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kenmore intuition dust problem
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Post# 311160   1/7/2015 at 11:09 (3,567 days old) by guyinva_2005 ()        

I have a 1 1/2 year old kenmore intuition canister and no matter what bags I use in it, how clean I keep the filter inside, that leads to the motor, the interior cabinet area, where the bag goes, gets all of this dust in it.
It's like the hose connection, to the canister, has leaks or the bags do not have enough ply to them and the dust gets out and into the bag compartment.
Anyone have any ideas on how to remedy this ?
I use the intuition the most because my restored Electrolux's look really new and nice and I do not want to mess them up. I do use the Electrolux model G frequently though. :)
Thank you in advance for any and all help.


Post# 311169 , Reply# 1   1/7/2015 at 13:22 (3,567 days old) by mark40511 (Lexington, KY)        
I know what you mean

mark40511's profile picture
I didn't have the intuition canister - but the Progressive. If it's the same connection hose that connects to the canister as the progressive, honestly - I don't think it's the bags, I think it's the way the hose connects to the thing you slide the bag onto....I don't think it's tight enough.....

My Epic 6500 uses C bags that feel so much cheaper than the Kenmore bags - but it has a good seal and there is no dust in the bin area around the bag at all..I loved my Kenmore canister but hated the big getting dust in it like that.......Perhaps someone knows of a remedy - wish I did.

Post# 311170 , Reply# 2   1/7/2015 at 13:42 (3,567 days old) by guyinva_2005 ()        

Thank you Mark40511.
Sounds like same hose connection thing here as with you Progressive.
What I think may be the problem with mine is, the black, foam rubber seals that are at the mouth of the tank, on the top and underside of that moving flap, that the hose snaps into.
I cut out a thin piece of foam rubber, from a square sheet, cut out the circle and added to the top and bottom of that piece, that moves up and down, in the tank and it worked, so far. :)
Calling Kenmore is like calling a Martian from outer space. They don't know what your talking about and if they do their not sure if they can get the part.
Some phone operator that really doesn't know what day it is. It's a figure it out for yourself deal.

Post# 311171 , Reply# 3   1/7/2015 at 13:43 (3,567 days old) by kirbylux77 (London, Ontario, Canada)        

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About dust leaking into your Kenmore....I have a little tip for you. The Kenmore & Panasonic canisters have a slight flaw with their bag holders - it's not unusual to see a bag slip out of it's holder once in a while, & for dust & dirt to escape getting into the bag & make the bag compartment dirty. I have noticed since the late 1990's, since Kenmore started putting HEPA filters on their canister vacuums, that they also started putting a rubber seal on the inside of the bag holder, where the cardboard bag collar mates up. I have found this to be an issue with causing the bag collar to slip up & dust to escape. My older Kenmore Whispertones back from the 80's & 90's didn't have this rubber seal & didn't have this problem. I would suggest try removing the seal when you take the bag out & replace it before installing the new bag. The bag collar will fit a little bit tighter in the holder, but that's what you would want anyways.


Post# 311195 , Reply# 4   1/7/2015 at 17:11 (3,567 days old) by mark40511 (Lexington, KY)        
That's the truth!!!!!!

mark40511's profile picture
I forgot to mention this! Get this.....this happened 2 times to me on my Kenmore Progressive...I'm vacuuming for God knows how long and when I went to check the bag, it was almost all the way off and I basically had been vacuuming without a freaking bag. I was so mad and puzzled because I always put the bags on very carefully making sure they are on good, so I have no clue how that happened, but it happened twice and it was a mess. Thank God for the motor protection filter. After two times, I now tape the bag on the collar to make sure it doesn't slip off. The PN stopped working a long time ago so I use it in my laundry room the vacuum lint off the dryer lint screen and keep the laundry area clean.......So yea- there is a flaw in that design, that's for sure........

and I could be wrong, but I think this design has been on Kenmore/Panosonic canisters for a LONG time.....

Post# 311198 , Reply# 5   1/7/2015 at 17:50 (3,567 days old) by Ctvacman (CT)        

On my older and newer style bag holders I put I piece of tape across the top and bottom gap. It's a quick effective solution and I've had no dust in the compartment since, I also use the genuine kenmore hepa bags. I've foubd the aftermarket hepa bags have a thinner cardboard collar, at least the pack I had did.

Post# 311203 , Reply# 6   1/7/2015 at 18:25 (3,567 days old) by suckolux (Yuba City, CA)        

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My Kenmore Lime Green can leak around the bag collar, not much but friction against the cardboard and the foam. I take a piece of masking tape and put it on the bottom when I change the bag, just wrap over both and its fine. Does not seem to matter what bag I use.

Post# 311324 , Reply# 7   1/8/2015 at 18:51 (3,566 days old) by fan-of-fans (USA)        

fan-of-fans's profile picture
I have this problem on my Kenmore Progressive as well (current generation) model. I am not using the Q HEPA cloth bags that it comes with, but I use the C Allergen bags. Not sure if that's my issue or not, but whenever I change the bag, I vacuum off the motor filter and clean the bag compartment. The fan behind the filter doesn't seem dusty, so I think the filter catches any dust that leaks.

This bag mount and bag have been around since 1984 or so, I can't remember if the older ones had a rubber seal on the mount, but it seemed like they did. Mine has a black foam donut on it. I have not had any bags slip off the mount though.

Post# 311330 , Reply# 8   1/8/2015 at 21:11 (3,565 days old) by suckolux (Yuba City, CA)        

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I have had the issue with both the allergy paper bags and the hepa, but not every time!

Post# 311340 , Reply# 9   1/8/2015 at 23:03 (3,565 days old) by lionkcommander ()        

I had the same problem with my kenmore Elite so I switched back to the genuine cloth hepa bag. Here in El Paso TX sand is a big problem, the sand would eat through the paper.

Post# 471763 , Reply# 10   6/9/2024 at 02:46 by mark40511 (Lexington, KY)        

mark40511's profile picture
sorry to rehash this thread but it's exactly on the topic that came to mind yesterday while watching videos of the Cleva made Kenmore vs the panasonic made one. From what I understand, Cleva did redesign them and made them completely a sealed system...right? I saw a video of a fog test and it passed...

So here's my question... they did all this and left the bag collar design the same or did they fix this issue... Here's a pic I snapped from one of the videos I was watching...the blue is his old kenmore that did... and he got a new Cleva Kenmore...

I'm seeing the EXACT same bag collar... and the bags themselves have NO gasket

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Post# 471805 , Reply# 11   6/11/2024 at 13:27 by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        

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The real test is to see a particle scanner or a microscope and show if these are actually either sealed or not. Fog tests in my opinion aren't a fair way to test vacuums because for one no consumer is going to vacuum smoky air indoors, isn't that what air purifiers are for in the first place? And second a consumer should worry about what they can't see with a naked eye. With that being said, I like that these 600 series have updated the HEPA filter where it's much thicker and has a better seal. But the 200 and 400 series still uses the old EF-2 style. However, I'd rather buy a 200 or a 400 series over a 600 series if I had to get a bagged Kenmore canister today. The more simple the better basically. As much as I love Kenmore canisters, I just refuse to buy one at all. Other than the bag collar issue they're still using today which you're correct about, there are more drawbacks with them. Wire reinforced hoses, terrible bare floor attachments, wheels aren't very maneuverable, motor reliability is questionable, and parts can be hard to find especially with Sears going out of business. That's why I'd really like to retire my grandfather's Kenmore with something else like a SEBO or at least a Miele if the insurance company is willing to pay for a new quality machine.

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