Thread Number: 37567  /  Tag: 80s/90s Vacuum Cleaners
Hoover Concept One U3311 question
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Post# 400641   11/10/2018 at 17:51 (2,261 days old) by weltron (Michigan)        

Hi all,

A couple months ago, I picked up a Concept One from a local vac shop. It's what I believe a model U3311. It has a rust brown colored hood, with the cord rewind and Power Drive. Does anyone know anything about these models, like about how old it is, or whether it's a common or uncommon model? I have owned a few Concepts before, but I have never seen one before that the hood wasn't a blue or white/tan color.

Post# 400654 , Reply# 1   11/11/2018 at 04:11 (2,261 days old) by mikanic (Leeds)        

I'm pretty sure the Concept was an American series. If you take a look at some of those American vintage Hoovers, they usually came in more attractive colours like Summer Blue or whatever.

Even though they were branded the same as in the UK, for some strange reason most of their model names were different in America. But I believe you could only get the Concept in the USA. That's all I know, where it's from and so on.

To be honest, I've often seen them with a blue colour. Some people on YouTube have unboxed Hoover Juniors they had never seen before. It's probably the fact that to this day there are more vintage models with a more famous colour, like ocean blue.

Post# 400662 , Reply# 2   11/11/2018 at 10:07 (2,260 days old) by weltron (Michigan)        
Concept One

Just to clarify a couple things

Yes, the Concept was an American series, but they were offered for a brief time in the UK with 240v as a stopgap before the Turbomasters came out. They are not very common there though, and I believe they only sold one version there, and only for a year or two. Here in the States, they were a very popular machine, and I have owned a very late 1991 model that was all dark teal blue, an earlier non power drive model, and a white/grey version with Power Drive. Although they were extremely popular, my impression is from what I have seen is that on the Hoover branded models, they usually never changed the hood color. I have never seen one like the one I own now before, and even on here I think there is only one set of pictures of this machine. I didn't know if this one was uncommon or not.

I appreciate your input though. Thank you.

Post# 400663 , Reply# 3   11/11/2018 at 11:44 (2,260 days old) by weltron (Michigan)        

Here's some pictures of the machine in question

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Post# 474287 , Reply# 4   11/21/2024 at 11:31 by Paul (USA)        

I like the features and color scheme of that U3311.

Here's a Contemporary Forum thread containing a list of the Concept One and Concept Two Model #s with descriptions (posted in 2011 before the series became vintage):

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