Thread Number: 44430  /  Tag: Pre-1950 Vacuum Cleaners
Looking to Buy - Premier Duplex Vacuum Outer Bag
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Post# 462350   4/16/2023 at 13:10 (546 days old) by kwalsh97214 (Portland)        

kwalsh97214's profile picture
Will pay $100+ for cloth bag to use on a 1940 Premier Duplex upright vacuum.

Original, repro, or reasonable facsimile.

Color: Blue-ish or Orange-ish two-tone “harlequin” pattern of circles and squares (see examples in the photo below).

Bag style: “Shake Out” type with a round opening at the bottom of the bag that slips onto a 2” metal collar on the base of the vacuum.

I started collecting vacuums (in a small way) 3-1/2 months ago and am learning that nice outer bags can be rarer than the vacuum cleaners.

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Post# 462353 , Reply# 1   4/16/2023 at 15:05 (545 days old) by huskyvacs (Gnaw Bone, Indiana)        

huskyvacs's profile picture

Oh wow! That is a nice looking bag! There's a few members on here that have expertise in making reproduction bags, I am not sure if they still do it though. The originals would have been printed onto/into the fabric I believe. Reproductions would likely have to be iron-on decals, since industrial level printing is very difficult to accomplish at home. I think those bags would be corduroy if I am not mistaken? Maybe cotton?

A lot of vacuums from this period had a universal locking bag collar system that they copied from P.A. Gaier (Royal) so a Royal bag/bag collar should fit these cleaners. I do not have an actual Premier to test on though, but I do have a Bee-Vac and a Health-Mor and a Royal 801 bag does fit them.

Post# 462354 , Reply# 2   4/16/2023 at 15:25 (545 days old) by Hoover300 (Kentucky)        

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A Royal bag connector will not fit these. It’s the same connection as a GE Av1, where the connector sits inside the casing.
Best of luck with a bag!

Post# 462356 , Reply# 3   4/16/2023 at 16:57 (545 days old) by huskyvacs (Gnaw Bone, Indiana)        

huskyvacs's profile picture

Oh wow, it went inside the connector? That is so strange! I do have an AV-1 myself, I never noticed that!

Post# 462396 , Reply# 4   4/18/2023 at 11:39 (544 days old) by kwalsh97214 (Portland)        
Thanks guys for your comments.

kwalsh97214's profile picture
You brought me luck I hoped for.

I will post a before and after photo in the near future.

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