Thread Number: 37972  /  Tag: 50s/60s/70s Vacuum Cleaners
Hoover Lark
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Post# 404690   1/27/2019 at 09:20 (2,145 days old) by rknarr2 (Morgantown, WV)        

Just wanted to share pictures of my Hoover Lark Stick Vacuum. I may at a later time have questions about it. Thank you.



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Post# 404692 , Reply# 1   1/27/2019 at 11:45 (2,145 days old) by eurekaprince (Montreal, Canada)        

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Made in England for export to North America! Cool!

Post# 404693 , Reply# 2   1/27/2019 at 11:48 (2,145 days old) by eurekaprince (Montreal, Canada)        

eurekaprince's profile picture
Made in England for export to North America! Cool!

Post# 404695 , Reply# 3   1/27/2019 at 12:33 (2,145 days old) by vacuumdevil (Vacuum Hell )        

vacuumdevil's profile picture
Didn't they make a powerhead for this at one time? I used to have some vacuum belts in a Hoover package that were marked "lark"

Post# 404700 , Reply# 4   1/27/2019 at 13:36 (2,145 days old) by portable (Corvallis, OR)        
There was

portable's profile picture
another product named Lark. That would be the upright, Models 12 and 14. The 12 was a maroon color, side-bagged. The Model 14 was a blue and white color scheme. I think that is the belt you are probably thinking of.

Post# 474026 , Reply# 5   11/4/2024 at 11:16 by Paul (USA)        
Hoover 2-Tone Porcelain Blue Cleaners - US, CA, UK

Doug Smith posted the first attached photo of the Canadian Lark Model 2942 stick broom on his website. The other photos of the UK Hooverette Model 2944 were posted on Reddit. All versions were 2-Tone Porcelain Blue. I wonder if the attachment tubes in each country were blue anodized aluminum, though, because the US & CA versions' handle and nozzle connector tube are painted; or was it a mid-production change in all three countries? All were introduced in 1961.

While there were several other US & CA Hoover cleaners in 2-Tone Porcelain Blue in that era the only other common one among all three countries that also debuted in 1961 was the Shampoo-Polisher models 5460 (US), 5462 (CA), and 5464 (UK). I could only locate photos of the 5460 (eBay) and 5464 (YT vid by Beko1987). The last photo ( is the Model 5134 in the perceived a tone of Porcelain Blue. The US & CA counterparts were in colored differently.

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Post# 474039 , Reply# 6   11/4/2024 at 22:36 by JustJunque (Western MA)        

justjunque's profile picture
The Lark, as in Doug's photo, and the OP, was the first vacuum that I ever used. (Played with)
In my earliest vacuum memories, my family had two of them. I still, to this day, don't know why they had two, nor do I know what became of either of them.
Their primary vacuum was a gold and brown Hoover Portable, and the Lark must have been a back-up, for light clean-ups. I remember that it was kept in the hall closet.
It's still one of my bucket list vacuums. But, I haven't seen another one since childhood.

Post# 474041 , Reply# 7   11/5/2024 at 09:13 by dysonman1 (the county)        

dysonman1's profile picture
I love my Lark. I loaned it to the TV Show "The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel" and they returned it to me better than it left. Now that I'm liquidating the contents of the Vacuum Cleaner Museum, it's one of the machines going up for auction.

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Post# 474044 , Reply# 8   11/5/2024 at 11:07 by JustJunque (Western MA)        

justjunque's profile picture
Very cool, Tom!
Is the chrome or silver neck, between the floor nozzle and the body, correct? I seem to recall ours being painted blue.
It's neat that yours was used in a TV show. I'm glad they returned it better than it was, as opposed to damaging it!
I'm hoping one will eventually show up at a thrift store or something, but I'm not overly optimistic. I don't know how plentiful they were when they were new. But, like I said, even with keeping my eyes open for one, I haven't seen one in person since childhood. I wish my parents had held onto at least one of theirs.

Post# 474049 , Reply# 9   11/5/2024 at 14:28 by Paul (USA)        

I enjoyed your boyhood story, Barry!

That's gotta be tough to liquidate the Vacuum Cleaner Museum, Tom. Cool photo with back story! Too bad that a Hollywood props company isn't interested in at least some of it. Each could be marked with its production range for more historical accuracy in the main industry's use of floor & surface electrical appliance props.

Post# 474050 , Reply# 10   11/5/2024 at 14:35 by Paul (USA)        

There are some Lark Throw-Away filter bags currently on sale at eBay, Barry, in case you want to be proactive.

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Post# 474054 , Reply# 11   11/6/2024 at 08:24 by Human (Pines of Carolina)        

human's profile picture
Very interesting. They're clearly a precursor to the QuikBrooms from the '80s that I have.

Post# 474056 , Reply# 12   11/6/2024 at 10:23 by dysonman1 (the county)        

dysonman1's profile picture
It was an aluminum neck to the nozzle, and they polished it so it would shine. The machine figured into the story line, and they actually used it on the show. It was returned to me without the disposable bag that was sent with it. Not to worry, I have lots more.

Post# 474059 , Reply# 13   11/6/2024 at 12:43 by Paul (USA)        
Dec., 1962 THE AMERICAN HOME magazine ad

This ad features all the Hoover Co.'s 2-Tone Porcelain Blue & Pearl White line—the Shampoo-Polisher 5460, Carpet Washer 3510, and Lark 2940; along with the 2-Tone Willow Green Portable 2100, Neptune Green & Pearl White Convertible 69, Steam/Dry Iron 4330, Pixie 2830 and Fawn & Pearl White Constellation 88 (print color looks more orangish than pinkish like paint color).

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