Thread Number: 43538  /  Tag: 50s/60s/70s Vacuum Cleaners
Eureka 1428/ Mid-range Eureka F and G uprights?
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Post# 454678   7/10/2022 at 23:52 (815 days old) by texbodemer (Mountlake Terrace)        

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I'm curious about the histories of mid-range Eureka F and G Uprights. My grandma had a Eureka 1428, and I've always loved that style. I would also love to see photos of the 1428A-F

Post# 454679 , Reply# 1   7/11/2022 at 00:00 (815 days old) by texbodemer (Mountlake Terrace)        

texbodemer's profile picture
What's the difference between

and what was the 1427?

Post# 455060 , Reply# 2   7/21/2022 at 09:31 (805 days old) by kirbyklekter (Concord,Ca.)        

Hope someone who knows sees this, I'm curious too. The "answers are out there."

Post# 455081 , Reply# 3   7/21/2022 at 21:11 (804 days old) by huskyvacs (Gnaw Bone, Indiana)        

huskyvacs's profile picture
All I know about the lettering designations is that it was Eureka's internal coding system for mid-run model revisions where something would be changed on the vacuum while it was still being produced. The submodel lettering was used so that once these vacuums were out on the streets and being used & subsequently serviced they wouldn't get mixed up or have parts ordered for them that were never there or do not fit (like deleted features or modified assemblies).

I'm sure a vacuum shop maybe would have had the cypher in old parts manuals that said what changed what where....or maybe they never left Eureka HQ, no idea. If you had each vacuum side by side and looked over each part I'm sure you might figure out what was changed on it by brute force observation, but that's likely impossible to do just finding each little submodel.

These "Convertibleites" are so simple I can't imagine much being changed on them that many times other than the motors or fans or brushroll designs.

Post# 455088 , Reply# 4   7/22/2022 at 07:13 (804 days old) by Paul (USA)        

I agree with huskyvacs that the service manuals likely contain the letter designations indicating their differences and production years. In some cases these were only styling - not design or parts. I wonder if the letters may have also indicated production sets (not necessarily changes), auxiliary inclusions, sales or manufacturing regions or retailers?

Post# 472317 , Reply# 5   7/10/2024 at 13:37 by Paul (USA)        
Type -A, -B, -D, & -F Examples

Until now, I have only seen the Model 1428 in white and blue; however eBay currently has a listing for what is supposedly a short-lived Type A with a Shadow-colored (dark brown) base instead along with the "hex key" graphic bag cover design rather than the common tattersall print—its plastic handle indicates at least a 1981 production. Given Eureka's propensity for updates & changes—including model color changes—I doubt that the model in the listing was mislabeled; albeit it's possible.

I was unable to detect other physical changes among Types -B, -D, & -F, so it may be that the differences were internal or subtle. Plastic v. metal parts, wheels, brush roll style, motor amps, or the cord are some prospects.

Newspaper marketing I located was from 1980-1989.


1-4: eBay photos for 1428-A in White & Shadow (presumed color name based similarity to other models so identified)

5: Dec. 21, 1980 READING EAGLE newspaper ad - unidentified but matching many features of the brown 1428-A

6: Blue & White sales sheet (unidentified Type- presumably 'B', or were there 2 'A's?)

7: eBay 1428-D base in blue (ratings decal shows 4.0-amps)


1. 1428-B on YouTube

2. 1428-F on YouTube

  Photos...       <              >      Photo 1 of 7         View Full Size
Post# 472321 , Reply# 6   7/10/2024 at 15:30 by gottahaveahoove (Pittston, Pennsylvania, 18640)        
Although Eurekas are not my thing...

gottahaveahoove's profile picture

The upright looks to be in out of the box shape !!!!!!!!


Good for you. Enjoy!

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