward to reset. It turns on more reliably if I tip it away from the carpet so there's no load on the brush. Could it be tripping right away? I did change the brush roll, and I saw a thread here that a tight belt can cause tripping when turning on. The belt is maybe a tad tight, but the motor doesn't seem to adjust.

My hose also has an on/off switch on it, and I can turn it on and off from there as many times as I want, even if it's on the carpet. I would think if the startup inrush was tripping the switch, it would trip that way too.

I sprayed contact cleaner in the switch and worked the little red button (under the slider) a whole bunch. Seems maybe better, but still does it. Pic is from ebay, but mine is the same.

Anyway it's not a big deal, was just curious if anyone has seen this problem.

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Post# 472433 , Reply# 3   7/18/2024 at 17:45 by k15 (Canada)        

I should mention both the motor and the brush turn freely by hand, and I added some oil to the motor bearings anyway.

Post# 472444 , Reply# 4   7/19/2024 at 11:11 by Paul (USA)        

You're welcome for the chart—even though it is based on my photo observations and memory rather than definitive data.

Hopefully, someone who has all three can verify or correct it.

Anyway, regarding your pn's performance issue, I located an archived link that contains some possibilities:

I wonder, too, if you have an aftermarket brush roll that has bristles slightly too long. There's a shut-off mechanism that engages with too much spin resistance—which could also be the belt as you mentioned.

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