Thread Number: 42280
/ Tag: 50s/60s/70s Vacuum Cleaners
Canadian model 858 Constellation? |
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Post# 445091 , Reply# 1   8/23/2021 at 23:31 (1,244 days old) by fan-of-fans (USA)   |   | |
The Canadian model you're thinking of I believe is 888, it had lime green upper and lower dome with with white base ring.
This isn't a Canadian model but it appears to be fairly uncommon, as most model 858 Constellations were the pumpkin color, followed by poppy red in 1974, which is less common. There are some of this green model around, but it seems to be less common than the other two colors. It doesn't appear to be in any timelines on the forum, and nobody really seems to know anything about it that I've seen, although it has been discussed a few times. I would guess that it is from the late 1960s, but I don't know when exactly it fits into the 858 production timeline. |
Post# 445096 , Reply# 2   8/24/2021 at 05:40 (1,244 days old) by eurekaprince (Montreal, Canada)   |   | |
I think if this Constellation had been made in Canada, the ratings plate would have referred to Hamilton, Ontario where our Canadian factory was located
- not North Canton, Ohio. The plate would have also shown our CSL logo - Canadian Standards Laboratory - our version of UL (Underwriters’ Laboratory). |
Post# 445098 , Reply# 3   8/24/2021 at 09:30 (1,243 days old) by gottahaveahoove (Pittston, Pennsylvania, 18640)   |   | |
Post# 445209 , Reply# 4   8/27/2021 at 09:13 (1,240 days old) by Tinkerman (Central Texas)   |   | |
Enjoying the forum and wish I had more time to devote to this oddly captivating hobby. |