Thread Number: 44262  /  Tag: Classified Ad Finds
Hoover PortaPower ReBranded as Oreck
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Post# 460721   2/26/2023 at 22:17 (712 days old) by eurekaprince (Montreal, Canada)        

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Not sure if Oreck is now part of TTI, but here’s an Oreck clone of the classic Hoover Portapower Compact vacuum….see link below….

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Post# 460724 , Reply# 1   2/27/2023 at 00:24 (712 days old) by repairman (Woodridge, IL)        

TTI has owned Oreck since 2013 after they filed for bankruptcy. That machine was bundled with Oreck uprights WAY before the Buster B was even a thing.

Post# 460732 , Reply# 2   2/27/2023 at 12:08 (711 days old) by VacsofProsper (TX)        

vacsofprosper's profile picture
I have an Oreck branded portapower too. Except mine is orange and has built in wheels.

Post# 460747 , Reply# 3   2/27/2023 at 17:59 (711 days old) by eurekaprince (Montreal, Canada)        

eurekaprince's profile picture
Thanks for that reply, repairman! Very interesting!

Post# 460766 , Reply# 4   2/28/2023 at 00:10 (711 days old) by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        

panasonicvac's profile picture
Actually Oreck in the past used to have other companies make products for them. Oreck had Hoover made those before both of the brands were later acquired by TTI, kind of a coincidence.

Post# 460821 , Reply# 5   3/1/2023 at 10:58 (709 days old) by gottahaveahoove (Pittston, Pennsylvania, 18640)        
Isn't it sad to see that

gottahaveahoove's profile picture

"Portapower' with that name on it?  It all now is thrown in together.


Post# 460841 , Reply# 6   3/1/2023 at 19:21 (709 days old) by huskyvacs (Gnaw Bone, IN)        

huskyvacs's profile picture
This is very old and very early. This is nowhere near recent. Likely 40 years old. 1981 or 1982 somewhere around there. This was when Oreck was first starting out. That was Oreck's first logo design.

The OSHA certification on the bottom means this was a model made for the commercial market.

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