Thread Number: 44410  /  Tag: Brand New Vacuum Cleaners
Bissell introduces a literal steam cleaner for carpets
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Post# 462180   4/10/2023 at 14:17 (525 days old) by niclonnic (Bonney Lake, WA)        

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This morning, I received a promotional email from Bissell regarding an all-new carpet deep cleaner. The Revolution HydroSteam Pet produces actual steam, something I have never seen on a consumer-grade carpet cleaner before. This gives a whole new meaning to the commonly-used term "steam cleaner," which I always thought was misleading for a machine that doesn't produce any actual steam.



Post# 462199 , Reply# 1   4/11/2023 at 04:25 (525 days old) by kirbyklekter (Concord,Ca.)        
Limited 5 year warranty

I like that! You have the option of renting the cleaner before buying to see if it's what you need and like.

My Bissell pro heat did produce steam with the on board heat switched on. That plus my hot water heater switched up to 140F for filling the machine. After two whole house cleaning of carpets that no longer happened as the pump went out.

So I'm glad the warranty has been upped to 5 years. Steam does make a difference and can speed up drying times. If you get it I hope you'll let us know how you like it!

If you go to their official web sight you can check out reviews of this model. I'm going to do that when I get a chance. Billy

Post# 462203 , Reply# 2   4/11/2023 at 11:04 (524 days old) by mark40511 (Lexington, KY)        

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I wonder how this will deal with minerals in tap water? I mean, 99.99999% of people aren't going to use distilled water unless it's a small amount or something. Didn't the Pro heat's that had a built in heater clog up from minerals in tap water?

Post# 462211 , Reply# 3   4/11/2023 at 13:13 (524 days old) by huskyvacs (Gnaw Bone, Indiana)        

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Depending on the composition of the anode rod, it likely would break off completely after so much corrosion buildup.

I've had to use a electric heating rod and a pail for hot water because my water heater broke, and every 3 uses I scrub it down with steel wool and polish the anode. It gets pretty crusty even with just three 25 minute cycles. Depends on the quality of your tap water too. Baffles me why companies don't put this disclaimer in the manuals, maybe they just want to sell more shampooers.

Post# 462265 , Reply# 4   4/12/2023 at 19:50 (523 days old) by kirbyklekter (Concord,Ca.)        
Hard water

I think you're right. Ever so often I will run some white vinegar or CLR through the cleaners. Also my coffee maker,shower head,dishwasher,washer and steam iron.(Who irons?)

My water heater is 27 yrs. old,rated for 6 yrs when new. I drain it once a year and keep the temp at 125F except when steam cleaning the carpet. I think that has helped, no issues.

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