Thread Number: 39940  /  Tag: 80s/90s Vacuum Cleaners
What vacuums have you seen in movies?
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Post# 423971   4/22/2020 at 15:47 (1,732 days old) by Jo (Dallas,TX)        

Thought I’d start something new and fun for us! What vacuums have you seen in movies new or old?

I’ll start off with one...the one that inspired this thread (also the thread of vacuums on bewitched inspired this as well).

In the movie “The Help” I believe it was Minnie who was seen cleaning the house with an Electrolux Olympia One. It was running but sounded like it had a rebuilt motor in it, also the attachments were generic and if I recall correctly was only being used with a straight suction floor nozzle...this coupled with the odd sound are indicators that it may have been a metropolitan rebuilt model. Both my Mother and I who were watching the movie together noticed it and commented.

Post# 423973 , Reply# 1   4/22/2020 at 16:28 (1,732 days old) by Hoover300 (Kentucky)        

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I saw part of a 50s Goblin in one of the Harry Potter movies,
The Leasure in the Addams family movie, and, I do not know if this counts, a Packard in Malcolm in the Middle. I know I have seen more, but do not remember them. I have heard of a vac shop in Breaking Bad though.
Pic 1 is Leasure, pic 2 is the Packard. Sorry for the sideways shots.

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Post# 423975 , Reply# 2   4/22/2020 at 16:39 (1,732 days old) by pr-21 (Middletown, OH)        

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Samantha Stevens on Bewitched had one. I believe it was a hoover dial a  matic, that they rigged

to run by itself......




Post# 423977 , Reply# 3   4/22/2020 at 16:59 (1,732 days old) by eurekaprince (Montreal, Canada)        

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The 1960's comedy "Good Neighbour Sam" had a Hoover Convertible on the roof of a vacuum repair truck. The truck was actually a disguise for a private investigator hired to spy on the comings and goings of a suburban husband. The handle of the cleaner was a periscope and the two "o"s in the word Hoover were binoculars!!!

And of course there is the famous vacuum cleaner scene in Jerry Lewis' classic "Whose Minding the Store?". (Poor Fifi - she got sucked up by a Hoover Convertible!!!)

Post# 423980 , Reply# 4   4/22/2020 at 17:26 (1,732 days old) by KirbyCollector (Columbus Ohio USA)        
I can think of multiple.

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Kirby Classic Omega in “Mr. Mom”
Kirby Classic Omega in “AntMan”
Kirby Classic III in “Casper”
Hoover Convertible (I think 1060) in “Close Encounters of the Third Kind”
Electrolux Model XXX & Eureka Upright in “National Lampoon’s Vacation”
Hoover Elite in “Mrs. Doubtfire”


There’s so much more.

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Post# 423988 , Reply# 5   4/22/2020 at 19:44 (1,732 days old) by Bvac6 (Fort Wayne, Indiana)        

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I spotted these two in the 80's tv show Hotel; a Dial-a-matic and a commercial Eureka. I'm not sure why these photos are in sideways!

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Post# 423992 , Reply# 6   4/22/2020 at 20:05 (1,732 days old) by Compactelectra (Palm Springs)        
If You Expand This

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To include TV shows here is one of my favorites. Hazel vacuuming the Baxter’s living room with a Modern Hygiene. She also used it to help out the bachelor neighbor who moved in next door. That Modern Hygiene was a fabulously beautiful machine.

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Post# 423996 , Reply# 7   4/22/2020 at 20:47 (1,732 days old) by Jo (Dallas,TX)        

I don’t see the Electrolux XXX in the National Lampoons Christmas vacation attic scene but I do see what looks like Electrolux hoses on the left in the second of the attic photos. Am I missing something? This is a fun Can you find the vacuum in this photo” challenge!

That looks like a nice modern hygiene that Hazel is using, wonder what model it is. I’d like to see one closer up.


Post# 423998 , Reply# 8   4/22/2020 at 21:01 (1,732 days old) by Compactelectra (Palm Springs)        

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Here you go courtesy of Charles Lester.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO Compactelectra's LINK

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Post# 424006 , Reply# 9   4/22/2020 at 21:51 (1,732 days old) by vacman1961 (North Babylon, New York)        

Jo, Did you realize in the movie the Help there was actually 4 different vacuums pictured? One vacuum was the Electrolux Olympia with a standard hose and looks like a model 30 upholstery nozzle, the second was another Electrolux, you can't really tell the model, it could be a Model AE, AF or G but you can see the electric pigtail hose, she is vacuuming a bare floor behind a couch, the third is a Kirby Dual 50, it is propped against an end table in Elizabeths living room when she had to hurry and leave the house, the Dual 50 had a replacement red plaid bag on it, and the fourth was the ever so famous Shinolater which is a Filter Queen Majestic used to dry hair.
The Electrolux Model 30 in Christmas Vacation is laying on its side up in the attic between the beams when he climbs the pull down stair case.

Post# 424007 , Reply# 10   4/22/2020 at 22:04 (1,732 days old) by gregvacs28 (U.S.)        
Just for inspiration

It seems like we can never remember them all.


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Post# 424008 , Reply# 11   4/22/2020 at 22:05 (1,732 days old) by vacman1961 (North Babylon, New York)        

Kirby Dual 50 from The Help.

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Post# 424009 , Reply# 12   4/22/2020 at 22:12 (1,732 days old) by gregvacs28 (U.S.)        

For the memory archives:
Three's Company's Jack, Janet, & Chrissy had a small Eureka Princess I think it was.

Knot'slanding's Karen Fairgate in season three (or two, midway through the season) had a 1978 Kenmore TOL canister that she wouldn't let Diana use at Abby's.

On Dragnet 1968? there was an episode where they inspected the contents of a 50s Airway vacuum. (link to my previous post)

The Brady bunch had at least 2 vacuums. An upright and what I believe was an electrolux tank, but it had a white vynil hose, so..... And Greg was using it to vacuum the engine compartment of a car. Anyone remember this?


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Post# 424078 , Reply# 13   4/23/2020 at 18:36 (1,731 days old) by Jo (Dallas,TX)        

I only remember may instances of Alice on the Brady bunch vacuuming with some sort of upright and Inthink over the years it may have been different ones. Don’t remember Greg using an Electrolux, that would be nice to see which model it was though.

Didn’t remember so many vacuums in “The help” , mostly just the Electrolux perhaps because it’s the same model my Mom has and In an Electrolux fan. I do t see many Electrolux’s having popped up in movies perhaps because they were more expensive.

@ Charles Lester: Thanks for taking the time out to dig out the modern hygiene photo. Sure looks like nice retro designing. Can’t remember if Lurelle Guild designed the Electrolux LX as well since he did the XXX, and I think he did the E through L metal canister design...but if he did the LX, I wonder if he designed the modern hygiene, definite similar styling cues. I enjoy Art Deco design. While I don’t collect it, I appreciate it’s distinctive styling and the modern hygiene seems to have it for sure. Well I’m wandering off into a design subject off my own there as I should stay on topic!


Post# 424090 , Reply# 14   4/23/2020 at 21:06 (1,731 days old) by gregvacs28 (U.S.)        

Greg was using some type of tank with a white hose. It had to be an episode later in the series because Greg was driving at that point. The car was out of the carport with the trunk toward it. The hood was up and he was vacuuming under the hood. Why would someone do that, I don't know, but....

Post# 424142 , Reply# 15   4/24/2020 at 15:15 (1,730 days old) by Oldskoolguy (Chicago and Orlando)        
Who could forget?

The Kirby Dual Sanitronic 80 feathered in the Brave Little Toaster! For reference, I have my Dual 80 (with the wrong handle) pictured next to my TV.

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Post# 424219 , Reply# 16   4/25/2020 at 13:52 (1,729 days old) by Jo (Dallas,TX)        
Thought if another

In the tv series “Madmen”, Peggy borrows her Mother’s Electrolux LX to clean her new apartment with. In a later episode, it appears again as she is returning it her Mother, and her Mother asks “Did you empty the bag” which for this model was an incorrect question to ask as it can only be used with disposable paper bags but likely the writers wanted more to be period correct as in the 1950s almost all vacuums had cloth shake out dust bags!

By the way, I love that Red plaid Kirby bag! So stylish! My partner would love it, he’s so into plaid this past winter adding tidbits of it all over our house.

Post# 424233 , Reply# 17   4/25/2020 at 15:15 (1,729 days old) by fan-of-fans (USA)        

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In Matlock there was an Elite very similar, if not the same as in the Mrs. Doubtfire scene. Matlock in one episode apparently owned a late Hoover Dial A Matic Powerdrive in the light gray/dark gray color scheme, that the maid is cleaning with. And of course the scene with the Rainbow D4 SE demo that due to Russ's back injury, gets scheduled to take place in Matlock's living room, much to his chagrin.

In The Andy Griffith show Barney becomes a vacuum salesman in one episode and has a Hoover Convertible he goes door to door with. And Aunt Bee has a Hoover Constellation in one episode.

In the Dennis the Menance movie , there is a shop vac, where the spilled paint is sucked up and either explodes or gets blown out onto the neighbor's barbecue grill, resulting in the burgers tasting of paint.

In Big Comfy Couch I watched as a kid, there is a modified green Hoover Constellation. I believe it was the late Canadian model in the sour apple color. It has a reversing switch in place of the Hoover logo. Loonette gets allergies so decides to run the vacuum cleaner and places the hose under the couch. The two Dust Bunnies underneath get sucked up, and Molly hears them yelling inside the vacuum, so she turns the reverse switch to blow them out before Loonette unplugs it.

The movie Tomorrowland from a few years ago features some Electrolux model XXX vacuums as part of some kind of rocket suit contraption, but I can't recall what exactly.

Post# 424241 , Reply# 18   4/25/2020 at 17:24 (1,729 days old) by fan-of-fans (USA)        

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The Stuart Little movie had an Electrolux tank of some kind in the scene where the maid is cleaning the hotel. She lays the nozzle down to go wipe down the mirror and with the machine still running, Stuart Little almost gets sucked into it on his motorcycle. I remember reading the book and was sad about the part where it mentions the vacuum died (because I thought it literally died). But in the scene it's just the maid unplugs it, and Stuart is finally able to get free.

Also one of the animated movies either Secret Life or Pets or Secret Life of Dogs was on when I was channel surfing a few weeks ago and I saw an upright of some kind, in blue. Looked kind of like a Singer Twin Fan or maybe a Eureka F&G.

Post# 424263 , Reply# 19   4/26/2020 at 01:16 (1,729 days old) by aaron158 (Canada)        

brave little toaster was my fav movie as a kid and what made me want a Kirby. wish Disney would release remastered on bluray.

Post# 424269 , Reply# 20   4/26/2020 at 06:10 (1,729 days old) by eurekaprince (Montreal, Canada)        

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There was an entire episode of the 1970's comedy "Love American Style" that seemed to show many scenes with a Eureka Princess canister cleaner. I can't remember the details, I just remember being glued to the TV at the time! If anyone has a link to the summary of the episode, I'd greatly appreciate it!

Post# 424276 , Reply# 21   4/26/2020 at 12:16 (1,728 days old) by gregvacs28 (U.S.)        

As a kid I liked this show because of the theme song and some the fun they were often having. I remember an episode where someone was putting cigarettes in an aquarium. It was weird. lol

Fortunately, there are a lot of uploads of this fun show on youtube. Most are good quality, too. So you can peruse the episodes and hopefully find the episode.

I recently watched the episode with both Jack Kluggman and his real life wife Brett Somers and of they were playing a married couple who were cheating on each other. It was a cute ending.


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Post# 424279 , Reply# 22   4/26/2020 at 12:40 (1,728 days old) by eurekaprince (Montreal, Canada)        

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Thanks Keith!!!

I actually found an episode of Love American Style from season three that has the following title and Description: "Love and the Guilty Conscience - Farce about a jealous husband and a vacuum cleaner salesman.". This must be the one!! It originally aired in October of 1971 and I distinctly remember the vacuum being sold was that cool avocado Eureka Princess with the beige hose and tools! The housewife was played by zany Jo Anne Worley!!!

Now to find the episode on YouTube......

Post# 424281 , Reply# 23   4/26/2020 at 13:06 (1,728 days old) by gottahaveahoove (Pittston, Pennsylvania, 18640)        
"LOVE... American Style................

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Truer than the red, white and blue,ue, ue ue"

Post# 424283 , Reply# 24   4/26/2020 at 13:23 (1,728 days old) by eurekaprince (Montreal, Canada)        

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Haha!!! "Love, American Style....that's ME and YOU!". There were such handsome male actors in that series....was glued to the TV screen as I went thru adolescence......😁

Post# 424299 , Reply# 25   4/26/2020 at 19:51 (1,728 days old) by ridgidwd0670 (se wood co ohio)        

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I just found a Modern Hygiene tank vac like that in the trash; previous owner vacuumed water & had mice. Also the bag was petrified. Should I save it or throw it away? Its my 1st Modern Hygiene vac I've ever owned

It only had a worn leaky hose; no other attachments

If I decide to keep it I might use it for dirty jobs

Post# 424309 , Reply# 26   4/26/2020 at 21:12 (1,728 days old) by gregvacs28 (U.S.)        
SSN 3 EP 5

Prince, it's ssn 3 Ep 5

"Love, American Style (1969–1974)
Love and the Detective/Love and the Guilty Conscience/Love and the Mixed Marriage/Love and the Wake-Up Girl
1h | Comedy, Romance | Episode aired 15 October 1971"

Attached is one of my favs. Has a lot of up and coming stars like Leslie Ann Warren and Regis Philbin. ..... but no vacuums.

"LOVE AMERICAN STYLE Regis Philbin,Jack Cater,Andy Devine,Ruta Lee,Peter Marhall,Andrew Prine,Lesley..."
"Love and the Mountain Cabin" is one of the sequence titles.


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Post# 424344 , Reply# 27   4/27/2020 at 16:24 (1,727 days old) by eurekaprince (Montreal, Canada)        

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Thanks Keith! Still have not found the episode on YouTube - unfortunately...🙁

Post# 424923 , Reply# 28   5/5/2020 at 21:08 (1,719 days old) by Marks_here (_._)        
This wasn't in movies but on tv

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What about on the Flintstones the small elephant tide with rope on 4 wheels, or on the Jetsons where this robot thing vacuums up the cat then it sneezes itself out?

Post# 424950 , Reply# 29   5/6/2020 at 12:11 (1,718 days old) by Oreck_XL (Brooklyn, New York 11211)        

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I've been trying to figure out for the longest what kind of tank cleaner they used for the movie "Mac and Me." Whatever it was, I'm sure it was modified.

Post# 424952 , Reply# 30   5/6/2020 at 13:13 (1,718 days old) by Hoover300 (Kentucky)        

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I just saw the clip,it looks like a Royal/ Electro Hygiene. It has the wheels, pointy back end, color, and an early belden plug.

Post# 425027 , Reply# 31   5/7/2020 at 08:39 (1,717 days old) by Oreck_XL (Brooklyn, New York 11211)        

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Thank you Hoover300. The lighting was so dim in those scenes it's hard to tell. But were Belden plugs used on Royals?

Post# 425028 , Reply# 32   5/7/2020 at 08:49 (1,717 days old) by Hoover300 (Kentucky)        

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Although I cannot see from pictures of the vac, older royals did. The model appears to be the red first model(repainted?). In the scene where they plug it in and chase mac, the plug looks like a rounded kirby machine end plug, but with prongs. Both of my Premier Spic Spans have this molded plug.

Post# 438264 , Reply# 33   2/6/2021 at 19:50 (1,442 days old) by johnnyb59c (13240 n 3980 rd dewey oklahoma)        
more from Hazel

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also had Electrolux XII and model E. and whatabout the "Davidson"?(not a real vacuum I dont think but had Electrolux attachments

Post# 438293 , Reply# 34   2/7/2021 at 10:25 (1,441 days old) by human (Pines of Carolina)        

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I was watching "My Name is Earl" on DVD a couple of weeks ago and there was a scene in one episode where one of Earl's neighbors in the trailer park is vacuuming a rug, hung on an outdoor clothesline, with a vintage Electrolux LX.

Post# 438319 , Reply# 35   2/7/2021 at 17:09 (1,441 days old) by Elecroluxmodel1 ( Schererville, Indiana)        
I saw...

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An Electrolux model xxx in the Carol Burnette show. Tim Conway was the vacuum salesman and brought in a vacuum called the Davis 500 but you could tell it was an Electrolux model xxx.

Post# 438327 , Reply# 36   2/7/2021 at 21:30 (1,441 days old) by johnnyb59c (13240 n 3980 rd dewey oklahoma)        
I forgot a couple

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there was a GE Roll Easy on I Dream of Jeannie but it was green and gray(almost like Montgomery Ward colors) I never saw a green one before. after that I only saw the Hoover that was on Bewitched. also saw an Electrolux XXX on The Flying Nun they were using to power a pump organ with explosive results. Kenmore commander on Munsters and on Father Knows Best what looked like a Premier Duplex not sure.

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Post# 438329 , Reply# 37   2/7/2021 at 22:05 (1,441 days old) by gregvacs28 (U.S.)        

Lucy doing a Hoover slimline in slate/mint green.


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Post# 438332 , Reply# 38   2/7/2021 at 22:34 (1,441 days old) by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        

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Panasonic Ultra Pro commercial upright in Ocean's Thirteen. When I was a kid, we've stayed at a hotel where I saw two of these cleaning some rooms and they were both MC-V300 models.

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Post# 438350 , Reply# 39   2/8/2021 at 07:06 (1,440 days old) by Ocscott3085 (DMV)        

Not a movie but if you're watching Firefly Lane on Netflix, Tully has a late 70's/early 80's green Hoover Celebrity in her mom's family room. To me the vacuum didn't match the storyline. They flashback throughout each episode from the early 70s, to the 80's as young adults and then 2003 as forty-three year olds. Tully's mom is a drug addict who barely leaves the house. I doubt she could have afforded a new Hoover Celebrity Powermatic. I think production just saw the machine and figured it was retro looking enough to be used as a prop.

Post# 438352 , Reply# 40   2/8/2021 at 09:24 (1,440 days old) by kirboover (Watertown, South Dakota)        
I can’t believe it!

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No one has mentioned the vac from super sucker. I think it was a Panasonic MC-V7571

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Post# 438380 , Reply# 41   2/8/2021 at 23:44 (1,440 days old) by FantomFan (Rochester, New York)        
That's a Fantom Cyclone XT!

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Not a Panasonic, lol.
I have that movie, there were a whole bunch of machines featured in that movie.
Here's a few more:

The Borrowers: Kenmore Commander and Royal upright (maybe electro hygiene)

Stop or My Mom Will Shoot: blender motor eureka

Men Don't Leave: blender motor eureka

Baby Boom: commercial hoover or eureka of some sort

Kid's show ICarly had a few dyson models

Prancer: kirby (maybe a heritage or tradition model)

The Golden Girls/Golden Palace: Panasonic upright, Regina Brush n beat, Electrolux canister

Alf: Hoover Convertible, Dirt Devil Broom Vac

All in the Family: Hoover Dial A Matic

Everybody Loves Raymond: Rainbow e series, Hoover (62 or 63 I think)

The X Files: Hoover Constellation

I've seen lots of true crime shows where vacuums are featured as evidence, or are merely in the crime scene photos

Post# 438388 , Reply# 42   2/9/2021 at 06:08 (1,440 days old) by Ocscott3085 (DMV)        

Also the Tom Hank's movie, Big, had a lower-tier Hoover Spirt Powermatic canister being used by his mom.

Post# 438414 , Reply# 43   2/9/2021 at 13:30 (1,439 days old) by dysonman1 (the county)        

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In "The Main Event" Barbara Streisand is using a Kirby model Classic III.

Post# 438419 , Reply# 44   2/9/2021 at 15:53 (1,439 days old) by Air-WayCharlie (USA)        

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"All That Heaven Allows", (1955), Lewyt big wheel green version. Cary Scott's, (Jane Wyman), housekeeper uses one while she is talking with her best gal pal, Sara Warren, (Agnes Moorehead), and she slams the bedroom door so they can talk without the noise.

Also, Loretta Young uses a Hoover 28 in, "The Farmer's Daughter", (1947), when she portrays housekeeper Katie Holstrum.

And one of the great ones, "Who's Minding The Store", Jerry Lewis fixing a Hoover 68. Absolutely hysterical.

Post# 438478 , Reply# 45   2/10/2021 at 12:05 (1,438 days old) by johnnyb59c (13240 n 3980 rd dewey oklahoma)        
a few interesting links

johnnyb59c's profile picture
I also remember seeing Hamilton Beach model 14 on All in the Family. also here are some interesting
the first is a by gone auction. the second is from a movie I started to watch but something happened and I lost wifi.

Post# 472121 , Reply# 46   6/25/2024 at 22:19 (207 days old) by OldCrankman (Lawrenceburg, Indiana)        

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This old Hoover Convertible I saw today in Waynes World 2.

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Post# 472127 , Reply# 47   6/26/2024 at 10:35 (206 days old) by Dysonman1 (the county)        

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How could we ever forget the general electric swivel top on "leave it to Beaver". I sure do love mine. why do they always connect the hose backwards?

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Post# 472128 , Reply# 48   6/26/2024 at 10:36 (206 days old) by Dysonman1 (the county)        

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The props department on "the marvelous Mrs. Maisel" borrowed my Hoover Lark. It appears in the second from the last episode, and has its own storyline. Glad to have gotten it back, and it now hangs in the Vacuum Cleaner Museum. I look at it every day when I walk to the back door.

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Post# 472129 , Reply# 49   6/26/2024 at 10:38 (206 days old) by Dysonman1 (the county)        

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Samantha and her Hoover dial a matic. The very first version. Huge thanks to John Gregory for a brand new set of attachments that he sent me.

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Post# 472204 , Reply# 50   6/30/2024 at 21:20 (202 days old) by beevac (Kewanee)        
Still another vacuum shown in a Lucy -Desi movie 1954.

There is a cameo appearance of the Hoover #42 Aerodyne lying on a bed with other wedding presents in the movie The Long Long Trailer. I own a complete 42 vacuum in my collection. It has a powerful motor.

Post# 472330 , Reply# 51   7/11/2024 at 09:09 (191 days old) by Kirbyman65 (USA)        
There was one in Macgyver

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In an episode of macgyver, he used and Electrolux model e with 2 hoses. The suction end in a large pot of oil and the blower end to spray the oil (to bad for the Electrolux)

Post# 472347 , Reply# 52   7/12/2024 at 12:28 (190 days old) by Lokisdads (Asheville, NC)        
424008 vacuums in movies


There is also a scene in "The Help" where Minnie is vacuuming a big stuffed bear, It appears that she is using an Electrolux Olympia. Wrong machine for that scene, as the Olympia didn't come along until approximately 20 years later.

Post# 474404 , Reply# 53   12/2/2024 at 09:12 by Paul (USA)        

Fifteen-year-old Shirley Temple in her role as 'Brig' Hilton vacuums briefly with an Electrolux Model XXX [warning: you'll cringe as you see her kink the hose with her arm]:

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Post# 474429 , Reply# 54   12/2/2024 at 22:27 by vacuser (milford,ohio)        
i walk the line movie

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there's a kirby sitting in one of the rooms.also karen black in some movie vacuuming on the stairs with a kirby.sound was fake.

Post# 474445 , Reply# 55   12/3/2024 at 20:51 by kwalsh97214 (Portland)        
1929 The Bishop Murder Case

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In this early sound film, Basil Rathbone plays detective Philo Vance.

Near the middle of the film, Philo tries to question the housekeeper of the home to find out what she might know about some murders. The housekeeper is trying to vacuum the hallway carpet. Two or three times she has to turn on and turn off her upright vacuum to answer Philo's questions.

I believe the upright vacuum she is using is an early Premier.

I will try to watch the movie in the next few days and capture an image of the vacuum and post it here.

Post# 474446 , Reply# 56   12/4/2024 at 12:52 by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        

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Recently saw Jumanji again and there was a red Sanitaire Widetrack shown.

Post# 474706 , Reply# 57   12/19/2024 at 22:16 by huskyvacs (Gnaw Bone, IN)        

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As I come across random TV shows where vacuum cleaners appear I have been keeping notes of what they are and what show it was on, haven't gotten the list compiled yet.

Recent one was on The Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon. He used a Dyson stick to clean up feathers from pillows.

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