Thread Number: 44826  /  Tag: 80s/90s Vacuum Cleaners
Domel and Johnson Motors Used in Electrolux and Aerus Models
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Post# 465499   8/24/2023 at 23:35 (415 days old) by MichaelT (Phoenix AZ)        

Hi everyone. I am looking at an Electrolux Lux 5000. I was told that it's one of the last models using the old style Electrolux motor style before the company began using Swedish-made Domel and Johnson motors. I'm told these motors are inferior and cannot be rebuilt and must be replaced. What date did Electrolux do this?

I was just told that my Guardian Ultra, about 12 years old, needs a motor. Other than a previous Diamond Jubilee model, I've never replaced a motor in an Electrolux. I'm guessing that motor (a single stage, I'm told) is one of these inferior motors. I have a Lux Classic and a Guardian Ultra, and while I do like the vacuums, I'm less than impressed with the quality.

Was the info I received correct? I have an Electrolux LE (the taupe model from 88-89) and am waiting to receive an Electrolux Advantage Series tank. Due to the age of these cleaners, I'm guessing they also have the old motor types.

Any insight is welcome. Thank you.

Michael T

Post# 465508 , Reply# 1   8/25/2023 at 14:11 (414 days old) by Vacuumdevil (Vacuum Hell )        

vacuumdevil's profile picture
Steel city has a Johnson motor replacement Kit. But it's going to make the machine sound funny. I think you're better off to find a used vintage motor on eBay

Post# 465511 , Reply# 2   8/25/2023 at 16:43 (414 days old) by MichaelT (Phoenix AZ)        
Thank You!

Thank you Vacuumdevil. I have had poor experiences with bojack motors, etc. No more for me.

Post# 465512 , Reply# 3   8/25/2023 at 16:52 (414 days old) by MichaelT (Phoenix AZ)        
My 'New' Aerus Lux 2000

I just received my 'new' Lux 2000. I had an UltraLux which I liked, but the electronic panel doesn't light up. I've seen this a lot on Aerus machines. It is an 80th Anniversary model and runs and looks great.

I guess I didn't look close enough at the Lux 2000, because it is EXACTLY the same machine but for the inclusion of the automatic feature. I mean colors, hose, attachments, everything. It's also really nice and runs so well and is quiet and powerful and I like it, even though the lighted panel on the top also doesn't work. I will keep the automatic, I guess, and give the Ultralux away. I need to be more careful when looking at things to buy.....hehehe. I'm too impulsive.

Post# 465863 , Reply# 4   9/5/2023 at 18:46 (403 days old) by Paul (USA)        
Motor Change Year

I believe the motor change was in 2002, when Aerus sold its motor division to Electro. See reply #10 in this thread:

It's hard to believe that the Aerus brand has been around for 20+ years now!

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