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New Kirby model !!
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Post# 471427   5/23/2024 at 02:58 (261 days old) by odavid123 (Los Angeles ca )        

odavid123's profile picture
Good morning Kirby lovers here is the new Kirby model and a link to the manual ! Enjoy 🙂


Post# 471429 , Reply# 1   5/23/2024 at 06:34 (261 days old) by Juju93 (South Georgia)        

Thank god they updated the graphics in the owners manual…. Well most of them. And it looks like some of them have some color in them and aren’t the basic black and white background. But where did you find the owners manual if Kirby hasn’t officially updated their website? It looks like they put more work into the owners manual than the actual machine itself.

Post# 471435 , Reply# 2   5/23/2024 at 08:24 (261 days old) by Kirbyg6 (York)        

kirbyg6's profile picture
Well in my opinion very disappointing I mean 5 years just for this

Post# 471436 , Reply# 3   5/23/2024 at 08:49 (261 days old) by Juju93 (South Georgia)        

I have to also agree with you on that. And what’s sadder is it’s actually 6 years. But if you look at the last page of the owners manual it says it was patten on 10/1/2020….. so I’m like what? Also the last 2 digits on the items (zippbrush, turbo accessory and shampooer, is 23. And knowing Kirby the last 2 digits on any item, with the exception of the machine itself is an indication of when it first went into production or when it was suppose to launch.

Post# 471437 , Reply# 4   5/23/2024 at 09:00 (261 days old) by dysonman1 (the county)        

dysonman1's profile picture
There will never be a new Kirby model, except color changes. It's not realistic to think there's enough sales to put the millions of dollars into tooling for a new model. Kirby's heyday is long past.

Post# 471440 , Reply# 5   5/23/2024 at 10:27 (261 days old) by Human (Pines of Carolina)        

human's profile picture
To borrow a line from a classic Who song: "Meet the new (Kirby), same as the old (Kirby)".

Post# 471444 , Reply# 6   5/23/2024 at 11:59 (261 days old) by Kirbyg6 (York)        

kirbyg6's profile picture
I mean I’m not a Dyson fan but it must so so much fun inventing all these new technologies and testing them out I just remember all the hype around the time when the avalir was going to be launched because of those crazy patents but no nothing new at all apart from the handle and shampooer

Post# 471446 , Reply# 7   5/23/2024 at 12:48 (260 days old) by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        

panasonicvac's profile picture
I already really like the new Platinum model. The grey color I think pays homage to both the G4 and Diamond Edition which are two of my most favorite tech drive models ever while black still remains the same like the G6 which I would say is my third favorite tech drive Kirby. I wished the first Avalir model was around for a bit longer as the red brings me back to the Heritage II which is my all time favorite Kirby. I liked the second Avalir model as well cause the blue brings me back to the Tradition that I used to have which I wished I still had today. If only they could've added more blue colored parts later on just like the first Avalir when it eventually had more red colored parts. Anyways, I also really like the big Kirby logo on the outer bag. It reminds me of those big Eureka logos in front of the Bravo outer bag models. Even the Oreck and Simplicity outer bags remind me of those as well. And when I think of the name Platinum on a vacuum, the first thing that pops in my head are the Panasonic Performance Plus models. Other than that, it'd be an honor to have this model as the final Kirby we'd ever see in our lifetime. But I guess we'll just see what happens.

Post# 471447 , Reply# 8   5/23/2024 at 15:54 (260 days old) by jfalberti (Visalia, CA)        
Disappointing, but not unexpected

jfalberti's profile picture
After looking over the manual for the Avalir Platinum, it is no different than the Avalir or Avalir 2 in any way except for color and trim. Although I'm sure there is a healthy price adjustment to go with it too. I have to agree with Dysonman1. We are not going to see anything new or innovative to come from Kirby. The last thing that was truly innovative (for Kirby, other makes have had it for years) was Tech Drive in the G3, Everything after that, besides trim and color change, was tweaks and bug fixes for the Tech Drive through the Sentria II. Avalir introduced the improved shampoo and hard surface cleaner, which is a very nice improvement. To be honest, the Shampoo system from the Avalir will work on any Kirby model G5 forward, so technically, you could upgrade the tech drive in your current G series Kirby and buy the Avalir floor cleaning system and have the best of all that Kirby has made over the last 30 years.

Post# 471448 , Reply# 9   5/23/2024 at 18:28 (260 days old) by juju93 (South Georgia)        

Dyson's wash G1 looks more intresting than this "new" kirby. Looking at it from a comsumers perspective, that device is more useful than a G-series kirby. I know I've said this before but the ms3 is very gemicky. Like I wouldn't want to use a kirby to mop and scrub my floors, especially given how bulky and loud it is. Now with the new dyson wash g1, that would be more user friendly to use to mop and scrub floors. I also have to laugh because when viewing the owners manual they still demonstrate the system vacuuming stairs. Last I check I wouldn't use a kirby to vacuum my stairs. Like how would my risers even get cleaned and then not mention the cord. The only thing that impressed me what the owners manual itslef, yes not all the graphics where updated from the previous models but those that were aren't in black in white like the sentria-avalir2. Like some of the graphics could come off social media or the web. Nonetheless I'm curious to see how this will sell in the market place and also how long it'll be in production. I mean the longest I've seen a kirby be in production is 6 years, both of which were the sentria and the avalir 2.

Post# 471449 , Reply# 10   5/23/2024 at 18:44 (260 days old) by Kirbyg6 (York)        

kirbyg6's profile picture
Yep even I like the wash G1 more than this all the neat technology That Dyson has made into one little machine very cool

Post# 471450 , Reply# 11   5/23/2024 at 19:21 (260 days old) by juju93 (South Georgia)        

Depending on the price or the reviews, also the cost, I may get it. I've been use to using swiffer mops my life and the most recent swiffer "power mop"(the white and purple one) isn't doing it for me. In fact that one was a flop of a mop and stop working within a few months. So since then I've been using the bona mops and I like it better than swiffer. And now that dyson is coming out with this, yes it has potential.... More than the ms3 on any kirby.

Post# 471451 , Reply# 12   5/23/2024 at 19:45 (260 days old) by huskyvacs (Gnaw Bone, IN)        

huskyvacs's profile picture

The China virus and the superceding bankruptcy of Kirby likely delayed the arrival of this vacuum. Hence why the manual says patented 2020 and it's now 4 years later. The last page of the manual is copyright 2023 Kirby Opco.

We at least have closure now. And really did you expect anything else from Kirby? The entire G-Series was the exact same model year over year with just a different color palette and everyone still went nuts for each new model.

I don't really hate the design, it's plain for sure, harkens back to the old old days when a vacuum was just chrome with black trim and it had the name printed on it and that was all you got!

Post# 471452 , Reply# 13   5/23/2024 at 19:47 (260 days old) by Human (Pines of Carolina)        

human's profile picture
As much as I love my Kirbys, I definitely won't be lining up to buy an Avalir Platinum. Why? Because I already own one. Mine just happens to have a different color scheme--Sentria gray and orange--and I only paid $50 for it, accessories and all. Why would I, or anyone, shell out a couple grand for the same thing in black and silver? Honestly, we reached a point of 'peak Kirby' three decades ago. The fact that Kirby hasn't been able to meaningfully improve on that design in so long would indicate to me that they really can't top it. They've evolved the original upright vacuum cleaner design for more than a century, and have reached its logical conclusion with no place left to go without creating something that would fundamentally not be a Kirby. In short, they're stuck.

Post# 471453 , Reply# 14   5/23/2024 at 21:54 (260 days old) by juju93 (South Georgia)        


I found this article online from a few years ago and to me it contradicts a lot of things. Also when I went to the actual kirby site to see any new updates pertaining this new model nothing, not even a link to the owners manual, But yet the link at the top of the thread is from the kirby website. So how did you get it to work for you on the kirby site?

Post# 471457 , Reply# 15   5/23/2024 at 23:01 (260 days old) by Lesinutah (Utah)        

lesinutah's profile picture
Thinking the kirby independent dealer app/web site. It would give access and knowledge to people selling it.

Post# 471467 , Reply# 16   5/24/2024 at 18:15 (259 days old) by UniversalDave1 (Gardendale, AL)        
100 more years

universaldave1's profile picture
The article says "we want to be around for the next hundred years." Why? So we can get to see the Avalir Titanium IV Plus Ultra Final Collectors Edition in some slightly different shade of grey? I agree with Tom. I don't we'll ever see a new Kirby. There will never be another groundbreaking model like the G3 was compared to the Legend II and that's disheartening.

Post# 471474 , Reply# 17   5/25/2024 at 00:15 (259 days old) by AmtrakSebo1997 (Vacmasterthegreats basement)        

amtraksebo1997's profile picture
"That's it? THAT'S the new Kirby model?! THAT WAS JUST AN AVALIR IN BLACK!"

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Post# 471475 , Reply# 18   5/25/2024 at 02:07 (259 days old) by Kirbyg6 (York)        

kirbyg6's profile picture
Just wait until till the avalir infinity comes out everything is going to be black even the power plant is black only joking I’m sticking with my 100th addition avalir don’t see the point of upgrading

Post# 471477 , Reply# 19   5/25/2024 at 07:32 (259 days old) by Juju93 (South Georgia)        

I wonder if anyone in the company let alone right lane industries reads these blogs and think to themselves, “damn these people are right”. I’m curious to see how long and how well this system will sell. This along with the other avalir models are the joke models. I’m curious to see how distributors who still do in home demos are going to sell it to people who already own the prior versions of the avalir. That’s gonna be a downfall for them. I also see the inflated prices on Kirby’s website for the avalir 2 and its different package offerings and the prices are definitely much higher compare to what they use to cost. I know inflation cost things to have gone up but the cost of it currently for either package set up is insane. I mean unless that’s including the cost of shipping it as well. I mean I know door to door people hiked it up back in the day because they were adding their commissions on top of the cost, but buying it online, has me wondering if their adding the cost of shipping built into the “retail price”.

Post# 471478 , Reply# 20   5/25/2024 at 07:33 (259 days old) by AmtrakSebo1997 (Vacmasterthegreats basement)        

amtraksebo1997's profile picture
I've just received word from Kirby themselves. They say in 87 years they're gonna make the Avalir '87 edition. Here's a pre-production picture. You could say that the Avalir tooling "always comes back."

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Post# 471481 , Reply# 21   5/25/2024 at 10:53 (259 days old) by Kirbyg6 (York)        

kirbyg6's profile picture
You see I actually quite like that if they just got rid of the boring black colour scheme and did something like that I would probably get one

Post# 471482 , Reply# 22   5/25/2024 at 12:12 (258 days old) by AmtrakSebo1997 (Vacmasterthegreats basement)        

amtraksebo1997's profile picture
Well, here ya' go.

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Post# 471483 , Reply# 23   5/25/2024 at 12:44 (258 days old) by Kirbyg6 (York)        

kirbyg6's profile picture
It just looks so coool in my opinion

Post# 471486 , Reply# 24   5/25/2024 at 15:42 (258 days old) by Kirbyg6 (York)        

kirbyg6's profile picture
I’m already looking forward to seeing the next one lol 😂

Post# 471493 , Reply# 25   5/25/2024 at 18:50 (258 days old) by kirbylux77 (London, Ontario, Canada)        

kirbylux77's profile picture
Hey, Right Lane Industries - if you're reading this, take note:

When you get LONG discussions on a vacuum collector forum and people mocking and ridiculing your present design by colouring in and making fun of current promotional photos, or you see mocking cartoons or drawings - it's time to design and bring out a new model :P


Post# 471497 , Reply# 26   5/26/2024 at 06:35 (258 days old) by Juju93 (South Georgia)        

What really gets me is that this model was patented back in 2020 according to the owners manual and well right lane industries didn’t acquire Kirby till 2021. So under Scott fetzer this model name was patented. It’s also funny how they did away with mentioning other products like bags, shampoo and other solutions like they’ve done towards the last few pages the manual. I’m curious to see if they’ll update the how to videos on the site/youtube. They can only milk the black color scheme for so long before the have to move onto a new color.

Post# 471503 , Reply# 27   5/26/2024 at 11:03 (258 days old) by UniversalDave1 (Gardendale, AL)        

universaldave1's profile picture
Maybe they call themselves "Right Lane Industries" because they're stuck going 55 in the slow lane when the rest of the industry is going 90 in the left lane with spectacular advancements.

Post# 471505 , Reply# 28   5/26/2024 at 11:06 (258 days old) by RainbowD4C (Saint Joseph, Michigan )        

rainbowd4c's profile picture
I have the Avalir Second Generation Black and Blue and I love it. I use it pretty often, but still revert back to my Rainbow or Aerus Classic. But they still can't make any improvements. At least with Rainbow they find ways to improve the model.

Post# 471508 , Reply# 29   5/26/2024 at 14:32 (257 days old) by Kirbyg6 (York)        

kirbyg6's profile picture
It just seems like Kirby is only bothered about the colour not the actual machine it’s self yes the avalir had a new handle and shampooer but that’s what have improved over the last 10 years absolutely nothing

Post# 471525 , Reply# 30   5/28/2024 at 00:10 (256 days old) by tolivac (Greenville,NC)        

My new Kirby Platinum is paid for and on order-The salesman is from Atlanta-Been buying from him for 20yrs!He struck me a good deal.He has many other Kirbys and Royals(trade ins) so this will be a start for my NEW vacuum collectionThe new vacs I have are a Riccar Supralite upright and a Simplicity Brio canister.The rental house came with a green Kenmore canister with a powernozzle.Haven't tried this yet.The furniture rental left me with a Bagless Eurika-this is in the far corner of the closet.

Post# 471561 , Reply# 31   5/30/2024 at 22:09 (253 days old) by juju93 (South Georgia)

Post# 471564 , Reply# 32   5/31/2024 at 10:36 (253 days old) by Kirbyg6 (York)        

kirbyg6's profile picture
Still not a fan it just looks to plain and boring nothing exciting about it

Post# 471585 , Reply# 33   6/1/2024 at 09:38 (252 days old) by dysonman1 (the county)        

dysonman1's profile picture
The Kirby salesman in our area has the Platinum model, and has sold a fair number already. I actually like it better than the Avalir 2, with its big bruise "K" on the bag. I noticed Kirby is not a division of Scott and Fetzer but rather Kirby Operating Company LLC.

Post# 471589 , Reply# 34   6/1/2024 at 14:20 (251 days old) by Kirbyg6 (York)        

kirbyg6's profile picture
Hi dysonman1 yeah I agree I think someone must of been having a bad day or totally drunk when they thought that was a good idea I think the bag is my favourite bit about the new model I just find the rest of it boring

Post# 471620 , Reply# 35   6/3/2024 at 08:10 (250 days old) by KirbyCollector (Columbus Ohio USA)        

kirbycollector's profile picture
I genuinely like the way the Avalir Platinum looks. The bag looks cool. The grey zip tie around the emtor looks good. It does look very nice, despite being another minor color change. I prefer the gorgeous Electric Blue on the Avalir 2, but I like the bag design on the platinum a lot better.

Post# 471637 , Reply# 36   6/3/2024 at 17:52 (249 days old) by Lesinutah (Utah)        

lesinutah's profile picture
Nothing did you see the avalir x has purple zip tie.

Post# 471639 , Reply# 37   6/3/2024 at 20:18 (249 days old) by juju93 (South Georgia)        

I'm more hyped for the dyson wash g1 than a kirby at this point.... and its more useful than a kirby.

Post# 471642 , Reply# 38   6/4/2024 at 11:07 (249 days old) by Kirbyg6 (York)        

kirbyg6's profile picture
I like the Dyson wash G1 but how is it more useful than a Kirby

Post# 471648 , Reply# 39   6/4/2024 at 15:39 (248 days old) by Lesinutah (Utah)        

lesinutah's profile picture
Makes an aerodynamic door stop. If you swing your door fast enough you'll get a cyclone of air. I think that's how Dorothy got taken away from Kansas.

Post# 471652 , Reply# 40   6/4/2024 at 18:23 (248 days old) by BrownVacuum1987 (Illinois, United States)        
Would rather have a Refresh than total Kirby extinction

While it is a simple color change, I am interested in someone managing to put this new model on an airflow box to see how the CFM numbers compare to previous Sentria II & Avalir's 1 & 2. The airflow numbers steadily got higher with each new model or "color change".
Kirby calling it the "Avalir Platinum" with that color scheme reminds me of a certain Aerus vacuum...
At least they are still made in the US (as far as I am aware anyway) unlike Aerus Electrolux today.

Better to have a repairable refresh that has parts readily available than a new unfixable machine, it is still better than anything you can find at Wal-Mart. The last decent Wal-Mart vacuums I can remember were either the Hoover Windtunnel Anniversaries or the Bissell PowerForce 1739.

Post# 471654 , Reply# 41   6/4/2024 at 20:50 (248 days old) by juju93 (South Georgia)        

The wash g1 in my opinion is more user friendly than using the ms3 to clean hard surface floors. It looks more maneuverable to get around and could probably fit in tight corners that the ms3 can't, such as under beds and behind the toilets in the bathrooms.

Post# 471683 , Reply# 42   6/5/2024 at 12:33 (247 days old) by KirbyCollector (Columbus Ohio USA)        
Saw this video on Facebook:

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Post# 471701 , Reply# 43   6/5/2024 at 22:51 (247 days old) by Lesinutah (Utah)        

lesinutah's profile picture
That handle is sweet but that bag looks like a sift version of the bags on supralites etc. I'm not feeling the bag at all.

Post# 471703 , Reply# 44   6/6/2024 at 08:15 (247 days old) by jfalberti (Visalia, CA)        
I'll pass on this one

jfalberti's profile picture
since I just bought my new Avalir 2. I really like the blue trim on this model, but then again I guess I would since I have a lot of fond memories of the Tradition.

Post# 471722 , Reply# 45   6/6/2024 at 21:58 (246 days old) by Kirbyman65 (USA)        
The way of Kirby

kirbyman65's profile picture
They change few things and call it “new” still nice to see a slight upgrade from the Avilr 2

Post# 471729 , Reply# 46   6/7/2024 at 11:16 (246 days old) by Dysonman1 (the county)        

dysonman1's profile picture
I love it. Just got one from our Kirby salesman in our area.

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Post# 471745 , Reply# 47   6/8/2024 at 00:04 (245 days old) by tolivac (Greenville,NC)        

Link doesn't work and requires setting up an account-no thanks.My Kirby Platinum is supposed to be delivored Thursday of next week along with other vacuums from the Kirby Dist that I have dealt with for 20yrs.I am anxious to receive this new model.

Post# 471751 , Reply# 48   6/8/2024 at 10:42 (245 days old) by jscarlato (Clairton, PA)        
Just curious . . .

Except for the design of the bag, this model doesn't look a whole lot different than the Avalir. So, Dysonman1, what is it about this model that makes you say you love it? Is it the bag design, or is it how the unit as a whole meets the eye?
Just curious before I go tal to my Kirby dealer.

Post# 471756 , Reply# 49   6/8/2024 at 15:46 (244 days old) by Kirbyg6 (York)        

kirbyg6's profile picture
What I want to know is when will they update their website about this boring looking new model

Post# 471790 , Reply# 50   6/10/2024 at 19:56 (242 days old) by jfalberti (Visalia, CA)        

jfalberti's profile picture
Kirby probably has a stock pile of Avalir 2s they want to sell before they offer the Platinum online. According to the website, the multifloor kit for the Avalir 2 is out of stock.

Post# 471798 , Reply# 51   6/11/2024 at 09:40 (242 days old) by dysonman1 (the county)        

dysonman1's profile picture
People have asked to see the back of the new Platinum.

I will say, after vacuuming my home with it this past weekend, the transmission is silent and so smooth. Even more 'gentle' with regard to shifting, then even the Avalir 2.

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Post# 471807 , Reply# 52   6/11/2024 at 13:36 (241 days old) by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        

panasonicvac's profile picture
Based on the colors up close, this would be a great companion vacuum with the Rainbow E2 Black which I wish they were still selling today. I think Rexair has went downhill ever since the release of the SRX model. I'd much rather buy a Avalir Platinum over a SRX.

Post# 471820 , Reply# 53   6/11/2024 at 19:55 (241 days old) by Lesinutah (Utah)        

lesinutah's profile picture
Avalir platinum over an srx isnt fair.
Avalir 2 vs the black rainbow is alot better comparison.
I'd myself like my avalir 2 quite a bit. This past weekend I used it quite a bit and it's transmission is smooth and it cleans deep very well. The zipp tool on the hose hmmight have the most suction out of any electric or non electric vacuum I've used including my patriot and proteam.
Did I say I'm not a fan of the bag yet?

Post# 471821 , Reply# 54   6/11/2024 at 20:29 (241 days old) by juju93 (South Georgia)        
what ive notice

On this new platinum model I've notice several accent colors and those are the grey on the bag and emptor zip tie as well as the white on the power switch and drive transmition and black on some of the attachment pieces, such as the suction control grip, the dial on the sprayer and the elbow hose on the ms3 and normally those accent colors would be the same as the overall accent color scheme, unless kirby realized they used grey and back on accent pieces in the past (g6).

Post# 471844 , Reply# 55   6/13/2024 at 13:48 (239 days old) by Human (Pines of Carolina)        
DIY Platinum...

human's profile picture
I think I unwittingly managed to turn one of my Gsix machines into a Platinum clone when I was fixing it up. I was determined not to overspend on parts, so I used whatever I had on hand or could find cost-effectively online. I ended up with a charcoal gray G4 bag and a contrasting black zip tie from the trashed Gsix bag, and who knew I was being so trendy when the only bag release button I could find was a white one for a G3? It further begs the question of why shell out for a new Platinum when you can just build your own facsimile?

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Post# 471847 , Reply# 56   6/13/2024 at 18:45 (239 days old) by KirbyCollector (Columbus Ohio USA)        
Not the Platinum

kirbycollector's profile picture
But I wanted to show this 2019 Avalir 2 that I got recently. Eventually, I hope to have a Platinum to put alongside this one.

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Post# 471924 , Reply# 57   6/17/2024 at 15:26 (235 days old) by kirby519 (Wisconsin)        

Sweet !!! The vacuum gods heard my prayers. The tried and true is still in the game.

Post# 471925 , Reply# 58   6/17/2024 at 15:42 (235 days old) by mark40511 (Lexington, KY)        

mark40511's profile picture
I love that blue bag in the last's a beautiful machine. I've always wanted a Kirby....I know I can't get a new one but I see quite a few older ones on Ebay that have been refurbished and look NEW...but I have no clue which one to get or how much should be spent on one.

My grandma had one in the 90s...and my cousin down the road bought one from the same salesman that sold it to my grandma...

I was always so put off by them because of filtration but I don't think that's an issue with them now... with the HEPA bags.

Post# 471933 , Reply# 59   6/17/2024 at 20:35 (235 days old) by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        

panasonicvac's profile picture
Saw one brand new on Facebook Marketplace for $3000.

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Post# 471935 , Reply# 60   6/17/2024 at 22:09 (235 days old) by mark40511 (Lexington, KY)        

mark40511's profile picture
Isn't the MSRP like $1300?

Post# 471941 , Reply# 61   6/17/2024 at 23:39 (235 days old) by tolivac (Greenville,NC)        

Looked on the Kirby website and not a single word or picture of the Platinum edition.Still has the Avalir2.You can order the #2 from their website for $2500.My Platinum is coming at some point have to get back to the dist in Atlanta when thatt will be.Other Kirbys and Royals,too He has a truckload of machines and things for me.

Post# 471947 , Reply# 62   6/18/2024 at 16:29 (234 days old) by mark40511 (Lexington, KY)        

mark40511's profile picture
I learned something today that shocked me about Kirby's... I know that they have used HEPA bags for a while and the filtration is really good in that department...but they literally don't have a filter for carbon dust? That kind of blows my mind.

Post# 471948 , Reply# 63   6/18/2024 at 16:44 (234 days old) by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        

panasonicvac's profile picture
They used to have a filter for the carbon dust on the G3 but they later took it out.

Post# 471955 , Reply# 64   6/18/2024 at 23:56 (234 days old) by tolivac (Greenville,NC)        

I don't worry about carbon dust from brushed universal and rectified PM motors in appliances.These don't run continously so the dust isn't a problem.In your household you are sorrounded by appliances that have brush motors.No need to worry.

Post# 472035 , Reply# 65   6/22/2024 at 18:34 (230 days old) by kirby519 (Wisconsin)        

They seem to be stuck on Grey and black these last few models.

Or is this a Henry Ford thing. You can have it in any color you want as long as it is black.

Post# 472037 , Reply# 66   6/22/2024 at 18:40 (230 days old) by mark40511 (Lexington, KY)        

mark40511's profile picture
I actually like the way they have the word KIRBY going down the bag...

I really really want one of these... I think my berber would love it.... but not for $3000 or 2500

Post# 472038 , Reply# 67   6/22/2024 at 21:10 (230 days old) by Gottahaveahoove (Pittston, Pennsylvania, 18640)        
Those tools are all plastic!

gottahaveahoove's profile picture

I have a tradition I'd love to sell. I have a red one, blue one, tools for the blue one, ND oldctools in the box for, I think a sanitronic. I'd love to part with them.

Post# 472039 , Reply# 68   6/22/2024 at 21:11 (230 days old) by Gottahaveahoove (Pittston, Pennsylvania, 18640)        
1 is a

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Tradition, one a heritage.   I'd forgotten their names. As you all know. Kirby is not my thing

Post# 472066 , Reply# 69   6/23/2024 at 23:43 (229 days old) by tolivac (Greenville,NC)        

Now have 2 Avalir2 and Platinum on order.Also two NSS M1 on order-Just wanted the vacuumed I missed most.

Post# 472069 , Reply# 70   6/24/2024 at 04:24 (229 days old) by mark40511 (Lexington, KY)        

mark40511's profile picture
OMG.... you just randomly ordered 2 brand new Kirby's?

Post# 472070 , Reply# 71   6/24/2024 at 06:39 (229 days old) by tolivac (Greenville,NC)        

Yes and the 2 NSS M1 This will be of of the vacuums for awhile.

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