Thread Number: 44877  /  Tag: 80s/90s Vacuum Cleaners
TriStar CXL Retro Mod With a Central Vacuum Motor
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Post# 465884   9/6/2023 at 13:11 (392 days old) by vacuumdevil (Vacuum Hell )        

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Hello vacuumland!
I have seen this subject talked about before but I only actually know if one other person who's done it.

So I present to you my TriStar CXL retro-mod with a VacuFlo DB5000 Central vacuum motor crammed into its poor little body.
I believe I'm going to have to get some sound deadening and install it in the future. But it really has quite a pleasant sound to it.
65" Working vacuum now that the motor is broken in and 101" sealed suction at the end of the hose.
Absolutely insane numbers to see here a mile above sea level in a portable vacuum.
I do worry that I might be consuming a little bit more than 12 amps.

Also I modified the hose to take the standard Central Vacuum pattern of button lock.

Below are a few quick cell phone videos of the thing in action.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO vacuumdevil's LINK

Post# 465890 , Reply# 1   9/6/2023 at 15:56 (392 days old) by Thevacomaticiec (Bathurst New Brunswick Canada )        

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Hummm  looks   good to  me    seems  to work    good   with  the  new  motor   and  power  head  nice .


My  C8  works  good with  the motor  i got in her now   think its a 116311-01  replacement  got it from ebay   . I  am  not sure how powerful it is compare to yours ,  but  with  the VAC  hepa bags shes working  trouble free since .

The   floor tool sucks to the floor  i  like it  when it quits  i might  super charge it like  you  did  .





Keep  me posted on how it goes  id love to  see a mess test with  it  .

Post# 467178 , Reply# 2   10/30/2023 at 12:19 (339 days old) by Compact6epb (Florida)        

Any new updates? Have you had a chance to test it out further?

I replaced the motor in my C6 epb from the Compact/Tristar distributer. Cleaning well for a 61 year old vacuum.

Post# 467179 , Reply# 3   10/30/2023 at 12:31 (339 days old) by Thevacomaticiec (Bathurst New Brunswick Canada )        

thevacomaticiec's profile picture

im also  curious on  this   

Post# 467254 , Reply# 4   11/2/2023 at 14:01 (335 days old) by jade_angel (Fort Collins, CO)        

VacuFlo says that model uses max 13.2 amps, so as long as the PN isn't too beastly, that shouldn't draw more than 15A normally!

Still, I'd wanna plug it into a 20A circuit and use a 14ga cord just to be sure, but hey! Heck of a mod, either way.

Post# 472359 , Reply# 5   7/13/2024 at 11:39 by vacuumdevil (Vacuum Hell )        
4K video of the 600 AirWatt Frankenstein vacuum.

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Post# 472361 , Reply# 6   7/13/2024 at 14:16 by Thevacomaticiec (Bathurst New Brunswick Canada )        

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Post# 472400 , Reply# 7   7/16/2024 at 19:23 by Lesinutah (Utah)        

lesinutah's profile picture
That's a bad a$ machine. Very cool.
The patriot or miracle mate might have a body that could br used in mods like this.

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