Thread Number: 45608  /  Tag: Wanted to Buy Items
In need of Eureka style N bags!
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Post# 471735   6/7/2024 at 16:16 (225 days old) by EvolutionClean1 (Nampa, Idaho)        

Hey y'all! I picked this Sanitaire MM2 up for my cleaning business, and I would love to stock up on genuine N bags for it! The Filter Aire bags would be even more awesome, I'll take all you have! Please PLEASE hit me up if you have any you can spare! Thank you!

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Post# 471739 , Reply# 1   6/7/2024 at 20:02 (225 days old) by repairman (Woodridge, IL)        

I don't have bags, but I have wheels if you ever needed some.

Post# 471742 , Reply# 2   6/7/2024 at 20:46 (225 days old) by Lesinutah (Utah)        

lesinutah's profile picture
MM bags should fit it. It's a blur mighty mite. I had one of these sanitaire ones before.

Post# 471746 , Reply# 3   6/8/2024 at 00:47 (225 days old) by EvolutionClean1 (Nampa, Idaho)        

This is definitely a Mighty Mite II, it takes the N bags same as the Eureka branded ones. I have some Filter Aire bags that I want to save for my Christian Klingspor edition

Post# 471755 , Reply# 4   6/8/2024 at 15:40 (224 days old) by repairman (Woodridge, IL)        

Les. N bags will NOT fit in the pictured Mighty Mite. Please stop giving incorrect information.

Jake: As far as I know, N bags are still in production. Your local vacuum store can order them for you or you can purchase them online.

Post# 471761 , Reply# 5   6/8/2024 at 18:48 (224 days old) by Lesinutah (Utah)        

lesinutah's profile picture
Douch z bag. I never said the N bags would git. Literacy and alcohol are not a great mixture.
Do da do.

Post# 471816 , Reply# 6   6/11/2024 at 16:13 (221 days old) by repairman (Woodridge, IL)        


MM bags will NOT fit in this machine. I meant to write that originally. Sorry for the confusion.

The collar on the MM is way too big. N bags were for the Mighty Mite II, C bags were for the original Mighty Mite, and the MM bags fit the current units that are still being made.

To be fair Les, you did write that MM bags should fit when they will not work with this machine. Just wanted to point that out. There is no need for that kind of language.

Post# 471819 , Reply# 7   6/11/2024 at 19:41 (221 days old) by Lesinutah (Utah)        

lesinutah's profile picture
Will work on sanitaires mighty mite. The version I had did. If your calling me out fairly but it could've been a different machine. The mighty mite bags for a blue sanitaire mighty mighty and a yellow eureka mighty might I had. The opening may be larger but there is like rubber or something similar that would still seal so I stand by my error.
Don't call me out twice then email like you have no problem. I'm wrong but saying I'm continuously wrong is not Bueno but we're all good otherwise.

Post# 471868 , Reply# 8   6/14/2024 at 15:47 (218 days old) by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        

panasonicvac's profile picture
It looks like this place may have some for you.

Type MM bags are WAY different than the N bags, I agree with Mike as they wouldn't work. The collars, diameters, and even the sizes are different.

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Post# 471910 , Reply# 9   6/16/2024 at 21:36 (216 days old) by Lesinutah (Utah)        

lesinutah's profile picture
New sanitaires are they based off porta powers from hoover.
The picture attached doesn't look a thing like the sanitaire/eureka I used.
I'd conclude use type N bags there modeling there vacs off Hoovers.

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Post# 471914 , Reply# 10   6/16/2024 at 23:57 (216 days old) by EvolutionClean1 (Nampa, Idaho)        
Ended up

Buying a Mighty Mite The Boss 9 amp from the auction last week, and I like it a lot better. I put the HEPA cartridge filter onto it, and I have a good supply of aftermarket MM bags for it. Doesn't have nearly as much power as the Sanitaire MM2 but it's much more pleasant sounding for long cleans! If I do pick up anymore N bags for the Sanitaire I'll get generic for around the house dirty jobs. At some point I will end up getting more Filter Aire for the Christian Klingspor edition, but I'm satisfied for now.
Going through work vacuums has been some trial and error but I am happy with what I've got! Thank you all 😁

Post# 471915 , Reply# 11   6/17/2024 at 04:16 (216 days old) by repairman (Woodridge, IL)        

Vacuumdirect (known as Huron Vacuum) closed during the pandemic. Even though the website is still active for some reason, you can't place any orders.

I've had customers try to compare prices with them when their site was out of date.

Post# 471956 , Reply# 12   6/19/2024 at 06:22 (214 days old) by eurekaprince (Montreal, Canada)        

eurekaprince's profile picture
The three versions of Eureka’s Mighty Mite compact canisters each takes a different style of bag. They are not interchangeable. The first version came out in 1983, the second version came out more than ten years later in the mid 1990s, and the third version - which continues to be sold today as a red Sanitaire - came out in the 2000s some time before Electrolux sold Eureka.

I really liked the Mighty Mite Two because you could check the bag without having to disconnect the hose from the canister. It also had three neat storage spaces for the three small World Vac tools embedded in the rear of the canister. I got a green 7amp Powerline Gold version for my parents and it was an amazing little vacuum for bare floor cleaning and above-the-floor cleaning. That 7 foot hose made it really convenient to use. My only complaint was that the exhaust was not diffused at all and would blow around any surface dirt on bare floors. Still, I think the Two was the coolest version of all three designs. I even bought a 220-volt version labelled “World Vac” to take with me to Tel Aviv when I temporarily moved there in 1997.

Interesting footnote: Sweden’s Electrolux sold an “Electrolux” branded version of the Mighty Mite One in Brazil called the “Compact”. Just google “aspirador de po Electrolux Compact” to see what it looked like.

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