Thread Number: 45605  /  Tag: Recent Vacuum Cleaners from past 20 years
Veridian canister
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Post# 471719   6/6/2024 at 19:09 by Lokisdads (Asheville, NC)        

Hello all,
I was wondering if anyone has had any experience with this vacuum. It is the same machine as the Cirrus C-VC439. This thing is definitely a Hoover Wind tunnel/Royal Lexon off shoot. It has a crappy Five foot hose(which I replaced with a Hoover wind tunnel hose.) It's a very powerful machine but has a really bad power nozzle. You can't run the machine on high on any carpet other than a really low pile. The power head nose dives and bogs down. You really have to play with the speed control on the machine and the height adjust on the nozzle to get it to work at all.I modified a power nozzle from my Eureka Europa to work on it. It does better but still bogs down a bit. I am also going to modify my EBK 360 power tube nozzle to use on it. Any thoughts/comments?

Post# 471728 , Reply# 1   6/7/2024 at 09:52 by kirbylux77 (London, Ontario, Canada)        

kirbylux77's profile picture
I have the Hoover Windtunnel version of your vacuum. There is low and medium pile carpeting in my home, and the Hoover Windtunnel powerhead seems to clean well, lift and groom the pile, and not bog down or hard to push. I would give that a try.

Post# 471733 , Reply# 2   6/7/2024 at 13:33 by Lokisdads (Asheville, NC)        

# Kirbylux77

Thanks for the tip! That had actually crossed my mind. I'm going foraging tomorrow at a local vac shop to see what I can find. Do you think drilling some holes in the top of the current nozzle above the brush roll would help?

Post# 471740 , Reply# 3   6/7/2024 at 20:29 by kirbylux77 (London, Ontario, Canada)        

kirbylux77's profile picture
I don't see how it could hurt....after all that's what Wessel Werk did to the EBK360 to make it the Soft Clean version for cleaning dense and shaggy style carpets. As long as the holes aren't too big and evenly spaced it should be fine. Don't do too many though, maybe just 2 at first....try to find a balance where it cleans the high pile/dense/shaggy carpets you have well, but still works good on low and medium pile. Remember, the tradeoff this has here is in order to relieve some pressure at the carpet to make it easier to push, you're giving up a little airflow that would normally carry dirt away.

If you want to modify your EBK360, what I would do is put a Wessel Werk EBK340 standard neck on it, and put a short powerhead cord on it to plug into the bottom of the Veridian wand. I have a Miele SEB228 powerhead I did this to, plus also added a clear lens and headlight receptacle and LED bulb in the front, so I can use it on pretty much anything I want now.

Post# 471743 , Reply# 4   6/7/2024 at 21:10 by Lokisdads (Asheville, NC)        

Thanks once again for the great info! I probably won't need to modify my EBK 360 nozzle since it is the battery powered one on a 1.25" wand. I have a lot of experimenting to do. I'm also going to look into the nozzle on the Vapomore Vento/ Prolux Terra vac. It looks like it just may work. I know where I can get my hands on the terra vac power head to try out. I definitely appreciate the tip on drilling the holes. I probably would have drilled to many and made them to big. Many thanks!

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