Thread Number: 45588  /  Tag: Small Appliances
Mixmaster beaters - HELP
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Post# 471581   6/1/2024 at 08:42 (229 days old) by FGWatson (Alabama )        

First, I love this site! I have a couple of 1950s mixers, and always thought I was a weirdo. I feel like I’ve found my people and now I’m filled with appliance envy.

Because I’m seeing mixmasters in another thread, I hope y’all can help me. My mom was a bit of a hoarder, and after she passed away, I caught my sister heading to the dumpster several times with things I had to rescue. You guessed it; I saved mom’s 60s mixmaster (and colored Pyrex and other treasures). Unfortunately, I only found one bowl and no beaters. I have been riding the mixer around in my backseat, and when a thrift store has beaters, I take it in and try them. No luck so far. (But I did replace the second bowl)

I’m hoping y’all may have some advice. If anyone is aware of a replacement beater from another brand, I’d love to know. Finding another brand of replacement beaters may be easier than finding the mixmaster brand. I figure if you have 50 amazing mixers, you would know what’s interchangeable. Also, if you own the same mixmaster, could take a pic of the beaters next to a ruler? I’m a southern woman who cooks but I had NO idea how many sizes and shapes are out there. It would help to have a visual of what I’m trying to find.

Obviously, you folks are the experts, so I’m open to any suggestions. Mom’s mixer is in the pic. Along with some of the beaters I’ve gathered during my sad quest. :-) Don’t worry, I didn’t buy them. Friends have been donating. It’s a silly sentimental thing, but the mixer works well and I hope to make it my primary. Thanks so much.

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Post# 471594 , Reply# 1   6/1/2024 at 21:29 (228 days old) by Human (Pines of Carolina)        

human's profile picture
Actually, that mixer isn't a Sunbeam Mixmaster. It's a Camfield, which was made by Dormeyer. I'm not sure what differences there may be between the two brands, but it may well have been a private label re-badge, just a Dormeyer mixer sold under a different brand. With that in mind, I'd guess the odds are probably good that Dormeyer beaters will fit it.

Post# 471696 , Reply# 2   6/5/2024 at 21:15 (224 days old) by FGWatson (Alabama )        
So much for my research skills

I’m a former journalist who doesn’t trust a news story until I see it on a couple of reputable sources. I guess it’s time to apply that to my mixer research. I know it’s Dormeyer and Camfield, but somewhere along the way, I got that the model is a mixmaster. I’ve done a ton of searches over the last year for Dormeyer/Camfield beaters with no luck. I hope someone who has a set will see this and post a picture. There has to be something compatible out there. Thank you so much for your response and the education. In the scheme of things, my mom’s mixer isn’t a big deal to anyone but me. I appreciate your time.

Post# 471710 , Reply# 3   6/6/2024 at 10:33 (224 days old) by Human (Pines of Carolina)        

human's profile picture
I'm a former journalist also, now a humanities professor. Mixmaster is a trademark of Sunbeam. I don't hear mixers generically referred to as 'mixmasters' here in the southeast, but that may be more commonn in other regions. I remember in my newspaper days, reading the trade journal 'Editor & Publisher', and almost all of the ads were from major corporations like Kimberly-Clark (Kleenex), Kraft-Heinz (Jell-0), and Coca-Cola (Coke), imploring readers not to use their trademarked names generically. And yes, here in the southeast, all carbonated soft drinks are casually called 'cokes'.

"Do you want a Coke?"
"What kind?"

Post# 471754 , Reply# 4   6/8/2024 at 14:39 (221 days old) by FGWatson (Alabama )        

I’m in Alabama, so YES to the coke thing. Do you still edit yourself in your head? If I say I need to put Kleenex on the grocery list, a voice in my head says, “tissues.” After mom died, I looked at a ton of sites, and maybe I got it wrong. Somehow mixmaster ended up in the mix (no pun intended) even though I was searching only the info found on the mixer itself. I should probably make a new post.

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