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Simplicity 7 Series info needed
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Post# 371371   4/25/2017 at 18:15 (2,728 days old) by UniversalDave1 (Gardendale, AL)        

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I recently decided that I really want a Simplicity 7 Series machine, preferably a 7850. I know the 7850 went out of production at the end of 2013, but I'd like to find out more of the history behind the 7 Series. That is to say past models, their years, colors, features, etc. And how much it would cost to buy a good used machine. I presume there are no more NOS ones. I really like the gold and maroon color scheme of the 7850, is that the only model to use this color scheme? I've been hoping one would turn up at Goodwill, but the closest thing I found was a 6 Series that's missing stuff.

Post# 371378 , Reply# 1   4/25/2017 at 20:35 (2,728 days old) by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        

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The Simplicity 7 Series first came out in the mid 90's. They were made in Taiwan at first but they were later made in the USA in 1997 when Tacony first opened their factory in St. James, Missouri. In the mid 2000's, they made a few improvements on their newer 7 Series models such as the stretch hose, rubber coated wheels on some models, filtration such as HEPA bags and filters, an even more powerful Duratech motor that also came with a thermal reset button, and not to mention the decals as well. In the late 2000's when the first Symmetry models replaced the 6 Series models as well as some of the 7 Series models, The entire line of the 7 Series was going to be discontinued. By the end of 2013, the 7 Series went out of production. In 2014, the newer Symmetry S20 models replaced the 7 Series.

Here is the list of the older 7 Series models that were made:

7200 - Oxford Blue, Single stage motor, No attachments on board, Looped handle.
7250 - Black, Single stage Motor, Attachments on board, Looped handle.
7300 - Elderberry, 2 stage motor, No attachments on board, Floor selector switch, Looped handle.
7350 - Sherwood Green, 2 stage motor, Attachments on board, Floor selector switch, Looped handle.
7400 (Commercial) - Slate Gray, Single stage motor, No attachments on board, Straight handle
7450 (Commercial) - Slate Gray, 2 stage motor, Attachments on board, Straight handle.

Here is the list of the newer 7 Series models that were made with some new improvements such as the stretch hose, rubber coated wheels on some models, HEPA bags and filters, motors, thermal reset button, and decals:

7700 - Dove White - 2 stage motor, No attachments on board, Looped handle.
7750 - Admiral - 2 stage motor, Attachments on board, Looped handle.
7850 - Cabernet - 2 stage motor, Attachments on board, Floor selector switch, Looped handle.
7900 (Commercial) - Slate Gray, Single stage motor, No attachments on board, Straight handle.
7950 (Commercial) - Slate Gray, 2 stage motor, Attachments on board, Straight handle.

Post# 371379 , Reply# 2   4/25/2017 at 20:42 (2,728 days old) by UniversalDave1 (Gardendale, AL)        

universaldave1's profile picture
Thanks, I was wondering what models had the floor switch. The 7850 looks like the perfect machine for me. Now I need to find one.

Post# 371464 , Reply# 3   4/27/2017 at 10:04 (2,726 days old) by dysonman1 (the county)        

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You might really want to check out any of the S20 models with a ".2" after the model number. There was a revision, a WONDERFUL revision, to those models that made them in many ways better than the 7000 series. For example, the S20UP.2 has the two stage double ball bearing motor, and has the new brush roll that makes the cleaner pull itself along the carpet like the 7000 series did. As long as it is a 20 series model and has a .2 at the end of the model number, it's a FANTASTIC machine.

Post# 371465 , Reply# 4   4/27/2017 at 10:35 (2,726 days old) by UniversalDave1 (Gardendale, AL)        
I looked at those,

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But I don't really care for the look of them. I prefer the old look of the 7850. I also looked at the Riccar 8925, and I really like that one. How does that compare to the 7850? I've heard they are also bullet proof machines.

Post# 371466 , Reply# 5   4/27/2017 at 11:35 (2,726 days old) by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        

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The 8925 is a commercial model. Differences between that and the 7858 is both the top and carry handle, wheels, headlights, and the 7850 has clips to remove the bottom plate where as the Riccar requires a screw driver to remove two screws.

Here's a link to one thread where dysonman1 posted pictures of a comparison between the 8925 and the 7858.

Post# 371473 , Reply# 6   4/27/2017 at 15:52 (2,726 days old) by Dysonman1 (the county)        

dysonman1's profile picture
Two of the hardest to find vintage 7000 series models. The one in Dove White is virtually impossible to find it today. I was very lucky to get both of these machines brand-new when I started working at the museum

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Post# 371478 , Reply# 7   4/27/2017 at 16:59 (2,726 days old) by UniversalDave1 (Gardendale, AL)        

universaldave1's profile picture
Those are some wonderful machines, Tom. For years, I've been hearing how legendary these machines are, but I've never actively sought one. If I saw one I would have picked it up though. I looked at the new Symmetry/Vibrance machines you mentioned with the two stage motor, and I decided that I like the look of the Riccar Vibrances better than the Simplicitys. The R20UP with the two stage motor is a stunning machine. I'd buy one right now if I could.

Post# 371483 , Reply# 8   4/27/2017 at 19:35 (2,726 days old) by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        

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Yep, those early models are really hard to find. My favorite Simplicity 7 Series model of all time is the 7350. I grew up with those, I love that Sherwood Green color, and I love the sound of that older Duratech 2 stage motor on it.

I recommend the Simplicity S20 models over the Riccar R20 models. Not just because of the looks and not just because I sell Simplicity but the S20 models has a much better carry handle. This also applies to the Tandem Air models as well.

Post# 372409 , Reply# 9   5/19/2017 at 20:32 (2,704 days old) by camelotshadow (Valley Village)        

I have the 7350 since 2013...a good will find & still have yet to get a replacement handle as mine is cracked. Heard they have great motors. Used it today & the suction is great!

Post# 372487 , Reply# 10   5/20/2017 at 22:51 (2,702 days old) by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        

panasonicvac's profile picture
You can still get replacement handle valves. You can get in touch with Tom here, you can also go to some other websites like or, or you can get one at your local authorized Simplicity dealer.

Post# 372498 , Reply# 11   5/21/2017 at 03:12 (2,702 days old) by camelotshadow (Valley Village)        

Emailed Tom as I was going to get it from him 3 plus years ago but things came up & vacs got moved to the side. Trouble is I think the switch insides plastic is also compromised so that's why it was shelved for so long.

Waiting for Toms response & also I found one at Swissboy site whoever they are?

Post# 372504 , Reply# 12   5/21/2017 at 07:48 (2,702 days old) by Dysonman1 (the county)        

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The complete handle assembly would be my recommendation. They are still available and are reasonably priced. I am sending you an email.

Post# 372539 , Reply# 13   5/21/2017 at 18:48 (2,702 days old) by camelotshadow (Valley Village)        

Well, Simplicity 7350 had a mini spa today & assessment. Now I need to clean up.

Made in USA Serial # 0C0419399 12 Amp & it has a reset button

Found a screw missing & the wheel with the release is missing a screw & loose.
I think it & the sole plate is a bit warped & is making some annoying squeaks.
Sole plate is very thin...I bent back ends down a bit so it would make better cintact with bottom & almost bent it in half & right now I am not strong so its flimsy.

Needs a handle, maybe a sole plate, & would need a hood to be able to get a screw to secure the wheel as the plastic part (yes another cheap plastic part) that hold the screw is broke off. Really needs the back of the bag compartment as the plastic side trim that hold the rubber gasket on one side also broke off...that is a very thin flimsy part. I used some fabric glue to tack it in as it kept falling out.

Cleaned up under the sole plate. Belt is a good simplicity & it works well.
After working on it now it makes a whine when you turn it off & the air vacuum escapes from the bag. I think thats a good sign but at first that strange sound was alarming as I thought it was the motor but its hi up near the top of the bag compartment.

Sole plate is livable but really a bit irked at the loose wheel as it makes it steer a heavy.

Wish I had a day at the to clean my nails & take care of me a bit.

No need to be doing this but it takes my mind off the gloom so I don;t think about my ominous chemo port placement coming soon & chemo & all the crap that comes with that...

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Post# 473050 , Reply# 14   9/1/2024 at 12:51 by Camelotshadow (Valley Village)        
RIP Simplicity 7350

Tore it down. Kept the brush roll, 2 light bulbs, rubber strip on bottom bag compartment, tools, power cord & it was a job getting at the last 2 screws of the motor housing until I took the head completely apart but I have the motor & it's a beautiful beefy beast with blue covered carbon brushes

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