Thread Number: 45007  /  Tag: Recent Vacuum Cleaners from past 20 years
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Post# 466893   10/18/2023 at 13:22 (327 days old) by Powerstarenergy (Portland, Tennessee)        

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This thread is about forgotten commercial vacuums. These are commercial vacuums that have been forgotten to time. I guess I will start, like normally:

Apparently, Clarke(Windsor) used to make Sanitaire-like vacuum cleaners.

Anyways, if you know of any forgotten commercial products, the please feel free to share them.

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Post# 466897 , Reply# 1   10/18/2023 at 17:43 (327 days old) by ilovehoovers (England)        
The Numatic Maxima!

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Admittedly it's just an NV200 (of which there are many) but the purple colouring is cool and I've not seen this shade of purple since!

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Post# 466902 , Reply# 2   10/18/2023 at 20:14 (327 days old) by Superocd (PNW US)        
Metal-base Sanitaire F&Gs are definitely rare

I have an early 70s Sanitaire 643, which is very rare. You wouldn't know it because it resembles the newer Sanitaires from 10-20 feet away. But the main difference between this and the newer Sanitaires is the fact that the 643 harkened back to a time when Eureka-Williams was using cast-aluminum bases for their machines, while the newer (1976?-current) use plastic bases.

I'm guessing the reason why the metal-base Sanitaires are rare (or domestic Eurekas of same vintage) is because of the brushroll. The brushroll on an older, metal-base F&G must be square-ended, which is NLA and has been for some time. I remember searching the ends of the earth for a square-end VGI or II after I got my 643. I did end up getting a NOS VG1, but not easily. The casting of the base does not allow for a hex-end retrofit. So when these started to need brushrolls, I'm sure they got tossed. Otherwise, it seems to be durable, probably more so than the current plastic-base/Quick Kleen machines due to the cast aluminum base.

The motor footprint on the first Sanitaire commercial uprights are exactly the same as a modern Sanitaire, or any Eureka F&G upright for that matter. So if the motor burned out on these, at least that was a replaceable part, though you'd be putting in a 5 or 7 amp instead of a 3.35 amp.

Other than the brushroll, there isn't much else on this machine that wouldn't be compatible with the newer machines. Bags are swappable between old and new. The cord hooks are welded onto the handle, so you don't have to worry about flimsy plastic cord hooks fracturing and breaking.

Post# 466912 , Reply# 3   10/19/2023 at 09:54 (326 days old) by Bisonian (Where the buffalo roamed! (Ocala, FL))        
Re Clarke (Windsor)

This is an incorrect characterization. Clarke and Windsor are separate companies and always have been.

Clarke originally was an independent American company, later part of several U.S. conglomerates, and is now owned, along with its former American competitor Advance, by Nilfisk of Denmark.

Windsor was also an American company, which rebranded Sebo vacuums for commercial use in the U.S. It's now owned by Karcher, based in Germany

Post# 466915 , Reply# 4   10/19/2023 at 11:36 (326 days old) by Powerstarenergy (Portland, Tennessee)        

powerstarenergy's profile picture
Thanks for the clarification. I’ve always heard Clarke-Windsor being used in the same sentence. Also same thing with Nilfisk-Advance.

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