Thread Number: 45535  /  Tag: Wanted to Buy Items
Bissell Digi Pro
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Post# 471200   5/10/2024 at 09:58 by Lokisdads (Asheville, NC)        

Hello all!
I am looking to find a Bissell Digi Pro wand and power nozzle. I thought the ones from my Samsung Quiet Storm would work but they won't fit. I hope someone can hook me up!

Post# 471211 , Reply# 1   5/11/2024 at 01:08 by Lesinutah (Utah)        

lesinutah's profile picture
Do believe if you find a kenmore it would work. It sure looks like a kenmore cannister to me. I'd say panasonic too but kenmore is what you need.

Post# 471214 , Reply# 2   5/11/2024 at 06:09 by Lokisdads (Asheville, NC)        
Bissell Digi Pro

Thanks for the tip, but Kenmore won't work. Kenmore plastic wands from their uprights do work because they are what I call a reverse 1.25 taper( the small end goes in to the hose and the larger end goes to the attachments)However, the metal wands and power nozzles don't do that. The machine was built by Samsung. It actually uses the Samsung bags. Older Hoover wands sort of work but the locking mechanism isn't quite compatible. I'll keep playing with it; and see what I can come up with.
Many Thanks!

Post# 471223 , Reply# 3   5/11/2024 at 13:49 by Lesinutah (Utah)        

lesinutah's profile picture
Panasonicvac or the guy from South Dakota would know.

Post# 473000 , Reply# 4   8/28/2024 at 23:09 by Durango159 (State College, PA)        

durango159's profile picture
Someone just posted for a brand new DigiPro power head. Check the SuperMarket thread again.

Post# 473006 , Reply# 5   8/29/2024 at 01:19 by EvolutionClean1 (Nampa, Idaho)        
That new power head

Was posted by me! I don't remember who purchased it, though

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