Thread Number: 44697  /  Tag: Recent Vacuum Cleaners from past 20 years
Using your Rainjet
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Post# 464531   7/12/2023 at 09:29 (556 days old) by electro (Indiana)        

Using the Rainjet makes taking care of Laminate floors so easy. It is small, lightweight and gets under and around furniture and appliances so easy. With the full sponge you clean your baseboards as the do the floor. It uses an amazingly small amount of cleaner liquid.

I do my dry vacuuming first and then just snap the lower wand with the Rainjet on and go. When finished , just dump your basin and you have sanitized your hose at the same time. If you are doing a large area, empty your water basin first and your Rainbow will glide across the floor with ease. The angle and design of the squeegee and sponge allow use at the users choose of angles.

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Post# 464537 , Reply# 1   7/12/2023 at 11:23 (556 days old) by Adam-aussie-vac ( Canberra, Australia )        
Is the RainJet an E series thing?

adam-aussie-vac's profile picture
As at the moment if I want to do a really deep clean on the floors, I will use the vax auto mop head with the rainbow Aquamate set up without the carpet shampoo Head on my D4

Post# 464544 , Reply# 2   7/12/2023 at 13:55 (556 days old) by Lesinutah (Utah)        

lesinutah's profile picture
Black e series is what he has. The older versions had an either late d series or early single speed e series which had a water line built into the trigger and was more complex and not as user friendly.

Post# 464549 , Reply# 3   7/12/2023 at 16:16 (556 days old) by Thevacomaticiec (Bathurst New Brunswick Canada )        

thevacomaticiec's profile picture

im confuse  is  there a  pump  to spray  on the  floor  how does  it apply  the solution   dont  you  have   to  fill the thank with  water all the time to use a rainbow  ???? so many  questions .



I never used a water filtration  vac   im used to vintage  be nice if some one can    educate me how this  set  up  works  . sorry to be  not knowing . per  say  .

Post# 464553 , Reply# 4   7/12/2023 at 19:09 (556 days old) by electro (Indiana)        
how mine works

There is a solution bottle you fill with water and a cap full of cleaning solution. When you release the trigger on the hose handle, it POWER sprays a fine mist on the floor. Now you use the sponge side to apply and scrub any spots. Next you "flip over" the tool to the squeegee side and the suction from your Rainbow dries the floor in a second. The dirty solution from your floor is sucked into your Rainbow basin to be emptied at the end of the cleaning process. You start with an empty water basin in your Rainbow so there is room to collect the dirt water and cleaner. It uses VERY little solution and water to clean a whole area.
You control the amount and flow of the solution with the trigger on your hose handle. There is really no assembly except to exchange your lower wand with the Rainjet unit. Very easy and quick.
When you finish just exchange your lower wand and Rainjet with the lower wand and power nozzle.

When I use mine, I do my dry vacuuming first with water in the basin (leaving just enough room to collect the dirty water. I dry vacuum first and then do the "wet" cleaning. When complete you have a clean his hose. if doing a large project (like cleaning the screened porch), I would start with an. empty tank to leave enough room for the dirty water. You will be surprised how little water and cleaning solution is needed. You can also use just plain hot water and a little vinegar with good results. I. hope the helps.

Post# 464569 , Reply# 5   7/13/2023 at 10:26 (555 days old) by Thevacomaticiec (Bathurst New Brunswick Canada )        

thevacomaticiec's profile picture

Thanks  for telling me an explaining it to me sounds  like it would work amazing on  floors   hummm interesting  thanks  for the  info   .



I  do  my  dry  vacuuming with m y Tristar CXL  and  buff  the floor and wash em with  my  Aerus Electrolux  floor polisher  shampooer  and mop the water or shop vac it .

Post# 474107 , Reply# 6   11/9/2024 at 19:51 by Slindsly2006 (USA)        

Ok, so I recently purchased a Rainbow, 2nd hand and I absolutely love it. I do want to get the mop attachment but I am sooooo confused with what I need as far as hoses or wands for the attachment. It came with a power hose with wand that the cord for the power nozzle attachment goes to. Do I need to get a different hose or wand to attach the Rainjet to? I have the Rainbow E2 Type 12 Silver / blue. I love that O can do so many things with the vacuum but all the different things needed for attachments has me very overwhelmed. I wosh there was a chart that showed what hose and wand is needed for each type of attachment. Thatvwould make things so much easier. Below is the pic of the hose and power nozzle I have.

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