Thread Number: 45566  /  Tag: Brand New Vacuum Cleaners
Looking for information about Kenmore Elite uprights
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Post# 471418   5/22/2024 at 18:47 by UniversalDave1 (Gardendale, AL)        

universaldave1's profile picture
I'm considering adding a Kenmore Elite bagged upright to my collection, it looks to be a unique and interesting machine and cleans well from what I've heard. There are two models I'm considering but I can't tell what the difference is. One is readily available on Amazon for $299, but the other is only available thru other websites, such as Home Depot and costs $329. The $299 model has a traditional Sears model number 125.31150610, while the more expensive model is a BU1018. Does anyone have these machines in their collections and know if there are any significant differences besides the color change?

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Post# 471445 , Reply# 1   5/23/2024 at 12:15 by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        
From my understanding

panasonicvac's profile picture
They're both the same.

Post# 471471 , Reply# 2   5/24/2024 at 22:28 by fan-of-fans (USA)        

fan-of-fans's profile picture
I agree, they are the same. From what I remember hearing, the different colors and model number was done when Kenmore vacuums started being sold at other retailers than Sears, to prevent people trying to return them or get warranty repairs thru Sears.

But that doesn’t explain why Amazon one’s have the same colors and model number.

But yes, same machines, made by Cleva.

Post# 471476 , Reply# 3   5/25/2024 at 07:18 by Lokisdads (Asheville, NC)        
Kenmore Elite uprights

It is my understanding that there is a direct drive model and a standard model without the drive system. I really can't tell from the images. Personally, I think I would prefer the standard model. It may be worth looking in to.

Post# 471492 , Reply# 4   5/25/2024 at 18:44 by kirbylux77 (London, Ontario, Canada)        

kirbylux77's profile picture
Both those models are the Direct Drive models. You can tell because the spot on the body where the headlight would go on the standard model has a solid piece of plastic, as the headlights are mounted in the front of the powerhead in the bumper.

However, to anyone considering buying the Direct Drive models, be warned - these models are NOTORIOUS for developing issues with the powerhead wiring and the powerhead motors burning out! And from recent Amazon reviews, Cleva's customer service helping people out isn't exactly the world's greatest. You're actually better off getting the standard model - it uses a ordinary powerhead motor, Poly V belt and brushroll, the standard design most Dual Motor Direct Air uprights use, far more reliable and simple. Sure, the powerhead isn't quite as aggressive, but it still works very well, just as well as most uprights, and the headlight is mounted on the body instead of in the powerhead bumper at the front - small sacrifices to make, and the benefit is you gain long term reliability.

Clayton, if you buy one of these uprights, I would suggest going on Ebay or searching vac shops to see if you can find a Kenmore/Panasonic extension hose. These uprights are notorious for having short hoses and hard to use for attachment use, so it would ensure your long term satisfaction with the vacuum.

Post# 471496 , Reply# 5   5/25/2024 at 21:13 by Blackheart (North Dakota)        

blackheart's profile picture
So that model with the pink trim advertises itself as a three motor vacuum. I'm not too familiar with the inner workings of those direct drive brushes, was it normal for them to have 2 motors inside the roller?

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Post# 471527 , Reply# 6   5/28/2024 at 01:25 by repairman (Woodridge, IL)        

All of these have the dual motor brushroll. I always see one motor burned out and the brushroll vibrates like crazy.

Post# 471534 , Reply# 7   5/28/2024 at 13:48 by EvolutionClean1 (Nampa, Idaho)        
In spite of

The newer models not being built as well, the direct drive concept is still kinda neat. I found a drive motor and gearbox for the old purple Progressive, what a monster 😂 the motor is rated at 170V DC with a planetary transmission. The old ones had a ridiculous amount of torque and even though they weren't the most durable, mine is probably one of the most powerful cleaners in my collection. Dyson uses a similar setup in the new models but it's not quite as good I think.

If you find one of the new Kenmores for a good price, it's worth a try!

Post# 471544 , Reply# 8   5/29/2024 at 12:05 by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        

panasonicvac's profile picture
That dual brush motor was introduced when the green Intuition Inducer Motor upright was released. It's designed where the brushroll will spin backwards if you pull it back on carpets. A neat idea but unfortunately it's more problematic. In fact I just saw one of those green Intuition uprights at my local thrift store recently and I really wanted it but had to pass on it because the brushroll wasn't working at all even after hitting the brushroll reset button. That's one of the reasons why I don't personally care about belt less direct drive machines, I love them on washers but just not on vacuums. It's overall better off to get a Kenmore 31140 or a BU1005 that uses a lifetime belt instead.

Post# 471553 , Reply# 9   5/30/2024 at 17:23 by mark40511 (Lexington, KY)        

mark40511's profile picture
According to vaclab.... these are not recommended (either version I assume) for low pile carpets... like berber... I was watching one of his videos about them... I think he noticed the brushroll spins extremely slow compared to other vacuums... even though it has tremendous suction... I think it did really well on regular pile carpet.. but the version he was working with I believe was the direct drive (not the belt) so I don't know if the brushroll has the same slower RPM as the belt version?

Post# 471554 , Reply# 10   5/30/2024 at 17:26 by EvolutionClean1 (Nampa, Idaho)        
I am enjoying

My new Intuition upright, I wasn't sure if I'd keep it but ended up putting it through its paces cleaning my dad's house. He hadn't vacuumed in a while and when I tell you I was blown away 🤣 the bag fill indicator light is too cool and the lift off feature was great for getting thick dust off of the furnace return. Don't love the 3 in 1 tool though lol
Altogether it feels and looks like a Shark if they'd put more effort into the overall design. Plus it's bagged so it will always have the edge!
I did have to modify a hose to replace the lower one on it but for 13 bucks I'm not complaining. Time will tell how long it holds up, but so far I am very pleased.

Post# 471556 , Reply# 11   5/30/2024 at 18:51 by Lesinutah (Utah)        

lesinutah's profile picture
I got the silver model for free yeaterday. I'm waiting on bags filter and bypass hose otherwise it's in great shape.
I plan to sell it but I might use it for a little bit see how I like it.

Post# 471557 , Reply# 12   5/30/2024 at 19:30 by mark40511 (Lexington, KY)        

mark40511's profile picture
Good to hear you're loving your intution. I often wonder about them.. I used to have a similar shark but hate bagless. I used that thing for 4 years... Question... does the bag chamber stay clean and does it have a good seal? One thing that I can't stand is seeing any dust in the bag chamber of a vacuum especially if using HEPA bags. Thanks

Post# 471559 , Reply# 13   5/30/2024 at 20:44 by EvolutionClean1 (Nampa, Idaho)        

It definitely does! There's a robust gasket on the bag collar and it seals over the inlet very securely. You may get a tiny little bit of dust that can fall off of the inlet when you remove the bag, but it don't leak. Even after the heavy clean at my dad's the bag chamber was spotless! Far far better than Shark could ever hope with their sealed systems. Bagless machines will just inherently leak from any of the gaps along the cyclone, bin, and just about anything that could leak

Post# 471572 , Reply# 14   5/31/2024 at 16:53 by mark40511 (Lexington, KY)        

mark40511's profile picture
I remember back when I had a there were many reports of the hose that runs up from the pn cracking... although I never had that issue in 4 years of having my shark....I can totally see this happening... I wonder if it's an easy repair if it does? I doubt it..

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Post# 471574 , Reply# 15   5/31/2024 at 17:23 by EvolutionClean1 (Nampa, Idaho)        
It's actually

Very easy. I used a section of hose from a Hoover cordless upright on mine, it has a lot more slack on it so it'll probably hold up longer. All you have to do is push the tabs out from where the hose goes into the neck of the power head, then unscrew it from the base of the head. Twist the new one in and push the connector back into the neck! The replacements are available here...

CLICK HERE TO GO TO EvolutionClean1's LINK

Post# 471600 , Reply# 16   6/1/2024 at 21:56 by Lesinutah (Utah)        

lesinutah's profile picture
Bypass hose on my free model is in the mail. The vacuum with good bags and filters actually is surprisingly good. I think the ex really motor foe the brushroll is overkill on electronics but it's a beast make no mistake.

Post# 471658 , Reply# 17   6/4/2024 at 21:12 by fan-of-fans (USA)        

fan-of-fans's profile picture
I remember those older green Intuitjons with the dual brushroll motors, I’ve yet to come across one while thrifting, nor have I come across the newer Shark like version.

I did see a silver Elite upright at Goodwill recently, I was tempted but I got an Elitw canister that was there instead.

I do really like the older Progressive direct drives, I have a teal bagged one and purple bagless one. The bagless one I don’t care for as much due to the older style filter setup, but it’s kind of nostalgic as a friends mom had one for quite a while. I may not be keep in that one, I need to downsize!

Post# 471671 , Reply# 18   6/5/2024 at 00:32 by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        

panasonicvac's profile picture
I don't think it'd be much of a loss if you got rid of your purple or even the teal one. As much as I love the looks of them, they too were also problematic. They have so much wiring and circuitry inside, it's like why do they need to have them? I remember my buddy when he owned his vacuum shop where he tried to repair one of them cause the suction motor wasn't working but the brushroll motor was. He had a board from another machine he swapped out of but when he went to test it out, pop. It's like those machines were never made to be serviced. I don't think there was ever such a thing as a bad Panasonic vacuum but if I had say what were the worst ones they've ever built, it probably would've been those two. I still think they were decent performing cleaners, in fact I had one that out cleaned my Kirby G4. But I would've NEVER bought one back in the day, as a collector yes but as a consumer no.

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