Thread Number: 44267  /  Tag: Small Appliances
My gaming consoles.
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Post# 460806   2/28/2023 at 19:58 (690 days old) by OldCrankman (Lawrenceburg, Indiana)        

oldcrankman's profile picture
I still choose my xbox series x over the ps5 because the ps5 is frustrating to use for the start. But you guys can tell me what you think of my gaming consoles.

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Post# 460907 , Reply# 1   3/3/2023 at 15:25 (687 days old) by huskyvacs (Gnaw Bone, IN)        

huskyvacs's profile picture
Nice collection! I haven't gotten those systems yet.

Post# 461119 , Reply# 2   3/9/2023 at 20:02 (681 days old) by Lesinutah (Utah)        

lesinutah's profile picture
I have the Xbox series s. I traded my Xbox one in for it. I don't like disk readers on the Xboxs' they always have errors reading discs. I scratch every disk. The fact no cd drive and everything is pretty much streaming now.
I never bought a Playstation.
I bought a 2 gb hhd and it takes 12 seconds longer to load than the type x.
I also only play halo.

Post# 461246 , Reply# 3   3/13/2023 at 16:52 (677 days old) by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        

panasonicvac's profile picture
I'm more of a PlayStation user but one thing I do like about the Xbox Series X better is that I can play all the old Xbox games. I was disappointed the PS5 can't play all the old PlayStation games. But hopefully the new PS6 would solve that issue.

Post# 467951 , Reply# 4   12/7/2023 at 20:45 (408 days old) by OldCrankman (Lawrenceburg, Indiana)        
As of now I don't have the ps5 or xbox series s

oldcrankman's profile picture
But I did get a Alienware Aurora R16 with RTX 4070.

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Post# 468102 , Reply# 5   12/14/2023 at 11:52 (401 days old) by human (Pines of Carolina)        

human's profile picture
Atari consoles became popular when I was in junior high school in the late '70s, but we never had one in the house, so it was something I never really got into. The closest to a video game I ever had in that era was an electromechanical auto racing game where the track moved and the car I was 'driving' stayed stationary as I dodged obstacles and tried to get as far as I could in the allotted time. I was also too cheap to shove endless quarters into the arcade games, especially given the crude state of their graphics at the time. My cousins had a Magnavox Odyssey system, and I enjoyed playing on it when I was visiting them. The curious thing is that I would look at Atari consoles on display in the stores, and would mainly see untapped potential, as I would envision them being used as computers.

When I got my first computer, a Mac Classic, when I started graduate school in 1991, I found a couple of repositories of games on the university's network, some of which I found enjoyable, but the novelty wore off quickly. Even though computer and video game graphics have now caught up to where I would have liked them to be 40-odd years ago, that ship has apparently sailed without me.

Post# 468111 , Reply# 6   12/14/2023 at 16:23 (401 days old) by JustJunque (Western MA)        

justjunque's profile picture
We had an Atari 5200 back in the day. I think I still have it somewhere, in its original box.
But, somehow, I never really got bitten by the video game bug.
Strange, since everyone that I hung out with back then was big into them.

Post# 474731 , Reply# 7   12/20/2024 at 18:32 by wstonehockertv (North Carolina)        

I haven't picked up a game controller in five years. Besides, video games are an expensive hobby. The retro collector's market is insane.

Not only that, but no one wants to make a game console anymore where it's all plug and play. They want you to have an internet connection and download updates. It's why the PC tends to be more forgiving in that sort of way.

Post# 474735 , Reply# 8   12/20/2024 at 19:51 by Kirbyman65 (USA)        
I also have an Atari

kirbyman65's profile picture
I also have an Atari, it was given to me as a gift off eBay it’s great and I love it.

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Post# 474848 , Reply# 9   12/27/2024 at 16:47 by wstonehockertv (North Carolina)        

Vacuum and video game/physical media enthusiasts are everywhere. The two communities are at war with one another.

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