Thread Number: 45098  /  Tag: 80s/90s Vacuum Cleaners
Help finding a fan for Hoover Elite II
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Post# 467623   11/19/2023 at 21:29 (446 days old) by RocketRoy (Randolph, Vermont)        

I rescued my Hoover Elite II model U4641-910 from a recycling center seven years ago when someone tried to throw it out. It’s been working great until recently, it became crazy loud but still has nice suction. I took it apart and discovered the fan has pieces broken off, which must be the source of the loud noise. I have been searching the internet for a replacement fan to no avail. I do not know enough to know if some of the Hoover replacement fans I see on eBay would work on my vacuum. Please help me find this part of you can. Thank you.

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Post# 467639 , Reply# 1   11/20/2023 at 14:01 (445 days old) by convertible18 (Utica, New York, USA)        
i have an extra

convertible18's profile picture
i have a spare motor that i think is junk but the fan on it is good. only thing is, your elite has needs a 7 blade fan, i only have an 11 blade fan...

Post# 467640 , Reply# 2   11/20/2023 at 15:30 (445 days old) by RocketRoy (Randolph, Vermont)        
Thank you for writing

Thank you for writing! So the eleven blade fan definitely would not fit? That is maybe from a different Hoover model?

Post# 467649 , Reply# 3   11/20/2023 at 21:38 (445 days old) by repairman (Woodridge, IL)        

Those fans are interchangeable. When they discontinued the 7 blade one, the 11 blade fan took its place.

Post# 467659 , Reply# 4   11/21/2023 at 15:57 (444 days old) by RocketRoy (Randolph, Vermont)        

Convertible18, can I buy your fan or motor? Sounds like it will fit! (Thank you, Repairman!)

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