Thread Number: 45066  /  Tag: Pre-1950 Vacuum Cleaners
Must get rid of my collection
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Post# 467285   11/4/2023 at 17:04 (441 days old) by Clothbag (West Springfield, Ma.)        

Hey guys and gals,it is with great sadness that I have to get rid of most, if not all of my vacuum collection. I open up my offer to anyone that is willing to travel to West Springfield, Massachusetts. I will be giving them away for free.

I have been placed in an unusual circumstance where I will have to move, plus I'm approaching 70 years of age. I used them when I could, but had to place them in storage about ten years ago.

I believe that I listed them in my profile and they range from the 1920's into the 1950's. You can email me if anyone is interested and can make a trip here. The collection was started in the early 1980's and numbers over 70 uprights.

Edward J. Parent

Post# 467297 , Reply# 1   11/4/2023 at 22:55 (441 days old) by Hoover300 (Kentucky)        

hoover300's profile picture
I'm so sorry to hear that. I wish I could make it up, those GE and Premiers sound interesting. Best of luck.

Post# 467300 , Reply# 2   11/5/2023 at 07:29 (440 days old) by VacuumHeaven05 (Frederick, MD)        

To Clothbag, Do you have any Eureka Model 10 or 11's? Do you have an all original Health Mor Sanitation system vacuum, from the late 20's or early 30's? Do you have any early pre-war Kirby vacuums or Scott Fetzer machines? Do you have any Kirby Model 505 parts? If you have one of these vacuums, which I mentioned or parts of them, I would be extremely happy and interested to buy it from you. I do have a few antique vacuums in my collection, such as a Health Mor sanitation system upright vacuum, from the early 1930's, a Kirby Model 505 from the mid 1940's and a Kirby 2C from 1939, which are all in desperate need of multiple parts. If you have something I listed above, I would love to know and would like to purchase it, if possible. I am always in constant need of parts for my growing vintage and antique vacuum cleaner collection. Thanks!
From Liam

Post# 467311 , Reply# 3   11/5/2023 at 09:40 (440 days old) by suckolux (Yuba City, CA)        

suckolux's profile picture
Sorry to hear about your circumstances, I just moved in with my partner after 2 years, giving up my apartment of 43 years! Much storage, down to very little. 8 finds went immediately,3 came with me to our place and the rest in storage 🤞🤞. He does understand. Good luck.

Post# 467332 , Reply# 4   11/5/2023 at 21:33 (440 days old) by Gottahaveahoove (Pittston, Pennsylvania, 18640)        
Yes, sorry you're "liquidating".

gottahaveahoove's profile picture
When you have room, (12 rooms), you acquire,store, keep, etc. Because you CAN. Not always a good thing. I hVe some convertibles, 2 kirbys, an Electrolux anniversary shampooer which must go. One way or another. I also have 2 complete sets of tools for those kirbys.

Post# 467355 , Reply# 5   11/6/2023 at 13:56 (439 days old) by swivelsean (Santa Fe, NM)        
Thank you for your generosity

I sent you an email to the address listed in your profile, is that still accurate? I appreciate your consideration in sharing your collection with others.
Best wishes,
Sean Curry

Post# 467379 , Reply# 6   11/7/2023 at 08:07 (438 days old) by Clothbag (West Springfield, Ma.)        

I'm trying to get things moved around between my two storage units so that the larger of the two will just have the uprights and any other extras. With all the running around it hasn't been easy. For easier storage I took the handles and bags off. I will put them back together for photos and viewing.

I hope to update on everything soon. I appreciate the interest in my collection and also the prayers for the best outcome of my situation.


Post# 467395 , Reply# 7   11/8/2023 at 02:58 (438 days old) by hygiene903 (Galion, OH)        

hygiene903's profile picture
So sorry to hear you have to liquidate your collection. I know you have a lot of fine machines, I remember the pics you posted of them when we were in the Yahoo clubs. Wish I could help, but I already have 123 in my collection and am currently not able to drive long distances. But I certainly wish you the best outcome in your situation.

Post# 467397 , Reply# 8   11/8/2023 at 05:17 (438 days old) by kirbylux77 (London, Ontario, Canada)        

kirbylux77's profile picture
Edward, I am sorry to hear of your need to downsize your collection. I guess we are all going to be in your place at some point in our lives eh?

It was very nice of you to offer your vacuums to collectors first, at least you know they will be taken care of. If it wasn't for the distance and exorbitant shipping costs to Canada, I might have been tempted to take a vacuum or two off your hands.

Best of luck and I hope you can get your circumstances sorted out and make the best of your situation.

Post# 467404 , Reply# 9   11/8/2023 at 15:44 (437 days old) by VacuumHeaven05 (Frederick, MD)        

To Clothbag, Sorry to hear that you are liquidating everything! It must be very hard to give up your collection? I'm just wondering as to what machines you have in your collection, that you're getting rid of. If you are getting rid of or liquidating any vacuum models, I mentioned in an earlier message to you, for this post, I would be very happy to know. As I need multiple parts for some of the antique vacuums in my growing vacuum cleaner collection. Sorry to hear the bad news!
From Liam

Post# 467408 , Reply# 10   11/8/2023 at 17:25 (437 days old) by Hoover300 (Kentucky)        

hoover300's profile picture
He has most of them listed in his profile.

Post# 467411 , Reply# 11   11/8/2023 at 20:27 (437 days old) by electrolux137 (Los Angeles)        

electrolux137's profile picture

Most collectors face this sad reality sooner or later. I have fairly longterm-ish plans to move out of the country. I've been whittling down my collection a little at a time; unfortunately I foresee eventually having to leave a lot of vacuum cleaners at the curb. Most people can't / don't want to / come and get them, and I don't have the time or energy to ship stuff all over the country.

And so it goes.

Post# 467608 , Reply# 12   11/18/2023 at 18:25 (427 days old) by Clothbag (West Springfield, Ma.)        
Must get rid of my collection update

I wanted to update everyone in the forum as to where things stand. Because of the craziness of my situation I have only been out to my storage units twice. I did manage to get out to them today and I worked on the smaller unit.

The vacuums that were in that one I tested. The ones that don't work I may give to a scrap dealer as things have become more uncertain as December approaches. I was hoping to get back to go into the larger unit, but now I'm tied up Monday and Tuesday. Needless to say I'm not happy.

I hope to get into the larger unit before the first of December. I will keep everyone posted and will try to update the machines that run.

I thank all for inquiring about the vacuums. I also thank everyone for your concern and prayers. This is a great forum.

Edward J. Parent

Post# 467617 , Reply# 13   11/19/2023 at 18:59 (426 days old) by kirby519 (Wisconsin)        
Here is what He has listed on his profile for ease

Current Vacuum collection:
Hoover models 12, 28*, 2/29s, 2/105s-*1, 3/115s*, 150, 300*, 305*, 541*, 543*, 700,913, U4515 Guardsman* and U7037 commercial*

Royal models U*, 2/189s*, 215*, 2/235s*, 315*, 602*, 2/606s, 606A, 670*, 671Z*, 712*, 801*, 880*,903*, 992*, Electro Hygiene230*, and Goodhouse Keeping 801, Hild model 606* and 1 more?

Kirby models 510* 512*, 515*, 519*, 560*, 561*, D50*, D80*, Classic 1CR*, Heritage 1HD*, Heritage 2HD*, 2 more ?, and American Lincoln SuperSweep 18*

GE models 37*, 90*, AV1*, AVF19AC*, AVF28*, Premier Duplex*, PR21, PR21L, and 154

Eureka models G2*, H*, 2/360s, and 4610C1

Singer model S3*

Kenmore Models 19C*, 116.7181, and 116.9804

Cadillac models 122F* and 143*

Apex models 122* and 5400

Hamilton Beach models 10* and 14V*

Bison model1000; Regina model 29*; and Power Flite model PF104VC*

* vacuums that currently work

I wish I had room for a few of these myself.

Post# 468348 , Reply# 14   12/29/2023 at 08:24 (386 days old) by Clothbag (West Springfield, Ma.)        
Storage units update

I have only been able to get to my storage units a few times since my original post. I've been busy around the house trying to get things done here. Sadly the vacuums that didn't work are gone. They were in the smaller unit which I was able to clean out of many things. I tested all the vacuums, separating the non-working from the working. The next chance I have will allow me to move things from the larger to the smaller unit. This will allow me to unite cleaners with their bags.

I have kept all emails from those members who contacted me. I will try to get back to you as soon as I'm able. I will post an update during January with more information as to what I have.

I hope that everyone had a wonderful MERRY CHRISTMAS and I wish you all a Blessed and Healthy NEW YEAR.

Post# 474503 , Reply# 15   12/8/2024 at 19:47 by Clothbag (West Springfield, Ma.)        
Just renewed membership

I just renewed my membership after losing track of time while being there for my sister. I check my storage units that have my uprights at least once a month. There still are about 60 plus in need of good homes. Because I'm offering them, they are for pickup only. I want to apologize for not keeping up with this. As they say if it's not one thing it's another. I never know what will happen on some days. I will try to monitor the group at least once a month.

My sister may have to have another operation, I just don't know when it will take place. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers.

May everyone have a wonderful holiday season and enter the New Year in good health. Merry Christmas.

Edward J. Parent

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