Thread Number: 44976  /  Tag: Pre-1950 Vacuum Cleaners
WTB - Kirby Original Vacuum Cord (Female End) for C-Series
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Post# 466667   10/8/2023 at 13:04 (495 days old) by kwalsh97214 (Portland)        

kwalsh97214's profile picture
I want to buy an original Kirby power cord (or at least the female connector/plug -- for a C-series vacuum).

I am hoping my neighborhood handyman (and his network of handymen) can make me a “reasonable facsimile” cord (using similar wire, male plug and female plug).

Note: The cord is just for looks – my Kirby vac is restored but I haven’t turned it on.

Post# 466697 , Reply# 1   10/9/2023 at 15:09 (494 days old) by VacuumHeaven05 (Frederick, MD)        

The closest cord I know still exists are early replacement cords for Kirby Models 508-515, which are grey. Speaking of which do you have a Kirby model 1C that has been restored?

Post# 466698 , Reply# 2   10/9/2023 at 15:54 (494 days old) by VacuumHeaven05 (Frederick, MD)        

Believe it or not I actually have a Kirby 505 that has the factory original bag, in mint condition. However the rest of the vacuum is missing parts like Factory original headlight hood trim, a proper 505 nozzle with the belt lifter, an original black bumper, an original handle grip and original cord. These are the photos of it in its current condition. Side note: The nozzle it has on right now is from a Kirby 2C.

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Post# 466701 , Reply# 3   10/9/2023 at 18:36 (494 days old) by kwalsh97214 (Portland)        
Thanks for your reply Mr. VacuumHeaven05

kwalsh97214's profile picture
I looked up to see some of nice cords that originally came with Kirby 508-515 vacuums (and earlier models). Some of those cords/plugs are very nice. The website had photos of many of the cords.

Thanks for posting photos of your nice Kirby 505. To me, it looks nice even if it doesn't have all original components. Have you ever wondered whether it would be easier and/or more economical to find an all original or mostly original 505 rather than trying to find all of the original components you seek?

I like the 505 model and may have to think about getting one for my Xmas gift to myself.

Post# 466736 , Reply# 4   10/11/2023 at 10:57 (492 days old) by VacMadMan (Pueblo Co.)        

vacmadman's profile picture
I feel like I'm sticking my neck out here, but I guess people have different ideas about what is considered mint condition. "In excellent condition, unblemished, perfect". VacuumHeaven05 Your bag looks more like very good condition to me. It has some mild flacking, and it looks to have lost its shine. A new or "mint" 505 bag logo and striping have a shine to them, yours looks washed out with no shine to it at all.... just saying. It is a very nice bag.

Pictured the 505 on the right has a NOS bag and you can see it still has its shine on the logo and stripes. Again, having said that your bag is very nice indeed that any collector would love to have. Side note: The NOS bag does have some very mild flacking on the logo, so I do consider it to be "near mint" Keep in mind I also collect comic books where the word mint is taken very seriously.


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This post was last edited 10/11/2023 at 11:24
Post# 466791 , Reply# 5   10/15/2023 at 09:35 (488 days old) by rivstg1 (colorado springs)        

rivstg1's profile picture
jim. which comics do you collect? I am an inactive collector too

Post# 466817 , Reply# 6   10/16/2023 at 09:03 (487 days old) by VacMadMan (Pueblo Co.)        

vacmadman's profile picture

I too am a "inactive" collector at this time. I have collected over 2000 comics mostly Marvel. I do have some DC and others. I started collecting when I was 12 years old. They will end up going to my grandsons.


Post# 467905 , Reply# 7   12/4/2023 at 21:52 (438 days old) by rivstg1 (colorado springs)        

rivstg1's profile picture
oh man Jim, we need to compare notes on our comic collections!!!! I need to stop by and say hi next time in Pueblo!!!! I too collected comics from 1981 till about 1997....will a few aquisitions after that time


Post# 467909 , Reply# 8   12/5/2023 at 10:12 (437 days old) by human (Pines of Carolina)        
Parts vs. Whole

human's profile picture
I don't have any vacuums that old, but my general sense is it's more economical to find a complete--or nearly complete--machine than it is to buy a bunch of replacement parts. I'll give a recent example:

This past summer, I bought a Kirby G4 that needed a cord, a headlight bulb, and a back panel for the handle. Instead of spending $40-$50 online for those items a la carte, I went back to the thrift store where I bought G4 and snagged the Kirby Gsix that had been sitting next to it for $20 and stripped it for the needed parts at a considerable savings.

Yeah, the cord and handle panel don't quite match the G4's other plastics, but they don't look bad enough to classify the machine as a 'frankenkirby'. The Gsix had a ragged outer bag, so I felt at least somewhat justified cannibalizing it, but I still, I feel a little bad whenever I go down to my barn and see it sitting in pieces. I have to remind myself that it was purchased as a parts donor, and thus it is serving its intended purpose.

All that said, I have had machines that I paid too much for to start with, and then ended up letting them become money pits as I tried to put them to rights. I've also walked away from machines that 'just needed a couple of things' when I realized just how expensive those couple of things would be. Often, those machines are a better value as parts donors.

Post# 467910 , Reply# 9   12/5/2023 at 13:45 (437 days old) by kwalsh97214 (Portland)        
Thanks Edgar for your reply

kwalsh97214's profile picture
When I posted my wanted ad for a vintage Kirby power cord (or at least the female plug of the cord) I did not realize they are difficult to find. Even a generic round female plug or a vintage extension cord with old plugs is hard to find.


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