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Brush strips for Hoover concept one & two
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Post# 425665   5/18/2020 at 11:39 (1,703 days old) by Gj9696 (Prosper)        

I was wondering if anyone knows where I can get quadraflex brush strips for Hoover concept one and two? I have a concept one and two and they desperately need new brush strips. They seen better days. Thank you.

Post# 425683 , Reply# 1   5/18/2020 at 18:49 (1,703 days old) by Lesinutah (Utah)        

lesinutah's profile picture
If it's the inserts similar to what the vibra groomer uses there pretty cheap. If it's a rare brush I seen one only one insert for $30.
If it's not the vibra groomer type it probably would be cheaper to buy a new one.

Post# 425685 , Reply# 2   5/18/2020 at 18:52 (1,703 days old) by Gj9696 (Prosper)

Post# 425687 , Reply# 3   5/18/2020 at 18:58 (1,703 days old) by Lesinutah (Utah)        

lesinutah's profile picture
Post# 425692 , Reply# 4   5/18/2020 at 23:13 (1,703 days old) by Gj9696 (Prosper)        

I actually saw that one on eBay and looks like it actually goes to convertibles and dial a matics.

Post# 425706 , Reply# 5   5/19/2020 at 11:33 (1,702 days old) by Gj9696 (Prosper)        

U know, I took a couple of old worn brush strips that came from a convertible/dial a matic and it fits on the concept agitator bar. Should stay in place once I screw in the end caps.

Post# 425854 , Reply# 6   5/22/2020 at 07:57 (1,699 days old) by repairman (Woodridge, IL)        

Those brush strips have been NLA for at least 15 years. Hoover started selling the Elite-style brushroll that was used in the Powerdrive uprights which is also NLA. The metal roller was 48416009 and the new roller was 48414013. Your best bet would be to find a used roller on eBay. If all else fails, you can always modify a CWP Tempo brushroll like this guy did. I've done it myself and it works decently.


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Post# 425877 , Reply# 7   5/22/2020 at 18:45 (1,699 days old) by Lesinutah (Utah)        

lesinutah's profile picture
If it's a brush insert there at be a good solution. Its crossbranding but eureka and Hoover have both used same brush roll different name. The eureka vibra groomer 2 I'm assuming would fit. The Hoover agitator brush roll was produced for a while. Then eureka vibra groomer production started likely as expired paten.
The one just like Hoover is vibra groomer 1. They are not cheap. The vibra groomer 2 you can get for $15.
If you want the vibra groomer 1 is dead to rights Hoover agitator brush roll. If you want a good brush roll and economical vg2.
The only issue may be using Hoover brush roll end caps on eureka brush roll. I believe Hoover pentagon or hexagon is bigger than eureka's.

Post# 426114 , Reply# 8   5/27/2020 at 14:39 (1,694 days old) by bnsd60m9200 (Akron OH)        

bnsd60m9200's profile picture
a powerdrive dial a matic brushroll works just find and those brush strips are still sold new. just change out the endcaps

Post# 426275 , Reply# 9   5/30/2020 at 15:01 (1,691 days old) by HappyJigg (Los Angeles, California)        

I am in the same boat, needing new strips for a concept that has worn them down so far they only act as beaters, if that. I have heard that the brush strips for the convertible will work, but the bristles are longer than the concept bristles and rub against the back of the brushroll housing. If only there was a way to trim them easily.

Post# 426302 , Reply# 10   5/30/2020 at 21:40 (1,691 days old) by vacuumlad1650 (Wauponsee, IL)        

vacuumlad1650's profile picture
Scissors work just fine...

Post# 426409 , Reply# 11   6/2/2020 at 18:59 (1,688 days old) by 2011hoover700 (owosso michigan)        

2011hoover700's profile picture
Hi again these will work for your convertibles too.
I'll try a set on my concepts as these brush strips work great for my convertibles.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO 2011hoover700's LINK

Post# 426416 , Reply# 12   6/2/2020 at 21:27 (1,688 days old) by 2011hoover700 (owosso michigan)        

2011hoover700's profile picture
@Gj9696 I forgot to mention that the brush strips in my link is longer than the original but they do fit but the ends will require trimming.
Happy to help.

Post# 426435 , Reply# 13   6/3/2020 at 10:13 (1,687 days old) by Gj9696 (Prosper)        

2011hoover700, thanks for the link about riccar brush strips. One thing, is it a $1.97 for one strip each? Thanks 👍

Post# 474143 , Reply# 14   11/11/2024 at 21:48 by abobotek (Redmond, WA)        
Brush Strip Adapters for Quadraflex

I designed and 3D printed some adapters that fit in a Quadraflex brushroll and let you use Eureka VGI brush strips. It works fine. There's no beater on the brush strip, but it still cleans well. And the bristles needed to be trimmed down to 1/4".

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