Thread Number: 44824  /  Tag: 80s/90s Vacuum Cleaners
Brush Inserts For Panasonic Power Nozzle
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Post# 465482   8/23/2023 at 19:18 (415 days old) by Tylerhawkins84 (Elkhart, IN)        

Hi, if anybody has any NOS brush strips for the Panasonic style PN used by Royal, Kenmore, Hayden, etc. I would be interested in purchasing them. The Panasonic part number is AMC742-478 and the Royal part number is 1460625000 for reference. I have a few sets but I don’t really want to use them since I know once they are worn out I likely won’t find any more. I’ve tried the new style brushroll with plastic end caps and non-replaceable brushes and it performed well but after 3 months it started eating belts. I went back to my OEM brushroll with the metal bearing caps and it hasn’t eaten another belt in probably a year so I have to assume the brushroll was at fault?

Post# 465484 , Reply# 1   8/23/2023 at 21:09 (415 days old) by bnsd60m9200 (Akron OH)        

bnsd60m9200's profile picture
if you have spare parts already use them. having them and not using them makes no sense.

Post# 465491 , Reply# 2   8/24/2023 at 09:37 (415 days old) by Thevacomaticiec (Bathurst New Brunswick Canada )        

thevacomaticiec's profile picture
true that thats why i now use my tristar cxl more shes almost new but why not.

Post# 466434 , Reply# 3   9/25/2023 at 22:26 (382 days old) by Durango159 (State College, PA)        

durango159's profile picture
The new brush roll may not be properly lining up with the rug guards of the old base which will cause resistance. You may also gotten a lemon. In general, the new wood ones with cog are pretty good.

Post# 466470 , Reply# 4   9/27/2023 at 18:49 (380 days old) by Tylerhawkins84 (Elkhart, IN)        
I’ll give them another try

I do have a few NOS versions of the new brush roll so I will eventually try them again. I found a used set of the inserts in near new condition and my set is still good so it will be a while. I just prefer to keep things original but once parts are gone I guess I have no choice but figured I would see if anybody on here had a few sets they were willing to part with. I noticed on the brush that was ruining belts the plastic rim on each side of the grooved area where the belt rides was chipped exactly the same way on each side so maybe that was allowing the belt to slip slightly? The chip was pretty small and the belt is pretty deeply grooved and I’m pretty sure there were no teeth missing so that seems unlikely but something was obviously wrong with that brush. I’ve been using the OEM brush now for over a year after switching back and it has not ruined another belt.

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