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Silver Infused HEPA bags
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Post# 471864   6/14/2024 at 12:31 by mark40511 (Lexington, KY)        

mark40511's profile picture
I saw one of vacuum devils youtube videos going over these new bags made by the company that makes the Zero G vacuum... I think from what I understand the company has started making HEPA bags for other vacuums.. They are lined with silver so that would stop bacteria growth keeping the bag smelling fresh.... I can say for sure that Silver is amazing... I've taken colloidal silver before and also given it to my cat who had an infected paw and it healed up... this was years ago. So anytime someone mentions silver I'm all ears...

But I can't get the freaking site to work! The main page loads...but if you click "shop" NOTHING happens (at least on my end)

Can someone respond and let me know if they have the same problem?


Post# 471873 , Reply# 1   6/14/2024 at 18:36 by Thevacomaticiec (Bathurst New Brunswick Canada )        

thevacomaticiec's profile picture

shop dont work

Post# 471907 , Reply# 2   6/16/2024 at 21:09 by Lesinutah (Utah)        

lesinutah's profile picture
Put my hand on a stove burner and had 3 burner burns/blisters. I put colloidal Silver on it for a week. I then took off the bandage sat in a hot tub with chloride. The blister came off and no scar.

The page loads it just directs you to a local dealer as they're not sold online.

Post# 471926 , Reply# 3   6/17/2024 at 15:48 by mark40511 (Lexington, KY)        

mark40511's profile picture
cool story and I totally believe that. I think hospitals use it in bandages for burn victims too... (at least that's what I've heard)

The video that brought them to my attention was performance reviews on youtube... he put the link in his description to the site and said you can buy them that's where I went. He said nothing about having to go to a vac store to get them.. so that's why I was confused...

All I know is if they are infused with silver... I have no doubt that they will work in terms of bag stale or odors.... maybe even better than activated charcoal.... which also works great by the way.

Post# 472199 , Reply# 4   6/30/2024 at 15:59 by Geoffrack8 (Connecticut)        

You are very correct Mark. We use a cream in the hospitals called SSD which is Silver Sulfadiazine. It works wonders for small and large burns!

Post# 472201 , Reply# 5   6/30/2024 at 17:01 by eurekaprince (Montreal, Canada)        

eurekaprince's profile picture
I don’t know…I’m a bit of a hypochondriac, and the thought of me inhaling microscopic silver particles from the exhaust of my vacuum scares me a bit. And maybe I should be concerned about those charcoal Hepa filters as well.

All I know is that when my vacuum’s exhaust air begins to smell of anything, I just install a new bag.

Post# 472206 , Reply# 6   7/1/2024 at 08:26 by mark40511 (Lexington, KY)        

mark40511's profile picture
I absolutely would NOT worry about that the least bit... You can actually buy colloidal silver spray and people use it in nebulizers (did I spell nebulizers correctly? LOL...

Post# 472207 , Reply# 7   7/1/2024 at 08:41 by mark40511 (Lexington, KY)        

mark40511's profile picture
forgot to mention:

Every time I change sheets... I vacuum my mattresses... sometimes I use my rainbow, but other times I use my hepa bagged vacuum... and the occasional food crumbs or a bug here and there might be swept up...I don't have pets... A fresh bag smells neutral and clean... but after maybe a month or sometimes even sooner... if you go to turn your vacuum on... there might be an ever so silght stale smell... Some people may not even notice it... and the bag isn't even CLOSE to needing to be changed.. I mean, you could... but that would be such a waste...

As it stands just sucking in a little activated fish aquarium charcoal pellets about every two to three vacuums keeps the bag smelling like a new bag... It's pretty amazing...I just don't understand why you keep needing to do it every few vacuums. I guess the charcoal gets covered by dirt...but what I don't understand is the charcoal is STILL in the bag... even though it's covered by dirt...but always sucking up another tablespoon here and there keeps it working...and it's so cheap to buy... I only discovered this a few years ago and I will never stop doing it it works so well for me...

But when I heard of these silver infused bags... My immediate thought is wow.. it would be cool to NOT have to do that anymore.

Post# 472215 , Reply# 8   7/1/2024 at 23:58 by Lesinutah (Utah)        

lesinutah's profile picture
Was a pharmacy technician for 7 years. They have an otc ointment Silver solution. Its not as strong but it works well.
Infused doesnt mean easy to ingest. Cars pump out carbon monoxide. The issue would be suckinb on a tailpipe or swallowing a bag.
Id imagine most bridges are infused with silver and other metals. There welded together with rods of carbon. This doesn't mean except for licking the welds your fine.

Post# 472221 , Reply# 9   7/2/2024 at 10:33 by luxlife (Under a Pecan Tree)        
The problem with charcoal is it’s activated

It’s just doing it’s job by counteracting the pollutants in the bag that cause the odors and charcoal doesn’t last. The biggest impact on aquarium water quality is usually made by frequent charcoal changes in the filter for this same reason. Ozone and bleach are the same when they counteract pollutants. It’s probably the best approach to add more charcoal to the bag every now and then. Zeolite works well too.

Post# 472223 , Reply# 10   7/2/2024 at 11:38 by kirbylux77 (London, Ontario, Canada)        

kirbylux77's profile picture
I will say, the silver infused bags looks like a good idea, and I would be interested. BUT, I would want to hear from some people that have had problems with bag odours, switched to these bags and them saying their issue was resolved using the silver infused bags.

Also, I would want to see the bags sold online too. It's far more convenient with how busy life is, and probably a bit cheaper too. And realistically, unless these bags were REALLY that much better than using ordinary HEPA Cloth bags and adding activated charcoal as needed, why would I switch? I can get the bags for my Miele dirt cheap on sites like AliExpress, so why spend more if I don't have to?

Post# 472225 , Reply# 11   7/2/2024 at 14:18 by mark40511 (Lexington, KY)        

mark40511's profile picture
I recently found out (at least per a youtube comment) that Kirby stopped making the charcoal infused HEPA bags.... Now why would they do that? If you use a Kirby... how do you get charcoal in the bag? Is it safe to suck it through the fans?

About the having to add more charcoal.... so it's not that the charcoal is getting covered... it's just that it can only work for so long before it needs replaced? I never knew that. That makes sense.

Post# 472232 , Reply# 12   7/2/2024 at 23:26 by tolivac (Greenville,NC)        

The Kirby bags-their "pet" ones have the carbon in the bag material.They don't reduce odors that much-no mare than their other bags-Micron Magic or HEPA.

Post# 472268 , Reply# 13   7/4/2024 at 20:04 by k15 (Canada)        

Sorry to say, but colloidal silver is snake oil bunk, and placebo effects are not evidence. Silver can have some medical uses, but not taken orally. Could silver coated HEPA bags be helpful? Maybe, there'd need to be some scientific evidence before I'd believe it.


Post# 472277 , Reply# 14   7/6/2024 at 21:10 by Lesinutah (Utah)        

lesinutah's profile picture
Infusion could mean silver filters thinner particles.

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