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Post# 471766   6/9/2024 at 11:00 (220 days old) by Kirbyman65 (USA)        

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Hello! What’s everyone’s opinion on Dustbusters? New and old ones, mines is 17 years old and still going strong. Just wondering everyone’s experience with them

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Post# 471800 , Reply# 1   6/11/2024 at 10:24 (218 days old) by Human (Pines of Carolina)        

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I remember when they were all the rage, back in the '80s, but I've never personally owned one. My parents had one when I was a teenager, and Mom mainly used it to suck up bugs, when she saw them crawling across the kitchen floor. She saw that as preferable to stomping them and then cleaning up bug guts. I tried using it to vacuum my car, but found it very unsatisfactory for that purpose. The nozzle was too big to get into tight spaces and the suction power, well, let's just say it sucked. As happens with those things, the built-in, non-replaceable battery eventually gave up the ghost, and Dad opted not to replace it.

As I've been writing this, I realized I do have a cheapo, made in China, 12v Dustbuster-like contraption that plugs into the cigarette lighter socket in the car. It's in generic, holiday-themed packaging, so it must have been a Christmas gift at some point, but I have no idea who gave it to me, nor do I remember the last time I actually used it. As I recall, it did little besides make a lot of noise.

These days, if I need to use a handheld vac, my go-to is one of my Royal Prince 501's, or an Oreck BB, if I need a hose. The latter is pretty much ideal for my cars.

Post# 471836 , Reply# 2   6/12/2024 at 14:36 (217 days old) by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        
I like them

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I'm not too crazy about them but they do the job for what they are, I think Dust Busters are my favorite cordless hand vacs of all time if I had to pick. My house had three from what I recall and our cabins had two, well our first cabin had two but our last cabin only had one. I did had a grey Dust Buster Platinum for myself but threw it out after the battery died before knowing it could've been replaced and regretted it since then. Now I just only have my grandfather's green/white Dust Buster from his cabin but it no longer works. My very favorite one I think is a blue/white Dust Buster with VersaPak batteries, we bought that to replace the other Dust Buster from our first cabin in 2002 I believe and brought it with us to our second cabin. Sadly we left it behind when we sold the cabin in 2007. I took a picture of it but it's not the best shot.

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Post# 471839 , Reply# 3   6/12/2024 at 18:37 (217 days old) by Kirbyman65 (USA)        

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I agree! There not that powerful but they are handy for quick pickups

Post# 471848 , Reply# 4   6/13/2024 at 21:44 (216 days old) by fan-of-fans (USA)        

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When I was really little, I can remember my grandparents having an older tan and brown colored Dustbuster. The battery was just about shot in it, but it would run for a minute or two. I’d run around their house and try to vacuum with it.

Later my aunt got me a Dustbuster Car Vac for Christmas one year (I think 1996). It was black and red, and plugged into the car cigarette lighter outlet. It came in a storage box and had a flat brush that fit into the end of the nozzle, as well as an adapter that converted to a regular 1 1/4” dusting brush and crevice tool that were also included.

It was a neat little vacuum but like most 12 V vacuums I’ve seen, wasn’t much use but for maybe a quick spill cleanup. Definitely wouldn’t vacuum the carpets or floor mats or anything.

I believe my aunt gifted my grandparents one that year as well.

Post# 471923 , Reply# 5   6/17/2024 at 12:53 (212 days old) by texaskirbyguy (Plano, TX)        

I have what might be the most powerful Dustbuster sold, the 18V.
Very handy for cleaning around the exterior doors and in the bathroom corners where loose hair collects. Also for quick touchups.
I have an orange version also that came with a tool set for use in the garage.
I got these way back on 2006 or 2007 at one of the B&D outlet stores in Oregon - it was a fun tourist attraction to me.
They use the 18V Firestorm battery packs that were used on a whole arsenal of tools, most of which I have and still use.
And with the newer lithium replacement battery packs I got, they run a long time and really pack a punch.
Only bad thing about the Dustbuster is the shape/size - many places it cannot easily fit. A tiny canister with a hose and tools would have been great...

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Post# 471927 , Reply# 6   6/17/2024 at 16:12 (212 days old) by huskyvacs (Gnaw Bone, IN)        

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They are timeless icon of the 80's. They did a good job when they were new and they nailed the styling on the first models. As time went on and more options became available they kind of lost their charm but their fate was already sealed as a cultural icon.

The newer dustbusters do a really good job over their older counterparts but I do prefer the Shark Wandvac over a dustbuster.

I have several of the original Dustbusters (which sell for $80 on eBay now btw), as well as random other models I ran across. All need their battery packs rebuilt which I have not been able to get done yet.

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Post# 471943 , Reply# 7   6/18/2024 at 08:41 (211 days old) by texaskirbyguy (Plano, TX)        

Any of the NiCD batteries in these things are easy and cheap to replace with basic mechanical, electrical, and soldering skills. Replacing with NiMH cells is a big improvement to eliminate the 'memory effect' that NiCDs have.
For those with advance electronics skills, lithium batteries could be retrofitted but a new charger would be needed to match the battery pack. Not worth it in my opinion.

The newer lithium Dustbusters left a very sour taste in my mouth.
My neighbors had one of those pivot things that was 3-4 years old and would not hold a charge long. They wanted to see if I could fix it.
Disassembly was a bear.
The circuit board was about 4"x3" and was PACKED with SMT components. It looked like the complexity of a smart phone but the vacuum had no features that I could see that would need 1/8 of those parts. It just charged, had a charge meter, and had a slow start.
It used 3 3.6V cells that would have cost 40 bucks to replace but they only paid 60 for it. They opted to trash it.
I got them a lithium replacement for their old 18V DB (like mine) and they were happy with it.

Post# 471953 , Reply# 8   6/18/2024 at 21:10 (211 days old) by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        

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That was the same Platinum model I used to have. My grandfather also had one as well for one of his camping trailers but I don't know what happened to it, maybe he still has it somewhere or he might've gotten rid of it. Also that brown vintage 80's version looks similar to the one my grandparents had, they even had a almond version my other grandfather had in his shop.

Post# 472200 , Reply# 9   6/30/2024 at 16:57 (199 days old) by KirbyClassicIII (Milwaukie, Oregon)        

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My parents had the 9333, which looked like this.

When originally introduced in 1982, its 6.0 volt battery allowed it to have extended running time over the original model 9330 Dustbuster that came out in 1979.


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Post# 472322 , Reply# 10   7/10/2024 at 16:18 (189 days old) by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        

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My other grandfather had one at his shop which looked almost like it. I think his was a little bit more brighter but I did remember the brown cord, switch, and button.

These are the rest of our cordless hand vacs. Black & Decker PowerPro, the first one for our house. Replaced by a red Dirt Devil Quick Power, not the exact same decals but I did remember the silver exhaust vents. Replaced by a blue/clear Dirt Devil Accucharge. Replaced by a red Dirt Devil Easy Lite. And now we just have these two.

Picture #5 is the Dust Buster from our first cabin, later replaced by the one in post reply #2. And picture #6 is the one I personally own from my grandfather that no longer works, I believe that was his first Dust Buster for his cabin.

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