Thread Number: 44320  /  Tag: Recent Vacuum Cleaners from past 20 years
Which Eureka Boss is this?
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Post# 461329   3/15/2023 at 14:09 (567 days old) by Eureka1998 (New York )        

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I've been on a kind of Eureka binge lately and this is one question I've never been able to figure out. This is the only picture of the vacuum in question I can find (the one in the first two photos). It's a normal looking Eureka Boss (Bravo II variant) with the rare dirt alert feature. A feature that was used on the direct air Smart Vacs. It looks like it says Power something? There is a Eureka The Boss Power but it looks kind of different in the wording and no dirt alert feature. Anyone have any ideas? Is it a Power Plus?

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Post# 461335 , Reply# 1   3/15/2023 at 15:57 (567 days old) by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        

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If I were to guess, I believe that is the Eureka The Boss Power Plus. I've never seen one with a dirt sensor like that before. But there is however a Eureka Bravo that's on eBay right now with a different dirt sensor set up.

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Post# 461336 , Reply# 2   3/15/2023 at 16:22 (567 days old) by Eureka1998 (New York )        

eureka1998's profile picture
Ive seen that World Vac version and it seriously seems like an epic machine! If I find something similar at the thrift store id def grab it, but lately theyve had nothing of note LOL. I think the one I sent might be super rare though, the base is a bit different from the World Vac shown above. Im sure theres plenty of obscure Eurekas from that time frame ive never even seen! 90s - early 00s vacs just hit different for me.

Post# 461337 , Reply# 3   3/15/2023 at 16:24 (567 days old) by Eureka1998 (New York )        

eureka1998's profile picture
Id definitely like scouting for the rare stuff. If Id go for anything 90s eureka right now it'd either be the Power Plus or the Ultra Boss. THAT machine looks pretty cool!

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Post# 461338 , Reply# 4   3/15/2023 at 17:07 (567 days old) by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        

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The one rare Bravo that I'm looking for is this green Eureka The Boss Value Pack. My neighbor had one of these along with a blue Dirt Devil Swivel Glide upright 086315 from their beach hotel we stayed at in southern California back in Easter of 2003. I could've sworn that it was green when I first saw it, I later had second thoughts that maybe it was black all along and it even did had the hand vac that it came with it.

Post# 461342 , Reply# 5   3/15/2023 at 17:48 (567 days old) by Eureka1998 (New York )        
You're actually right!!!!!

eureka1998's profile picture
The Value Pack is green! I saw another photo of that one awhile back and you can kind of see it in this vid, its a dark hunter green color! I'll see if I can find the photo!

Post# 461343 , Reply# 6   3/15/2023 at 17:57 (567 days old) by Eureka1998 (New York )        
Heres the photo!

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Post# 461346 , Reply# 7   3/15/2023 at 19:26 (567 days old) by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        

panasonicvac's profile picture
Yup, that's the one. I remember my only complaint I've ever had with that vacuum was that it was loud. But nonetheless, I do like those machines. Not a popular opinion here but I actually do prefer the Bravos over the Hoover Elites despite that they're cheaply made.

Post# 461349 , Reply# 8   3/15/2023 at 19:58 (567 days old) by Eureka1998 (New York )        
I'll be honest

eureka1998's profile picture
In my life with ALL of the vacuums i've used or tried out. Only ONE brand did I ever feel would fall apart almost on immediate contact. That being Dyson

Post# 461353 , Reply# 9   3/15/2023 at 21:02 (567 days old) by huskyvacs (Gnaw Bone, Indiana)        

huskyvacs's profile picture
You would be correct. I killed my DC07 in a worse way before it could even be restored. I tripped over the nozzle and broke the entire thing off. It already had broken in shipping because the seller thought that a few sheets of newspaper and some grocery bags were great packaging. The plastic is just decaying badly. All Dysons of that era are. I'm sure in another 10 years all the new ones will too. My surviving DC07 I treat it like its a box of dynamite, it makes me so nervous using it.

Post# 461354 , Reply# 10   3/15/2023 at 21:10 (567 days old) by Eureka1998 (New York )        

eureka1998's profile picture
being the big vacuum guy I am, for the longest time I abhorred Dyson. They look ugly as sin, feel as finnicky and flimsy as anything, and are quite overrated and not impressive power wise, IMO of course. I like SOME Sharks as ive said before but still not my top 1st pick. Old Hoover, Eureka, Bissell, DD, those are the days I miss. They were plastic of course but felt WAY more durable.

Post# 461356 , Reply# 11   3/15/2023 at 21:12 (567 days old) by Eureka1998 (New York )        

eureka1998's profile picture
Not to mention, no vacuum back then looked alike that much either, now its hard to tell which is what, when looking in a big box retailer display .

Post# 461364 , Reply# 12   3/16/2023 at 07:20 (567 days old) by eurekaprince (Montreal, Canada)        

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I much preferred the design of the motor hood on the original Bravo upright - it was much sleeker and simpler and “aerodynamic” than the motor hood they put on the Bravo II. Hate to say it, but always thought the Bravo II was the ugliest design ever to come from Eureka…that boxy headlight looks so unattractive…..just my humble opinion….

Post# 461402 , Reply# 13   3/17/2023 at 00:55 (566 days old) by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        

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I like the Bravo II more than the original Bravo, I think they were an improvement since I own one of each. And I think the Bravo II is one of the coolest looking vacuums that I've ever seen in my lifetime especially the headlight design, they're one of my favorite lenses ever.

I definitely agree about Dyson, they never made a solid machine especially for the price. And they are one of if not the ugliest looking vacuums that I've ever seen in my lifetime. But at least though it's still better to have than not owning a vacuum cleaner at all, no way I'd ever use my hands to clean the carpets. And I gotta give Dyson credit because without him, we wouldn't have the Amway and Fantom vacuums.

Post# 472304 , Reply# 14   7/9/2024 at 16:10 by Paul (USA)        
Re: Initial Query


I searched an online newspaper database but lwas only able to locate ads for other designs of "The BOSS Power Plus". The model in question seems to be from the 7600 Series, because it has the attachment door according to the owner's guide (see photo 1). The 7800 Series had a floor/attachment selector switch.

I did locate a photo of an unidentified "The BOSS Power" model that is similar but appears to lack the Dirt Alert feature (see photo 2). Your guess that the model you posted is a "Power Plus" is probable—note the placement of "Power" in your photo compared to the one I posted.

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