Thread Number: 45254  /  Tag: 80s/90s Vacuum Cleaners
Hoover Dimension in Red
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Post# 468761   1/16/2024 at 21:08 (260 days old) by hohojojo (USA)        

hohojojo's profile picture
Been a long time reader but never really posted! Just sharing a pic of a Hoover Dimension I picked up today. It’s my first Elite style machine. While it was pretty dirty, the fan seems to be in good shape and neither of the motor brackets were cracked. The brush roll bearings came back to life with some cleaning and greasing. It is a very loud machine but not in the unpleasant high pitched way of some newer cleaners. The main motor bearings do need to be greased but aren’t too far gone yet either. I do have the hose but I am missing all but an extension wand as far as accessories go. I suppose they will come with time. Just as an FYI, the Dirt Devil Style 4/5 belts seem to work decently well on this machine. Had to find something close at Wal-Mart for testing ha!

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Post# 468764 , Reply# 1   1/16/2024 at 22:26 (260 days old) by Eureka1998 (New York )        
Hold onto this!!!!!

eureka1998's profile picture
For a first Elite find you struck some gold! Thats IMO is one of the rarest Elites out there. A super elusive machine. I saw one like that at Walmart EONS ago, and the translucent red looks really nice!

Post# 468843 , Reply# 2   1/21/2024 at 07:47 (256 days old) by convertible18 (Utica, New York, USA)        

convertible18's profile picture
I have one similar - the Breathe Easy one. Eureka1998, have any information on mine?

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Post# 468857 , Reply# 3   1/21/2024 at 16:02 (255 days old) by huskyvacs (Gnaw Bone, Indiana)        

huskyvacs's profile picture

Wow what a rare find for a first post! You're holding out on us!

Post# 468861 , Reply# 4   1/21/2024 at 20:36 (255 days old) by Eureka1998 (New York )        

eureka1998's profile picture
That one is pretty elusive too! Definitely among the more uncommon with the preferred bag housing and the caddy vac powerhead. Most likely sold around the same time as the Dimension above so circa 2002-2003. One of the very last elites with the 12 amp motor before they were discontinued altogether from residential use in 2004.

Post# 468867 , Reply# 5   1/21/2024 at 21:58 (255 days old) by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        

panasonicvac's profile picture
I've used one of those red Breathe Easys before brand new at a neighbor's beach house down in California before during Easter of 2003. It replaced the blue soft guard bagless twin chamber that I was told broke. Kind of a fan machine even though I'm not too crazy about Elites.

Post# 469299 , Reply# 6   2/5/2024 at 22:37 (240 days old) by Durango159 (State College, PA)        

durango159's profile picture
That's a Hot Rod Red!! Gorgeous, very nice find! It's one of the last of the Elites since it has the 12amp motor and that also helps explain it being louder too.

Post# 469434 , Reply# 7   2/9/2024 at 18:39 (236 days old) by hohojojo (USA)        

hohojojo's profile picture
It is definitely a bright red! Neat machine to see in person and I have been surprised with how well it cleans.

Post# 469448 , Reply# 8   2/10/2024 at 10:47 (235 days old) by Paul (USA)        

Welcome to the VL conversations, Thomas! This website becomes more valuable as participation increases to broaden inquiry and learning from shared knowledge, understanding, and experience.

Thomas & Declan, in case you are unaware, Hoover USA began putting the numerical month and year of production in its serial numbers after 1987 (Hoover UK had done so twenty years earlier using its own system). Also, it is helpful when posters provide model numbers along with the model names of their cleaners—a photo of the ratings plate, stamp or decal is even better. Not only can others benefit their knowledge now, but future reference is available, too.

In addition, I can access online periodicals by model numbers to look for original advertisements; albeit they did not always include model numbers and the database is limited.

The different model names with similar or identical styling makes me wonder they were specifically used for different markets (e.g. catalogs, dealers, store exclusives), or if they represented updates such as motor amps or stylings. Other model names with similar styling that I located were the Elite II and Turbopower 2000.

Happy Hoovering to you both!

Photos for comparisons:

1. Model U5254 Widepath dust cover (in same or similar red to Thomas's) - current eBay listing
2. Model U5068-900 Sprint front view - YT vid
3. Model U5068-900 Sprint hood
4. Model U5068-900 Sprint ratings decal (March 2002)
5. Model U5093-940 Preferred front view - YT vid
6. Model U5093-940 Preferred ratings decal (October 2001)

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Post# 469495 , Reply# 9   2/11/2024 at 09:42 (235 days old) by hohojojo (USA)        

hohojojo's profile picture
Thanks for your reply! It's neat to know about some similar machines. I took a photo of the label for you. It appears that this machine was made in October of 2003. From what I understand, it's one of the last Elite style machines for the household market.

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Post# 469700 , Reply# 10   2/19/2024 at 14:08 (226 days old) by Paul (USA)        

Thanks for posting the ratings decal of your Dimension, Thomas! Unfortunately, I was unable to locate any online advertisements from my database that only includes some periodicals. Maybe someone else will find something and post.

I suspect that your Dimension was a limited edition or promotional model that was manufactured for only a short time. Also, it is unlike the other Hoover Dimension uprights with its Elite styling. Guardsman69's comment on VL thread 15695 sheds light on that: “In 1996 [M]aytag began the recyling of hoover product names in an attempt to keep them in the system in terms of trademark fees.....the rights were paid for and they needed to [reassign them] ... “

By the way, Hoover USA also manufactured a Dimension canister vacuum series (900 & 1000), so it's possible that one had the same color scheme as yours.

Collectibles to me are like parts of jigsaw puzzles, so I like to find how mine fit into the big picture. I thought you or others might have a similar interest, so even though I do not collect Dimensions, here are the Dimension and Elite base, hard shell ‘puzzle boxes’ I constructed using the schematics model lists at & along with VL posts and online ads (which often include only some features and parts of which may be incorrect at times). Youtube videos (especially Grayson’s Vacs) provided information, as well. Years are benchmarks; not thoroughly researched. Updates from others are welcome.

Hoover USA Dimension-Style Uprights (top covered compartment tools; Legacy hood/base); 1994-2003

(The Power Max II upright styling appears to be the same albeit with a different nozzle.)

U5209-930 Dimension green, 7.3A/600W, 24-ft. cord, 19.0 CE/A, 1994-98
U5211-930 Dimension II, dark green, 19.0 CE/A, allergen filtration, Sears, 2000
U5212-900 Dimension II, 12.0A, allergen filtration, 19.0 CE/A, Sears, 2001-2003
U5213-930 Futura, red, 7.3A, 24-ft. cord, 19,0 CE/A, 1996-98
U5215-930 Dimension Limited, dark green, 7.3A, 31-ft. cord, 19.0 CE/A, 1994-99
U5219-930 Legacy, 31-ft. cord, 1997-98
U5220-930 Futura, 1998-00
U5221-930 Dimension Supreme, burgundy, 7.3A, 31-ft. cord, 10-ft.+ stretch hose, 20.0 CE/A, bag check indicator, Breathe-Easy bags, 1994-96
U5223-930/-940 (w/7 bags), Dimension Supreme, dark blue, 7.3A, 10-ft.+ stretch hose, 20.0 CE/A, 1998-99
U5227-930 Dimension Supreme, taupe, 7.3A, 20 CE/A, 1997
U5239-930 Turbopower 3500, black, 7.3A, 19.0 CE/A, 1998-1999
U5231-930 Dirt Finder, burgundy, 7.3A, 31-ft. cord, triple-stretch hose, 20.0 CE/A, 1996
U5233-930 Constellation Dirt Finder, taupe, 7.3A, 1996
U5235-930 Turbopower 5000 Dirt Finder, black, JCP, 1999
U5237-930 Turbopower 5000, JCP
?? Dimension Limited, JCP, 1995


Hoover USA Elite-Style Hood/Base Hard-Case Uprights - 1993 to Early-’00s, in the styling of the red Dimension U5092-940

(Similar construction with different hood style in parentheses)

JCP catalog models lacking model numbers: Decade Supreme, Turbopower 2000, Spectrum,
Elite Supreme, dark green, 24-ft. cord, 1994

U5035-930 Elite Supreme, dark green, 1993-95
U5041-980 Elite Supreme,1997
U5043-930 Elite Supreme, dark green
U5046-930 Turbopower 1700, black, 12A, 20-ft. cord, 2000-02
U5051-930 Preferred, burgundy
(U5053-930 Legacy, burgundy)
(U5055-930, -940 Encore Supreme, red)
U5057-930 Encore Supreme, 1995
U5059-930 Encore Supreme, medium blue
U5061-900 Elite, blue, allergen filtration, 12A, 2003
U5062-900 Elite, 12A, 2002
(U5063-930, Convertible, burgundy)
U5064-930, -940 Runabout Deluxe, black, 7.2A, 1998-01
(U5065-930, -980 Convertible, medium blue)
U5066 Convertible, burgundy, 7.2A
U5067-930, -930 Spirit, 7.0A, taupe
U5068-900 Sprint, burgundy, 12.0A
(U5069 Legacy 830, dark green, 7.5A, 1992)
U5070-930 Elite, 1997
U5071-930 Elite Supreme, dark green, 7.2A, 1996
U5072-930 Legacy, 7.2A, dark green, 1998 (see vid below)

U5073-930 Turbopower 2000, black, 7.2A, 1997
U5074-900 Runabout Deluxe
U5075-930 Elite Supreme, blue, 7.2A, 1996
U5076-930 Turbopower 2200, 24-ft. cord, 1998-2000
U5077-930 Elite Supreme, 1997
(U5079-910 Legacy, 1991)
U5081-930 Turbopower 3000, 1998
U5092-940 Dimension, translucent red, 12A, 2003
U5093-940 Preferred, black, 12.0A, 2001
U5095-930, -945, -980 Preferred, burgundy, 7.2A, 1996
U5097-930 Spectrum, dark green, 7.2A, 1999
U5099-930 Legacy Supreme, dark green, 8.0A, 1993
U5103-930 Legacy Dirt Finder, dark green, 7.2A, 1996

Post# 473047 , Reply# 11   8/31/2024 at 22:37 by Eureka1998 (New York )        

eureka1998's profile picture
They made a 12 amp version of the Dimension II? Which one was that (the U5212-900)?

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