Thread Number: 44143  /  Tag: Wanted to Buy Items
2021 Atomic Warehouse in Harrisburg Auction [EXPIRED]
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Post# 459703   1/23/2023 at 19:57 (628 days old) by huskyvacs (Gnaw Bone, Indiana)        

huskyvacs's profile picture
This auction ended long ago and is expired but I thought I would post it here for posterity since it has a complete list and photos of the vacuums. I never heard of this auction, it went right past me. It must have not been publicized much. Lots and lots of vintage vacuums. I have never seen them come up on eBay, if they did, nobody said where they came from. Hopefully they all found a home.

2010 news article:

Not sure why it closed other than that 2010 news article stating that the owner was behind on his loan he took out in 2003 that just kept piling up and never recovered.

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Post# 459705 , Reply# 1   1/23/2023 at 20:41 (628 days old) by electrolux137 (Los Angeles)        

electrolux137's profile picture

I found these videos on-line. Note: The camera operator is very erratic, swinging the camera from one side to the other. What I did to avoid seasickness was to download the videos and watched them in a viewer where I could slow them down.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO electrolux137's LINK

Post# 459706 , Reply# 2   1/23/2023 at 20:42 (628 days old) by electrolux137 (Los Angeles)        

electrolux137's profile picture
Post# 459707 , Reply# 3   1/23/2023 at 20:46 (628 days old) by electrolux137 (Los Angeles)        

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Post# 459710 , Reply# 4   1/23/2023 at 22:15 (628 days old) by Hoover300 (Kentucky)        

hoover300's profile picture
Oh this. 2 years ago almost to the month they came up on Hibid. There is a long thread about it, I will post if I can find it. I got 2 vacs and many people got more.

Post# 459711 , Reply# 5   1/24/2023 at 01:28 (628 days old) by BillsBalls (West Sacramento)        

Wow electrolux, thanks for posting this. Really great, I am disabled so I can't get out much so it's really great to see this.


Post# 459714 , Reply# 6   1/24/2023 at 08:03 (628 days old) by bnsd60m9200 (Akron OH)        

bnsd60m9200's profile picture
the owner of the building where this auction came from posted about this on my vacuum group in facebook a few years ago when it happened. the vacuums were very overpriced in the auction, attachments grouped as separate lots from machines that were complete in the same room. it wasnt very oraganized, and many vacuums ended up on ebay unsold because of the high prices.

Post# 459715 , Reply# 7   1/24/2023 at 08:12 (628 days old) by rugsucker (Elizabethton TN)        
Atomic Warehouse

Amazing place.I was there long before the auction and got a few paper items.When we were there there was a British sports car on the freight elevator and 2 GE kitchens that were removed from MCM houses.Sad that it's gone.
If any want same and similar model vintage vacs and parts from another place that will no longer exist after this year you should be HERE in the spring & summer.

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