Thread Number: 45628  /  Tag: Brand New Vacuum Cleaners
Dream machine acquired - Riccar Tandem Air
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Post# 471917   6/17/2024 at 08:59 by UniversalDave1 (Gardendale, AL)        

universaldave1's profile picture
After 13 years of waiting, I finally had the opportunity to purchase a Tandem Air machine brand new, and I couldn't be happier. It deep cleans incredibly well, the metallic blue is beautiful, and the dirt sensor lights are very neat. I've wanted a a Tandem Air ever since I first set foot in my local vac shop over 13 years ago.

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Post# 471921 , Reply# 1   6/17/2024 at 10:30 by mark40511 (Lexington, KY)        

mark40511's profile picture
GREAT:) I'm not gonna lie.... I've lusted after them as well.. but quite a few here HATE them....

Post# 471928 , Reply# 2   6/17/2024 at 16:35 by huskyvacs (Gnaw Bone, Indiana)        

huskyvacs's profile picture

haha photo looks just like someone buying their first car :)

Hope it works out well for you. I've gotten quite a few vacuums I wanted since I started collecting that I never thought in a million years that I'd own. It feels really nice.

Post# 471929 , Reply# 3   6/17/2024 at 16:56 by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        
Reply #1

panasonicvac's profile picture
Personally, I love the tandem air uprights. Despite it's many flaws with them, I think they are wonderful carpet machines. They are the second most powerful uprights that I've ever used on carpets by far. The only upright I've used before that can outclean them would be the 10 amp metal Royals. That being said, these aren't really in my top recommended picks anymore for consumers (myself included). They are expensive for what they are even the parts are very pricey as well, my buddy who owned a vacuum store refused to sell one for that reason. I also don't like that when the parts are out of stock, they do take a while to get shipped from Asia since these are mostly Chinese made machines. And they use so many components that aren't really easy to work on especially these newer models as I liked and preferred the older gen models if I had to use a tandem air upright but my pick for a tandem air machine would be using a CX1000 powerhead connected to a central vac. What my buddy and I'd suggest instead would be a Sanitaire F&G upright along with a matching Mighty Mite canister as both of those are I think a better value and make a great team as a tandem air. Cheaper, simpler, and more powerful at least the canister for sure. Not to mention the Mighty Mite would be more maneuverable to get around bare floors. Otherwise if Royal was still around, I'd rather have a metal 10 amp upright and a Royal canister since both of those can definitely outclean any tandem air upright.

Post# 471930 , Reply# 4   6/17/2024 at 17:41 by Blackheart (North Dakota)        
Brushroll change!

blackheart's profile picture
I see they've changed the brushroll to a 2 row. Gonna have to get one of those. I've felt for the last few years that the 3 row creates shallower vibrations It's been the only reason to me to retain both the R30D, and the Simplicity S40P (since it was purchased new)

I think you'll be quite happy with it they are excellent at carpet cleaning, i'd say just below like 3 styles of machine but they also have a lot more convenience features like the lifetime belt and the onboard tools

Post# 471931 , Reply# 5   6/17/2024 at 18:34 by UniversalDave1 (Gardendale, AL)        
New brushroll

universaldave1's profile picture
I was surprised to see the new brushroll, I was a bit dissapointed at first at it being a two row, but I do think it actually agitates better that my 2005 Synergy which has the three row. The brush strips in the new machine are very stiff.

Post# 471934 , Reply# 6   6/17/2024 at 21:07 by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        
I agree

panasonicvac's profile picture
I personally like two row brushrolls more cause I find they do a better job than three on these machines. But I do prefer the three row brushroll better on the canisters such as the 1800/Immaculate and S38/Gusto. I wish I bought a Simplicity Synchrony in the green Fetch SCRD.FETCH, red premium, or orange standard colors instead of buying a black Symmetry Deluxe SYMDL.2 from my local vacuum store at the time.

Post# 471942 , Reply# 7   6/17/2024 at 23:47 by tolivac (Greenville,NC)        

I used to have a few of these tandem air vacuums in my collection-including the canister that had the fan assisted powernozzle.At this point feel the Kirby Avalir machines are actually better and draw less power.When I ran the tandem airs I used to have the cards got warm!The Kirbys and the Royals-even the 7A versions drew less power and performed just as well or even better.The dealer here has a tandem air "mustard" color Simplicity that he has had for several years now.No customers are interested in it.Had one of those-perised in the fire along with any others I had.Probably won't replace them.

Post# 471958 , Reply# 8   6/19/2024 at 09:37 by dysonman1 (the county)        

dysonman1's profile picture
Love the purple carpet in that Vacuum Shop. The owner must have been awesome when he installed that rug almost 20 years ago. Congratulations on your new machine.

Post# 472169 , Reply# 9   6/28/2024 at 22:08 by UniversalDave1 (Gardendale, AL)        
Just as I thought

universaldave1's profile picture
I gave this vacuum a very thorough test at our beach condo on very dense plush carpet that was completely saturated with sand. In two hours of vacuuming, I filled up a brand new bag, and the second one already had a good bit in it by the time we left. I stand by my assertion that these machines have deep cleaning abilities that is unparalleled.

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Post# 473093 , Reply# 10   9/4/2024 at 18:18 by Camelotshadow (Valley Village)        
Congrats on your dream machine

I've been through so many. Even went to the great vacuum clean out of the garage of now I can't recall his name. He plays the pipe organ. Oh, that was at least 10 years ago. The biggest joke was when they through in this ugly boxy green SunBeam. It actually wasn't a bad cannister & if i recall had a Lambda motor.
It was nothing special but it did it's job & was used as a shop vac. Trouble was they didn't make any bags that fit it so I had to always customize a close fit by rebuilding the collar area.We called her Ugly Betty! See photo

Who's left on the forum???

I still have an old metal upright Royal 886.

Should start it a bit more & give it some oil.

Shout out to all!

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Post# 473115 , Reply# 11   9/6/2024 at 13:17 by bagintheback (Flagstaff, Arizona)        

bagintheback's profile picture
What type of vacuums were you using at your condo before the Riccar? 1.5 bags of grit is crazy.

Congrats on the new machine I hope you're still enjoying it.

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