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Back Pack Vacs
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Post# 435014   11/14/2020 at 14:58 (1,429 days old) by bacpacvac2007 (My house)        

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Does anyone have any interesting backpacks in their collections that you would like to share pictures of?

Post# 435015 , Reply# 1   11/14/2020 at 14:59 (1,429 days old) by kirboover (Watertown, South Dakota)        

kirboover's profile picture
I do not.

Post# 435017 , Reply# 2   11/14/2020 at 18:16 (1,429 days old) by gottahaveahoove (Pittston, Pennsylvania, 18640)        
I have one.

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It's a Hoover Commercial. At the moment, it's packed away. But, I'll do my best soon to get a pic.

Post# 435050 , Reply# 3   11/15/2020 at 11:16 (1,428 days old) by bagintheback (Flagstaff, Arizona)        

bagintheback's profile picture
I was interested in them for a few months. From what I could find it looks like Proteam makes the best machines mostly because they have fantastic attachments and their parts are cheap and easy to find.

One of the biggest issues is that very few of them offer an electric powerhead. ProLux, which I think is a brand owned by the online vacuum store GreatVacs, does offer one with a powerhead. What's interesting is the main power unit looks like it's the same body as the Hoover WindTunnel Air

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Post# 435063 , Reply# 4   11/15/2020 at 15:54 (1,428 days old) by Blackheart (North Dakota)        
I've got two

blackheart's profile picture
Right now I have two, I had a 3rd but decided to part with it.
I got lucky and found this proteam backpack with an electric hose and power nozzle for about 220, it needed a good clean out as the hepa filters were black and the cloth bag was pretty clogged.
The numatic came from ebay as well. It suffered from design flaws the original cloth bag was made of this really restrictive material and would seal over the motor area. The lid is cracked and i had to install some foam strips to prevent leakage. I also had to import some carbon brushes from the UK. I did make a video on the numatic backpack if anyone wants to see it (link below)

Now the one I parted with is this Sanitaire SC530 while it's suction was strong it's airflow was only so so and it had a strange smell kind of like diesel. which I couldn't seem to remove. It didn't come with anything so i did try it with my proteam's 1.5" hose before i got this rainbow hose to put on it for resale.


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Post# 435122 , Reply# 5   11/16/2020 at 16:53 (1,427 days old) by sanitaire (anchorage, alaska)        

got this for free. used for a bit... new motor... super suction.. the 6 quart proteam bags are a good fit.
my second one is a older windsor..looks like a turtle the straps are un padded nylon webbing. supposed too have a cart.. another freebie. the body is that shiney plast... not a more modern molded type on current stuff.

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Post# 435188 , Reply# 6   11/18/2020 at 15:28 (1,425 days old) by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        

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I really like the backpack models that are made by Sandia. I think these are (In my opinion) the best corded backpack vacuums that you can find on the market today. The designs are just ingenious, they're assembled in the US, and you can choose of whatever colors and/or brands that you would like to have on when you order it directly from Ultimate Solutions. I'm not really a fan of backpack vacuums but if there's one or maybe two that I would like to have in my collection, it would be the Raven.

Post# 435264 , Reply# 7   11/19/2020 at 19:13 (1,424 days old) by n0oxy (Saint Louis Missouri, United States)        
I have 8 of them

I like them but I don't use them as much as my central vacuum units. My favorite one is the Sanitaire 535, very quiet and powerful. The Sandia backpacks are nice, the one thing I don't like about them is that the hose is part of the lid assembly so you can't connect other hoses such as an electric hose for a power nozzle. Fortunately they sell a lid assembly without the hose which allows you to use your own.


Post# 435265 , Reply# 8   11/19/2020 at 19:22 (1,424 days old) by Lesinutah (Utah)        

lesinutah's profile picture
A royalba vacuum. Ry8100 Its sister vac is the hoover hushtone backpack. I just shipped it as it sold on eBay. It's hose attached screws onto the lid.
I want a proteam coach vacuum. I have only watched them in use.
The battery powered hushtone I've used. It wasn't impressive at all.

Post# 435364 , Reply# 9   11/23/2020 at 14:35 (1,420 days old) by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        

panasonicvac's profile picture
Only the 10 quart backpacks from Sandia you most likely won't have other hoses connected to but it is not impossible. You can however with their 6 quart models but those other hoses would need fit in the same diameter hole. Actually if you look at Sandia's website, they now offer both the 6 quart AND the 10 quart models with a powerhead included.

The whole idea with the 10 quart the way that it is designed is that the hose prevents from popping out of the lid, I've actually had hoses that popped out of the lid before with other backpacks that I've used which is one of the reasons of why I don't like backpack vacuums other than the Ravens. Also, the hose comes out at an angle so it prevents the hose from hitting you on the head and it gives you easy of use on the shoulder. I've also had that happen before as well. And the bag lid has a deflector plate which prevents of sharp things from piercing inside the bag. I think this is important to have on a bagged vacuum. Anyways, those are one of the reasons of why I think these are the best corded backpack vacuums on the market if not the overall best backpacks ever made.

Post# 435762 , Reply# 10   12/2/2020 at 08:53 (1,411 days old) by bacpacvac2007 (My house)        

bacpacvac2007's profile picture
All amazing machines.

Post# 437784 , Reply# 11   1/26/2021 at 13:24 (1,356 days old) by Rdwdcp (UK)        

Luigi has a backpack vacuum

The poltigust 3000

Post# 437791 , Reply# 12   1/26/2021 at 17:30 (1,356 days old) by Detroitdirtbag (Bottom of the Bag)        

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I’d like to have a rigid or craftsman 2 1/4 back pack. I do t see any. I just bought the 2 1/4 gutter kit. I have to vac off the gutter guard here with all the trees regularly

Post# 438197 , Reply# 13   2/5/2021 at 08:33 (1,346 days old) by rdwdcp (UK)        
Luigis Mansion

Has anyone ever played Luigis Mansion?

Well in the Game his has a Vacuum Cleaner on his back, the poltergust 3000 is a backpack type Vacuum.

Luigi uses the vacuum to suck up ghosts in the mansion.

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Post# 472950 , Reply# 14   8/26/2024 at 10:49 by AmtrakSebo1997 (Vacmasterthegreats basement)        
Those games are fantastic!

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Don't even get me started on LM! I love that series so much, and it holds a special place in my heart. I first found out about it when I was little, and when the second installment, Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon came out. I think this game to an extent helped me get over my childhood fear of vacuum cleaners, since you use the Poltergust as a tool/weapon to get through the mansions (and hotel in the 3rd game). Since then, I've wanted a Poltergust3000, 5000, and/or G-00 to call my own.

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