Thread Number: 44576  /  Tag: Brand New Vacuum Cleaners
Shark Stratos cordless
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Post# 463548   6/2/2023 at 18:51 (498 days old) by dartman (Portland OR)        

I got a decent deal on a like new/open box Shark Stratos vac on eBay after deciding it sounded like a better version of the Shark duo Clean cordless with the Ion battery. The old one plugged up constantly where the vacuum power head to hose connected and I would have to pull the head and suction out the crumbs jamming it. If you sat it down and locked it everything would fall out onto the carpet again leaving a mess. If everything wasn't perfectly clean filter wise it didn't have enough suction to pull the heavier debris up the hose.
The new Stratos has it seems twice the suction power and easily pulls all the big crumbs and seeds from my parrots into the bin. It almost never plugs up and is hepa filter rated. I can leave it on low power and it will plow through the birds mess with no problems, then there's auto suction power, and high. It doesn't plug up in the power head hose unless something big got sucked up and plugs it. On low power the battery lasts a bit, auto or high it goes dead fairly quickly. Been trying to find replacement batteries for it but the factory ones are 80 each and no real Chinese knock offs yet for cheap.
Much nicer than the original Duo Clean F80 or whatever it is. Too bad I have 4 batteries for the old one now and two chargers because I hate using it after seeing how much better the newest version is.

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