Hi folks. I bought a basic Eureka upright, model 2013A from ebay and it arrived without a bottom plate. It was made in 1973 (per the number stamped on the bottom) and uses levers to hold it in place, like a Hoover Convertible. It doesn't have the tabs on the front of the base to clip the plate to. Also, looking at ebay, it appears to need a gasket on the plate. None of the ones for sale on ebay are the style I need. Does anyone have a nice one they'd like to sell? Thank you.
Michael Thomas
Post# 472090 , Reply# 1   6/24/2024 at 19:25 (228 days old) by Paul(USA)  
Congrats on winning the 2013-A, Michael. In case you didn't know it was the successor to the 2012-A in 1974 with the added "Edge Kleeners" in the bottom plate. Otherwise, they looked the same. Eureka called the colors Fawn Beige & Moss Green.
The base may have been made in 1973, but marketing began in 1974.
Anyway, Jimmy Martin may have a bottom plate with Edge Kleeners for you. He has a warehouse of vintage cleaners and has been working at downsizing. He contributes to this site often but also operates a bookstore so may not see your message for awhile.
His number is 423-268-4841 (copied from one of his posts, so no worries).
Thank you for your reply. I appreciate the information, including the info on my Eureka. You've been really good about answering my queries and giving assistance and I appreciate it and value your expertise.