Thread Number: 44277  /  Tag: Pre-1950 Vacuum Cleaners
Time To Trim the Kirby 2C
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Post# 460901   3/3/2023 at 12:47 (707 days old) by VacuumHeaven05 (Frederick, MD)        

Hello to rugsucker, this is Liam. I am fairly new to Vacuumland and I'm a vintage antique vacuum collector. I have over 15 vintage antique and rare vacuum cleaners. I recently bought a Kirby Model 2C from eBay, for only $300 plus shipping, What a bargain. The vacuum also came with the complete set of attachments, but even more stunningly, the factory original bag, which is in mint condition. Its even more rare because unlike most early Kirby bags, which were made of herringbone fabric, some including mine are made of corduroy material. I am in the process of restoring, repairing my Kirby 2C, but the vacuum did not come with any factory original headlight hood trim or a bumper, since I first got it for this past Christmas. I heard you may have tons of vintage antique vacuum cleaners and parts. I was wondering, do you happen to have by any chance, factory original headlight hood trim and a bumper for a Kirby model 505. They are identical to the trim off of a Kirby 2C. I will be using those parts to trim my Kirby 2C and finish its restoration. Do you have anything for a Kirby model 505 or even a Kirby 2C, as far as trim. I will also need factory original Kirby 2C front and rear wheels, they were thinner than 505-515 wheels. I only have 505-515 wheels on my Kirby 2C, they are not original to the machine. Any answers, please contact me, the sooner the better.

Post# 460909 , Reply# 1   3/3/2023 at 15:44 (707 days old) by rugsucker (Elizabethton TN)        

I have many Kirbys from early 50s to Sentria,mostly good to very good, BUT have only had 1 505,not complete or nice and nothing older.There are boxes of misc older Kirby small parts that are stored with Heritage & newer attachments.Probably nothing as old as 505 and as Tom said earlier in so many words it is time for them to take up space in a dumpster and not in my building.Don't know how soon I will see them but when I do they go OUT one way or another!

Post# 460914 , Reply# 2   3/3/2023 at 17:31 (707 days old) by VacuumHeaven05 (Frederick, MD)        

Okay, Well, when you get a chance some time soon, please check in your building and take a look at what the oldest spare small Kirby parts are. There may be something from a 505 or older, like trim or wheels, that could be buried deep inside all the boxes and bins of older Kirby parts. The next time you go to your building, please have a look and tell me what are the oldest Kirby parts that you have. Take your time with looking and look through as many old Kirby parts bins as possible. As they say, look down to the nitty gritty, the stuff at the very bottom. If you find anything as far as a 505 headlight hood trim and a bumper or 2C wheels, please let me know some time soon. Even the headlight hood trim and bumper from a Kirby 508, if you find that, will also work for my 2C. They were identical in shape, mainly the headlight trim to a Kirby 505, but the difference was they were grey instead of black. The next time you get a chance, if you find something, I am very willing to buying it immediately through eBay. I live in Frederick, MD and you are in Tennessee. You Know, maybe just by pure luck, something good will turn up. It would be a miracle if something did. They say it's like digging in a gold mine, for those big giant pieces of gold.
From Liam

Post# 460915 , Reply# 3   3/3/2023 at 19:05 (707 days old) by Lesinutah (Utah)        

lesinutah's profile picture
Trim off up to 515 would be either grey or black as the headlight didn't change until 516. If he has any 505 to 515 the armature, coil headlight trim etc would work on a 2c. I'd settle for what he can find.
He probably has a vacuum you never heard of or seen before
I'd suggest taking a trip and finding everything you will ever need.

Post# 460925 , Reply# 4   3/3/2023 at 23:51 (707 days old) by Hoover300 (Kentucky)        

hoover300's profile picture
Trim changed to red with the 513, though the trim itself would fit on a 505 from models as late as the d80.

Post# 460926 , Reply# 5   3/3/2023 at 23:52 (707 days old) by Hoover300 (Kentucky)        

hoover300's profile picture
*if it already has the holes drilled for the longer trim

Post# 460929 , Reply# 6   3/4/2023 at 00:37 (707 days old) by electrolux137 (Los Angeles)        

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Hoover300  is correct. The 513 was the first model to have red headlight trim and a red rug nozzle bumper.


It still had a gray handle grip and the older-style logo on the belt lifter. (The red handle grip, with flip-down cord release, and the new, more angular logo on the belt lifter, came out on the Model 514.)


It was the first model with the "push-push" switch instead of a toggle switch.


It had a new, very dramatic bag design where a long line went down the left side of the bag, through the left side of the "K," then back up in a "V" shape going through the right side of the "Y." This is my favorite Kirby bag.


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Post# 460931 , Reply# 7   3/4/2023 at 05:57 (707 days old) by Lesinutah (Utah)        

lesinutah's profile picture
Well aware of the color change my point is a beggar can't be choosy. It doesn't have to be a 2c to 505. The holes for the rivets would be different after 515. F÷Ed the unrelenting beast if you wish. You still bothered about my comment on the 514 and 515 motor will fit.
Maybe you can have Liam McDermott email you 6 times a day asking for 2c trim and it would be very helpful asap. Please by all means. It's not like electrolux137 doesn't have an in depth few pages explaining kirby history.
Like I said 2c trim is needed from a 505 or earlier vacuum to finish off my 2c.
In addition maybe rugsucker won't reply. I know you mentioned you don't have his phone number or email address but,Les do you know ow how to get a hold of rugsucker because I need trim for my 2c prewar kirby a 505 or older machine would be needed.
Hey rugsucker answered do you think he will have the trim for a pre war kirby that's a 505 or older. He's looking but do you think he has the trim because I need it for my 2c.

Please feel free to answer his every question atleast 6 times a day. He would greatly appreciate it asap thank you.
If electrolux has a kirby with red trim maybe he has an extra set of trim or motor that would fit his pre war 2c. I think you should look for trim that would fit his prewar 2c. If you could respond asap that would be greatly appreciated.

I guess the operator doesn't care every other thread iss being flooded with the same question and the same requests. I wonder if the moderator has trim for a prewar kirby from a 505 or older vacuum.

Post# 460932 , Reply# 8   3/4/2023 at 06:05 (707 days old) by Lesinutah (Utah)        

lesinutah's profile picture
Reply does anyone have trim from a 505 or older kirby for my prewar model 2c kirby.
I.havent heard from anyone in 5 minutes. If everyone could check snd respond asap would greatly be appreciated.
I was thinking maybe someone else might have a 505 or older trim for my prewar model 2c kirby.

IDK I think 3 more threads in the next hour is needed asap.

Is the moderator asleep

Does anyone..................

Post# 460933 , Reply# 9   3/4/2023 at 08:01 (707 days old) by VacuumHeaven05 (Frederick, MD)        

Are you angry at me, I did not do anything wrong, I just want to know if anyone out there has the parts, that I need for my Kirby 2C. I hope I can rely on rugsucker and I'm very excited that he said he will take a look in his building. I hope something good happens, a miracle maybe and he does find something that I hope to find, to finish my 2C restoration. I wish rugsucker very good luck on looking around for the parts.
From Liam

Post# 460934 , Reply# 10   3/4/2023 at 08:42 (707 days old) by luxlife (Under a Pecan Tree)        
Why don’t you turn it over to God and just wait.

Your daily messages won’t make the parts appear any sooner.

Most of us have waited a long time for the right parts to show up. It took 3 years for me to find correct version of power nozzle for my Canadian Electrolux and it was worth the wait. You can always try calling Kirby dealers around the country and see if any of them have parts for older machines, but it’s a shame that you’d rather burn your bridges here by writing these daily manic messages. Here’s an idea: call the factory and see if they’ll restore your 2C. If it were me, I would have learned my lesson after about restoration after I caused permanent damage from installing the field coil upside down.

Post# 460935 , Reply# 11   3/4/2023 at 09:31 (707 days old) by VacuumHeaven05 (Frederick, MD)        

I did not mean to sound rude or anything, I'm very sorry for my inconvenience to Lesinutah. I do hope that rugsucker, finds something for my Kirby 2C, if and when he can. I wish him very good luck, so happy hunting. But until a miracle happens and or I at least get one of the things that I need to finish my 2C restoration, I will wait patiently and not keep asking again and again for what I need. It's a deal. If you can give me some ideas luxlife, or anyone else, on vacuum stores around the country or Kirby service centers, that may have vintage antique vacuum cleaner parts, specifically to Kirby 505's or older prewar Kirby's, please let me know some time soon. I'm always interested on knowing, so that I can call them and ask, if they are far away, or if close, just go to them in person.
From Liam

Post# 460940 , Reply# 12   3/4/2023 at 11:14 (706 days old) by luxlife (Under a Pecan Tree)        
I’d start with the internet.

From where you’re located, you have all of Maryland, Virginia and the D.C. metro to search.

Post# 460941 , Reply# 13   3/4/2023 at 11:33 (706 days old) by electrolux137 (Los Angeles)        

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Post# 460993 , Reply# 14   3/6/2023 at 08:22 (705 days old) by VacuumHeaven05 (Frederick, MD)        

Hi, to rugsucker, It's Liam. Just wondering how everything is going. What's new? When you get a chance to look for me, please try to look for the parts, that I will need to finish my Kirby 2C restoration. It's the 505 headlight hood trim and bumper, that I was talking about. Take you time and don't worry. If you do find something like 505 headlight hood trim and or a bumper, then message me as soon as possible. For now, take your time with looking in your building. Don't worry, I will be patient:)
Thanks From Liam

Post# 460995 , Reply# 15   3/6/2023 at 10:43 (704 days old) by OpelGTKarl (Puyallup, Washington)        

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I know that all of us here understand that you are very excited about your 2C and that you want to restore it back to factory condition. With that being said, it is very exciting to find a very rare machine. I was over the moon when I found my first 505 or my 3C. However, restorations take time. It’s true that there may be parts out there, but it won’t always be immediate. I’m still looking for an original bag for my 505 and I’ve be looking FOR 15 YEARS. The important thing is to look forward to the future and let fate bring the parts to you over time. Keep eyes on eBay and local listings. We all know you are looking for the parts, but don’t need a reminder every day. We are all looking for something and eventually we will find them or move on. I understand where you are coming from as I have several machines that are in need of parts, but it’s a waiting game that can’t be rushed. I mean nothing negative by this in any way, I just thought I’d offer some perspective :)

Post# 461013 , Reply# 16   3/6/2023 at 16:38 (704 days old) by rugsucker (Elizabethton TN)        
"Whats new?"

1.I have a 2 story & attic vac store building that I will take more time to sort & empty this year.Kirbys are maybe 30% of contents & ALL will go.
2.I have a book store 1 block away with 100s of feet of shelves & 1000s of books that takes most of my time.I also do some vac repair for long time customers which is why I have a Rainbow on my bench that will need a blowtorch to disassemble.
3.I am moving from a small booth at an antique mall(1 block away)to a larger one that will mean moving some furniture an other collectible items as well as adding 100s more books and their shelves.
As above I have had nothing older than a 505 & don't think I have parts you need.I will take a quick look in boxes but am not as familiar with oldest Kirby vacs.If you or any in your area drive up on a trip or vacation you get my full attention and can climb the ladder to the Kirby parts room.Hope to have more info & pics soon on Kirbys but don't think I have your needed parts.

Post# 461014 , Reply# 17   3/6/2023 at 18:19 (704 days old) by KirbyClassicIII (Milwaukie, Oregon)        

kirbyclassiciii's profile picture

I agree.

I too have a 505 that I wish to find an original black bag for (and a 515 that I want to find a gray bag and a 10-blade metal fan for), or any of the official replacement bags that Kirby used in the '50s and '60s. I try to space it out regarding finding all the original parts, and buy most of them from eBay.

I also was excited when, in the Christmas of 2012, I bought my 1985 Royal 880 locally for $25, but all it had included with it are two extension wands. It took me SIX YEARS to get the rest of the attachments (including the hose) for it.


Post# 461027 , Reply# 18   3/7/2023 at 08:26 (704 days old) by VacuumHeaven05 (Frederick, MD)        

To rugsucker, I appreciate your time and effort that you will look for me when you get a chance. I know you say that you may not have parts that old, but if you have any spare time, please look on all floors, that includes the attic of your vacuum building. Please look carefully at all boxes and bins of vacuum parts, that have older Kirby parts. Try you best to look at the oldest Kirby parts and look thoroughly. If something that I mentioned does turn up, please let me know that you found it and describe what it is. No guarantees that you'll find something, but they say, it's always worth a try. The next time you go to the vacuum building, you may do the honors and at least give it a shot of looking thoroughly. No guarantees that you may find something but if you do, message me as soon as possible. Note: you say you have nothing older than a 505, but again, Headlight hood trim and a bumper from a Kirby 505, will work perfectly on my 2C. No guarantees that you'll find it, but it's at least worth a try. Good luck:)
From Liam

Post# 461060 , Reply# 19   3/8/2023 at 08:08 (703 days old) by VacuumHeaven05 (Frederick, MD)        
side note

Hi rugsucker, it's Liam, hope everything is going good. I hope you get a chance soon to look for those Kirby 505 parts. If you find them, that would be great, which I will use on my Kirby 2C. I appreciate it and hope you get this message. I also sent you another message yesterday.

Post# 461097 , Reply# 20   3/9/2023 at 08:05 (702 days old) by VacuumHeaven05 (Frederick, MD)        

Would anyone like to help me with getting a 505 bumper and headlight hood trim, does anyone have an idea on a vacuum store that may have Kirby 505 parts? I would appreciate that very much. Are there any vacuum stores in PA, VA, WV or Ohio that have parts to antique vacuum cleaners, 1940's and before. I don't know if rugsucker is okay, I hope so and I hope that he's taking a look for me, for my Kirby 2C. I messaged him twice but have not heard back, Hope everything is okay with him:)
From Liam

Post# 461098 , Reply# 21   3/9/2023 at 08:11 (702 days old) by VacuumHeaven05 (Frederick, MD)        

If someone would help me please, with getting a Kirby 505 bumper and headlight hood trim, that would be great. If anyone out there has a spare Kirby 505 bumper and or headlight hood trim, that would be also be great. If someone has it, if they are willing to sell it, again, that would be terrific. I don't know if rugsucker can help me or not with the parts I need?
From Liam

Post# 461099 , Reply# 22   3/9/2023 at 08:39 (702 days old) by rugsucker (Elizabethton TN)        

I hear you.Please hear me.I will at some time be looking at Kirby parts.It was not yesterday.It will not be today.Most Kirbys & parts,some very good,are mid 50s or newer.I will look,I will have pics and they WILL go out of my building!

Post# 461101 , Reply# 23   3/9/2023 at 08:49 (702 days old) by VacuumHeaven05 (Frederick, MD)        

Do you have a guess of when you can look, when do you think you'll have time to look for me. Will it be in a few days, a week, 2 weeks, a month, a few months, etc. I'm very excited and hope a miracle happens soon and you do find something. No guarantees, but at least try. I won't get my hopes up too much but I am excited that you'll look for me hopefully soon.
From Liam

Post# 461104 , Reply# 24   3/9/2023 at 10:06 (702 days old) by Hoover300 (Kentucky)        

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Patience. Jimmy is a very busy guy, he will look whenever he is able to. As other members have stated, it might be awhile until you are able to complete your Kirby 2c. If you want a bumper quickly, you could buy this Kirby head(below), remove the bumper, and paint it using flexible car interior paint to look like the one you want. Such paint is made to adhere to rubber, plastic and vinyl and will be much harder to damage on a bumper than regular spray paint. Since a lot of car interiors are grey, there should be a matching color online.

Post# 461106 , Reply# 25   3/9/2023 at 13:33 (701 days old) by MIVintageVacs (Royal Oak MI)        

Sometimes when I hit a roadblock on a project, I simply start another one to distract me from the other. When you least expect it the part you were looking for will turn up. Don’t rely on one project to keep you occupied and you will be much happier. All projects have challenges that can test your patience but you will value the end result that much more if it doesn’t come easily. Just a piece of advice and I wish you the best of luck finding what you’re looking for!

Post# 461120 , Reply# 26   3/9/2023 at 20:36 (701 days old) by kirbylux77 (London, Ontario, Canada)        
Charles Richard!

kirbylux77's profile picture
Was it REALLY necessary to react with a "Good Lord!" picture of Thelma Harper from Mama's Family?! Really?! Good Lord to YOU for stirring the pot and creating drama needlessly!!! You should hang your head in shame.

I have read Liam's posts and the replies from fellow members on here, and have been biting my tongue with all the nonsense going on! I think a few members of this forum should be completely ashamed of themselves for their conduct here in recent weeks.

All this young man is trying to do is get some parts to get a Kirby Model 2C, his dream vacuum, in perfect condition. Because it is his dream vacuum. Have we not all been there trying to complete a prized machine and gather everything that's needed and make it just perfect?

Look, I get that Liam's repeated posts may be annoying to some on here. But leave the kid alone! Looking at his profile, he is only 17 years old, and I would guess he likely has Autism or ADHD like a lot of members on here have. Is he really doing THAT MUCH harm merely creating a few posts looking for parts to complete his Kirby?

Now, to Liam - All I can say is, I wish you the best of luck completing your Kirby 2C even though I can't help you personally. What I would advise you to do is to keep looking on Ebay and other buy/sell websites, and more importantly, make friends with fellow vacuum collectors, vac shop owners and people in the vac industry. Sometimes it's those connections that not only make our hobby enjoyable and rewarding, but also the most helpful in obtaining rare machines and parts.

Post# 461124 , Reply# 27   3/9/2023 at 23:42 (701 days old) by vacman1961 (North Babylon, New York)        

Liam, If your anxious to get your 2C finished, go buy a rubber bungee strap and cut it and drill holes in it to mount on your 2C cleaning head, I have done this many times on various vintage vacuums. Actually my Kirby 1C has a bumper on it that I have made.
Liam, also you need to be patient on here when it comes to advice, many of us are older and have full time jobs and family lives, our collections are only secondary in life. I have many fellow collectors that would love to take the time to talk about vacuums, unfortunately that excitement has diminished. Your young and ambitious which is great, some of us are tired and burnt out. I'm not criticizing your just giving you a word of advice, us older collectors do enjoy our collections, but if you ask someone a question or request give them time to answer, if they don't answer just be patient, nothing worse than being busy and someone keeps calling and asking the same question. I have a very close friend, we talk almost everyday, if he needs advice or if he sees something for sale he will call me in the morning, if I don't. get back to him, he calls again, by the third time I get agitated, I have a full time job, he is retired,.I don't mean to snap at him, but I do because every time my phone rings I have to stop what I am doing to see who is calling me.
When I was in my early teens, there was a vacuum store that I use to go to every. chance I got, it was down the street from my Dad's business, on Saturday when I would go to my Dad's business, I would walk to the vacuum store. Well most of the times it was on a Saturday and the owner lived next door to his vacuum store. The store was supposed to be opened at 10:00 AM, well I would be pacing in front of his store and house, nose pressed on the store window, well if he wasn't out of the hose by 10:00 I would knock on the door of his house, I still can't believe I did that, but I did, I'm sure most of us did the same thing. Today, if I still had my vacuum store I don't think I could handle that. I had my share if future vacuum collectors come in, I used to let them look around, if I wasn't busy Id answer their questions, unfortunately I had a business partner who had no patience with collectors or vintage vacuums, all he seen was the dollar signs if you come in and just want to ask questions and looked around, if I wasn't there he would make them leave.
Just remember, be patient, call or get in touch with a collector once, they will get back to you if they can help, if someone tells you that they might have a part your looking for, be patient, we have bins of parts and unfortunately most of the time they are not easily accessible, give them time to look for them. Good luck with your collecting, I am looking forward to see how your 2C is coming out. One of these days I will post pictures of mine. Here is a picture of what I use for bumpers.

Charlie C.

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Post# 461125 , Reply# 28   3/9/2023 at 23:43 (701 days old) by electrolux137 (Los Angeles)        

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Kirbylux77 if you don't like my posts, you're welcome to hide them. As I am about to do with yours. (Get over yourself, Mary Louise!)

Post# 461127 , Reply# 29   3/10/2023 at 08:11 (701 days old) by VacMadMan (Pueblo Co.)        
Great advice.

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Charlie C.,

Great advice, I have also used a cargo strap for a nozzle bumper on my Kenmore Bug eye. It worked well. I also have used an auto belt as a bumper on my Kenmore automatic. Thinking outside the box.


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Post# 461128 , Reply# 30   3/10/2023 at 08:19 (701 days old) by VacuumHeaven05 (Frederick, MD)        

I love your comment vacman1961, I have multiple antique vacuum restoration projects and sometimes they can take months to even years for me to finally find factory original parts. The Kirby 2C is actually one of, if not, my all time favorite model of Kirby vacuum, besides the Scott Fetzer Sanitation system. That would be my number 1 favorite machine, the 2C comes in second place. If need be I did find a rebuilt Kirby 505 on eBay. It's rebuilt for the most part with later Kirby and aftermarket parts, but amazingly it still has the factory original bumper, in mint condition. How exciting. I may consider buying it, so that I can use the bumper for my Kirby 2C. Only time will tell and pictures will show the progress, on my 2C restoration project.
From Liam

Post# 461200 , Reply# 31   3/12/2023 at 04:45 (699 days old) by luxz80 (England)        

Hi VacMadMan.

I love the Kenmore Bugeye. I have seen this pic before and never realised the bumper was a replacement. I would have put it down to the original if not known. It looks great. I have seen many of these old Kenmore models but have never seen one with an attachment set. Must be so rare now.

I do think Liam can use a like replacement similar to the above pic for his Kirby till another one turns up.
He is young and has loads of time to find what he needs to complete his dream vac.

I am sure loads of us have vacs that don't have all the original parts.

My Hoover junior 375 is not all original. I think it was reconditioned sometime in the early 1960s by a vac shop. I installed a nos black handle grip, dyed the grey bag a slight tinge of green. FAB. I also replaced a leaky hose with a junior hose from the same time period and seems to match the bumper- (also not the original) almost perfectly.

To me Melvin looks great as he is and I have no plans to change him other than a possible respray of the front, same colour of course. I think it makes him unique and one of a kind as I am sure we all have one in our houses that fits that criteria.

I do hope Liam can find his parts but as others have said it will take time as these older examples are becoming more rare by the day.

All the best to you and your fantastic collection.


Post# 461201 , Reply# 32   3/12/2023 at 05:04 (699 days old) by luxz80 (England)        

My not all original junior 375. Melvin.

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Post# 473319 , Reply# 33   9/21/2024 at 16:46 by KirbyClassicIII (Milwaukie, Oregon)        

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I just found out the 514 was the first Kirby to have the angled headlight socket mounting, instead of horizontal (the angled socket mounting was used all the way up to the Classic 1-CR). However, it still retained the left-handed locking clip, which was eliminated entirely on the model 515.


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