Thread Number: 33420  /  Tag: Recent Vacuum Cleaners from past 20 years
Oreck XL insight
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Post# 364274   12/28/2016 at 20:24 (2,943 days old) by Mpbyrd (Connelly Springs, NC)        

mpbyrd's profile picture
The other day while making my rounds to my local Kirby dealer I found this Oreck XL insight. I know most people either love or hate Orecks but I must say I'm pretty impressed with this machine. For $20 I really couldn't go wrong. I currently own five Orecks in my collection and have never paid full price for one, nor would I ever because I do believe they are overpriced. That being said I would like to know anyone's opinion on Orecks newer design. This machine is very similar to my XL 21 which I do believe was a much better design on Orecks part. The brush roll really does groom the carpet nicely and the low speed feature is really convenient, considering my house is mostly hard floors and area rugs. I know this is not really a "deep clean" machine but so far I have been using this thing almost every day since I've got it. Anyone else have one of these or one like it? If so please share your thoughts.

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Post# 364283 , Reply# 1   12/28/2016 at 21:46 (2,943 days old) by Marks_here (_._)        

marks_here's profile picture
If you get the cloth filter bags they work great, the paper ones forget about it first thing it picks up the suction is reduced to nothing.

Post# 365215 , Reply# 2   1/16/2017 at 21:46 (2,924 days old) by Luxkid1980 (Richmond, Virginia)        

The Oreck platinum pilot I picked up at the thrift store looks very similar to your model. Does yours also have the more rigid outer dust bag? Mine attaches to the vacuum pole by a large Velcro strap type piece that is incorporated into the outer bag. Interesting design that appears to allow the vacuum to "steer" or swivel from side to side. They are good machines and should last a long time if properly maintained. The floor nozel on this model though is wider than the Oreck XL classic I have. They both clean the carpets and hard surfaces well.

I think both the Oreck branded cloth type bags and paper ones perform similarly.

Post# 365232 , Reply# 3   1/17/2017 at 10:50 (2,923 days old) by Stricklybojack (Southern California)        

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No need to apologize, the "deep cleaner" noise is for those without imagination.
You said it perfectly, we are collectors who usually buy used vacuums for a fraction of what they sold for new, and judging our acquisitions on what price they originally were marketed is just an abstract conversation topic.
I love Orecks, a vacuum designed to do one job very well. That is, clean LOW PILE carpet as easily as possible while still doing a good job of it. Hotel maids, the elderly, and myself all agree, the often copied Oreck design works just as intended.
The brand offered a few oddity models worth looking into, the twin motor upright and PT commercial canister line are two I still am hopping to find.

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Post# 475028 , Reply# 4   1/5/2025 at 21:13 by Kirbyman65 (USA)        
I’ve used one of these

kirbyman65's profile picture
I replaced a motor one one of these for a friend. There pretty good vacuums but the one I used was dirty and abused.

Post# 475029 , Reply# 5   1/5/2025 at 21:36 by Human (Pines of Carolina)        

human's profile picture
I've never been particularly impressed with Oreck uprights, other than the fact that they're very lightweight, which could describe both their heft and their performance. I had a girlfriend about 10 years ago, who had a green Oreck. After I got my first two Kirbys, a Gsix and a Heritage 1HD, she "borrowed" the Heritage and the next thing I knew, her Oreck had disappeared from her apartment. When I asked her about it, she said she'd donated it to the dumpster. I never got that Heritage back.

Post# 475032 , Reply# 6   1/6/2025 at 09:36 by Kirbyman65 (USA)        

kirbyman65's profile picture
I also have a green oreck (why would someone would want a lime green oreck is beyond me) I believe it’s a 2005 model.

Post# 475038 , Reply# 7   1/6/2025 at 13:43 by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        

panasonicvac's profile picture
I'd take an Oreck over a Kirby. Even though Kirbys are more powerful, they're definitely heavier and bulkier for my taste. I like that Orecks are simpler to use, easier to service, and I can reach to places that a Kirby would have a harder time to get like underneath a bed.

Post# 475069 , Reply# 8   1/9/2025 at 18:37 by Lesinutah (Utah)        

lesinutah's profile picture
You say kirbys can't reach under your bed and are bulky.
Under the same pretense would u take an oreck over a Panasonic?
Im talking uprights.

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