Thread Number: 43952  /  Tag: Brand New Vacuum Cleaners
Delphin T8 new model
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Post# 458150   11/23/2022 at 19:14 (690 days old) by countryguy (Astorville, ON, Canada)        

countryguy's profile picture
I just came across this video for the new model of the Delphin water vacuum. Interesting how the water basin attaches/detaches.


Post# 458152 , Reply# 1   11/23/2022 at 20:15 (690 days old) by Blackheart (North Dakota)        

blackheart's profile picture
Yeah that is interesting. I can't help but think that would also make the basin a little more of a pain to clean though it just seems....unnecessary

Post# 458160 , Reply# 2   11/24/2022 at 09:51 (689 days old) by juju93 (South Georgia)        

It is very interesting how the water basin attaches and detaches. I wish rexair would do something like this for future models. Maybe them doing so can bring back the bigger water basins because the one on the srx is just to small to do anytype of mayjor cleaning. Now I have never heard of this brand so I'm curious about their orgins and are they sold in america? I l'm also curious to what accessories are available for use with this machine, in terms of veratility. I'm also curious about the spec of it, like power, cord length, longevity, and so on.

Post# 458167 , Reply# 3   11/24/2022 at 20:43 (689 days old) by countryguy (Astorville, ON, Canada)        

countryguy's profile picture
They are made in Germany according to the website


Post# 458188 , Reply# 4   11/26/2022 at 08:28 (687 days old) by electro (Indiana)        
many unique features

I have been interested in the brand for several years. I like the fact that their tools are unique to the machine and not just some generic looking item. I read where they do not use paints on the machines. I DID take note that the new T8 is much smaller and lighter, easier to handle. Even their electric power nozzle has a unique design. Very interesting. I wish they were offered in USA. I believe they offer the newer brushless motors too. Nice to see a NEW design on the market that would seem
to be a quality made product. I would welcome not having to lift the heavy motor unit off and on and not mess with the latches every time I wanted to dump the basin.

Post# 458190 , Reply# 5   11/26/2022 at 09:13 (687 days old) by dysonman1 (the county)        

dysonman1's profile picture
I brought a Delphin to a VCCC convention almost 20 years ago. Everyone went bananas over it. VERY well built cleaner. I loved the electric power nozzle. Mine did not have the brushless motor, although the new Delphin has that.

Post# 458194 , Reply# 6   11/26/2022 at 12:40 (687 days old) by electro (Indiana)        
new design of basin

According to the information, the new water basin design is to hold back if you have a huge amount of thick dirt and hair that you would not want to go down the sewer. Just dump in the waste basket and rinse . Seems like it would much easier to attach and detach just by stepping on the foot release pedal. Guess we will have to see it in real time. I does look like it is a small unit in weight and bulk.

Post# 472209 , Reply# 7   7/1/2024 at 12:14 by GenesisAir (Idaho)        
Delphin T8 is now available in the USA

The Delphin T8 is now available in the USA. This is such an amazing system. It’s like a rainbow but smaller, lighter and easier to use. The click and twist technology is such a great feature because it brings everything to eye level from removing the water basin to cleaning the click lamella. We’ve had our for about 2 weeks now and absolutely love it! I’ve posted a link where you can order them in the USA. If you’re local to north Idaho, they’ll even come out and demonstrate it for you.


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Post# 472211 , Reply# 8   7/1/2024 at 13:22 by GenesisAir (Idaho)        
Forgot to add the link

I forgot to add the link in the above post. 🤦🏽 Here’s the link.


Post# 472212 , Reply# 9   7/1/2024 at 20:20 by Gabowenjr (tampa fl)        
You can buy these wholesale

I just saw that these are selling on essco for vac stores. I wonder how well they will do in vac stores. I wonder what the wholesale cost for distributors are vers what the cost on essco. Looks like a cool machine.

Post# 472226 , Reply# 10   7/2/2024 at 16:41 by countryguy (Astorville, ON, Canada)        

countryguy's profile picture
$3800 for the home unit and $5200 for the commercial? That's crazy.

Post# 472229 , Reply# 11   7/2/2024 at 21:13 by juju93 (South Georgia)        

whats the differnce between the 3800 package and the 5200 package

Post# 472235 , Reply# 12   7/3/2024 at 00:06 by GenesisAir (Idaho)        
Commercial vs Residential

Commercial system comes with the enterprise business package for B2B support and training. This option is mainly for corporations as has been requested by several corporations we’ve partnered with.

Post# 472265 , Reply# 13   7/4/2024 at 17:06 by mark40511 (Lexington, KY)        

mark40511's profile picture
Rainbows have always been ridiculously expensive, right?

But the price they want for them now is beyond ridiculous...

in 2006 I think if I remember I got my new in box gold 2 speed with PN and mini PN for like $1200... and later models like the blue and black were around that as well *give or take* depending on negotiations..

But now... you couldn't even think about getting one for that price. What's up with these becoming so outrageously expensive? Way beyond what they used to be

Post# 472332 , Reply# 14   7/11/2024 at 12:11 by dysonman1 (the county)        

dysonman1's profile picture
We sell lots of reconditioned Rainbows. Ordered two delphins (one for me personally) and one for sale. They can sell in store of any price the vac shop wants. I'm very fluid on my price, as there will virtually always be a Rainbow trade-in. I plan to sell a ton of them. They are very, very well made.

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Post# 472344 , Reply# 15   7/12/2024 at 11:38 by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        
I agree with Gary

panasonicvac's profile picture
Anybody who buys a Delphin I believe is getting ripped off. No way I'm paying that much on a vacuum, not even if it's a Aqua-Air. I'd rather buy a Sirena or at least a refurbished Rainbow instead if I wanted a water filtering machine. And if Delphin exits the market, good luck finding parts for it.

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