Thread Number: 44646  /  Tag: Brand New Vacuum Cleaners
The Riccar Vibrance has returned
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Post# 464221   6/30/2023 at 11:55 (471 days old) by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        

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Powr-Flite just recently had a clearance sale and today I noticed they now have a new line, Tacony brought back the classic Riccar Vibrance design. Always been a huge fan of those machines. I wonder if they'll also bring back the classic Simplicity Symmetry design one of these days under a different brand?

Post# 464228 , Reply# 1   6/30/2023 at 15:21 (471 days old) by Blackheart (North Dakota)        

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I'm sure you probably are aware but the symmetries had issues with their hoods developing cracks over time due to all of the weight being on the base. I think the vibrance design is probably sturdier.
I just saw these today thanks to an ad strange that they didn't include a lifetime belt model, Though I did see there's a slightly different body style with a dual motor setup

Post# 464231 , Reply# 2   6/30/2023 at 18:26 (470 days old) by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        

panasonicvac's profile picture
Actually I've never heard that was a pretty common issue. In fact I own a Symmetry Entry and a 6570, all hoods don't have any cracks. Perhaps that's just in my area. I do know the 7 Series models had trouble with the handle release pedals but none of mine have any cracks on the hoods. While the hoods do clean better, I do prefer Riccar's as they just feel more maneuverable.

Post# 464236 , Reply# 3   7/1/2023 at 06:58 (470 days old) by mieles5380leo (Virginia)        

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I have definitely seen my share of the Symmetry series come in with bad front head housings. Mainly the brush roll eats out the ends of the housing and causes the machine to start “growling”. A lot of the customers who own the Symmetry’s are commercial churches, household cleaners, or people who just generally run these machines hard. They are very tough I rarely see any come in that aren’t in completely run down condition but they still are viable to repair and send them back to the customer ready to clean some more. Looking through the link I can tell you that solar reach model is absolute garbage and can barely withstand household cleaning I’m not sure why they keep rebranding that simplicity s20ezm as a commercial vac. We sold one to a house cleaner and it caught on fire in less than a year! Those machines are very cheaply made and I’d be surprised if they even last their 1 year warranty period.

Post# 464250 , Reply# 4   7/1/2023 at 19:52 (469 days old) by Blackheart (North Dakota)        

blackheart's profile picture
Hmm odd. We replaced quite a few hoods on these machines they'd be cracked around the circled area. I'm not sure if they were abused or what. I like the simplicity wheel design a little better as it keeps the height consistent despite your movements unlike the riccar design where the nozzle height would shift as the upper body was moved.

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Post# 464283 , Reply# 5   7/3/2023 at 11:03 (468 days old) by thevacuumman (Borger, TX)        

I'm excited to see these! I wouldn't mind having one myself, but not a priority as I have a few Riccar machines. I have a Vibrance Classic I purchased new in 2013, a HP-3000, and a 8950.

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