Thread Number: 45544  /  Tag: 80s/90s Vacuum Cleaners
Robot Hoover Junior Clone
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Post# 471244   5/13/2024 at 14:47 by repairman (Woodridge, IL)        

I have just come into one of these from a vac shop basement and it is missing the fan. Would a genuine Hoover Junior fan work in one of these. I don't want to buy one and find out it doesn't fit.

Post# 471245 , Reply# 1   5/13/2024 at 16:54 by kirbylux77 (London, Ontario, Canada)        

kirbylux77's profile picture
Mike, good luck in getting the Robot upright fixed.

Ya know, I have found that machine fascinating since Kirbyloverdan posted in his thread years ago that he had one! I have to wonder why it was so short lived? One would think with it being a Hoover Junior clone, and how popular and well regarded it was, that the Robot would have sold like hotcakes and done well.

Post# 471246 , Reply# 2   5/13/2024 at 17:39 by EvolutionClean1 (Nampa, Idaho)        
I would love

To see a picture of this machine! I remember seeing a Robot Millennium water vac for sale locally years ago, should have grabbed it

Post# 471250 , Reply# 3   5/13/2024 at 23:00 by kirbylux77 (London, Ontario, Canada)        

kirbylux77's profile picture
Jake Stockinger, I don't think the company behind the Robot water filtration canister vacuum and the one who made the Robot upright are the same. I remember the logo used on the Robot upright is different than the one on the Robot canister.

Post# 471251 , Reply# 4   5/14/2024 at 00:18 by EvolutionClean1 (Nampa, Idaho)        

Wasn't sure, but would still like to see the machine in question

Post# 471280 , Reply# 5   5/16/2024 at 09:32 by repairman (Woodridge, IL)        

It appears a good design was ruined by low quality plastics. That's probably why they never survived. The top cover is so flimsy, I feel like it would shatter just by looking at it. It's like comparing the Regina Housekeeper to the Electrolux uprights of the day.

The switch broke, so I replaced it with a genuine Hoover part hence the red button instead of the gray one.

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Post# 471281 , Reply# 6   5/16/2024 at 12:36 by Lesinutah (Utah)        

lesinutah's profile picture
I'm not hoover lover but that is a slick lookin machine.

Post# 472274 , Reply# 7   7/5/2024 at 23:29 by repairman (Woodridge, IL)        
Finally have an update on this oddity.

2 months ago, I placed an order for 3 metal Junior fans on eBay and the seller shipped ones for to fit a Model 63. Turns out they never had the right ones even though there was a picture of them at some point. I recently went to the Henry Company in Indiana to purchase some parts and found the correct fan in a box of uncategorized things. Steve saves the day once again! The unit is finally back together and running. I'll post pictures later this week.

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