Thread Number: 45638  /  Tag: Recent Vacuum Cleaners from past 20 years
Is this fixable?
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Post# 471986   6/20/2024 at 17:33 by jel11633 (Woodstock)        

It's a Miele, I think under 20 years old but not sure. The foot adjuster broke off, so I would just sort of adjust it by force, which was not smart because now the front part will not stay flush to the ground.

Just curious what a wild guess would be on the cost to repair this, I understand it may make sense just to buy a new one. Thank you for any suggestions.

The pic is in the link, it wouldn't upload here for some reason.


Post# 472011 , Reply# 1   6/21/2024 at 20:18 by huskyvacs (Gnaw Bone, Indiana)        

huskyvacs's profile picture

Everything is fixable to those that are not lazy. :)

You likely have it stuck in the raised position. I have that same vacuum, it's the Miele Salsa, but I do not have it handy to check. It's only 10 years old. Parts are common but expensive. Cost me $90 for a new sole-plate and another $15 for all the assembly screws for the entire vacuum.

The following eBay link is likely the part you broke:

Miele Upright Vacuum tilt release foot pedal 06802640 from S7280 S7000

  View Full Size
Post# 472017 , Reply# 2   6/22/2024 at 00:52 by repairman (Woodridge, IL)        

My advice would be to take it to your local Miele dealer and ask them. I worked on those uprights for 7 years and they are not worth taking apart if you don't know what you're doing. Factor the part at around $50 plus labor when a new upright of this caliper cost at least $700-1000. Miele also stopped production of uprights, so replacement would involve another brand such as Sebo.

Post# 472524 , Reply# 3   7/29/2024 at 12:17 by jel11633 (Woodstock)        

Thank you for the feedback everyone, I will take it to the nearby miele dealer and see what they say.

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