Thread Number: 25020
Kirby Vacuums Slotted Head Screws or Phillips Head?
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Post# 281353   5/21/2014 at 18:00 (3,915 days old) by chicagomike (Plover, WI)        

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Hi, as I continue to restore all my Kirby vacuums, I am wondering which models used Slotted Head Screws and which models used Phillips head screws? I ask as I want to make sure to put the correct style screws with each specific model.

Thanks in advance with your help!

Post# 281365 , Reply# 1   5/21/2014 at 19:35 (3,915 days old) by super-sweeper (KSSRC Refurbishment Center)        

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I'll start this off by saying the Dual-Sanitronic 80 (And likely the 50) used Phillips, the 1-CR Flatheads, The Heritage models used Phillips!Cool

Post# 281366 , Reply# 2   5/21/2014 at 19:36 (3,915 days old) by super-sweeper (KSSRC Refurbishment Center)        

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I'll start this off by saying the Dual-Sanitronic 80 (And likely the 50) used Phillips, the 1-CR Flatheads, The Heritage models used Phillips!Cool


Didn't most models use a Phillips in the motor housing, and then flats the rest of the way?


Oh, and the Tradition used Phillips!

Post# 281372 , Reply# 3   5/21/2014 at 21:17 (3,915 days old) by BikerRay (Middle Earth)        

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I think it was somewhere around 1962 that they went from slotted head to phillips. The only thing Kirby uses now is the torx head.

Post# 281378 , Reply# 4   5/21/2014 at 22:22 (3,915 days old) by chicagomike (Plover, WI)        

chicagomike's profile picture
Thank you Supersweeper and Bikeray - I will fasten all my vacuums accordingly!

Post# 281405 , Reply# 5   5/22/2014 at 08:39 (3,915 days old) by eurekastar (Amarillo, Texas)        
My question is....

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How do you identify which size screw to buy? I've bought screws from Kirby for older models and they only sell Phillips screws now. But if you wanted to stay all original and use only slotted screws on some models, how do you know the correct size, thread, etc.? That's something I don't know.

Post# 281407 , Reply# 6   5/22/2014 at 09:01 (3,915 days old) by BikerRay (Middle Earth)        

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Kirby usually uses a 10 24 x length screw for the fan case and motor housings.

Post# 281433 , Reply# 7   5/22/2014 at 11:08 (3,914 days old) by ronni (USA)        


Have you tried contacting Kirby for the exact information? If nothing else, their service manuals likely have the information. Otherwise, you could wait until the VCCC descends on the museum in June and have them do on-site research for you.


Is there a list of Kirby serial #s by model and year, or are years of production coded in them?

Post# 281495 , Reply# 8   5/22/2014 at 19:41 (3,914 days old) by chicagomike (Plover, WI)        

chicagomike's profile picture
Ronni - Thought I would share.

Dual Sanitronic '50' (April 1965 - August 1967)
A= April 1965 - May 1966
B= June - December 1966
D= January - August 1967

Dual Sanitronic '80' (September 1967 - Late 1969)
A= September 1967 - May 1968
No letter used in serial number after May 1968

Classic 1-CR (January 1970 - June 1973)
R= January - June 1970
S= July - December 1970
T= January - December 1971
A= January - August 1972
B= September 1972 - June 1973

Classic Omega 1-CB (July 1973 - June 1976)
M= July - December 1973 (Gold Bag)
N= January - September 1974 (Pinstriped Bag)
P= October 1974 - September 1975 (Diamondback Bag)
R= September 1975 - June 1976 (Diamondback Bag)

Classic III 2-CB (July 1976 - June 1979)
A= July - December 1976
B= January - July 1977
C= July - December 1977
D= January 1978 - August 1978
E= September 1978 - June 1979

Tradition 3-CB (July 1979 - August 1981)
F= July 1979 - February 1980
G= March 1980 - February 1981
H= March - August 1981

Post# 281496 , Reply# 9   5/22/2014 at 19:43 (3,914 days old) by chicagomike (Plover, WI)        

chicagomike's profile picture
Ronni - the service manuals I have do not list specifics like that for the screws - if you come across something that details the information for the different 500 models, please share!

Post# 281498 , Reply# 10   5/22/2014 at 19:50 (3,914 days old) by ronni (USA)        

Thanks for posting the serial letters with their months and years of production, chicagomike. It would be nice if all manufacturer's--even beyond vacuum cleaner ones--included such codes in their serials. I did notice that my popcorn popper has a "date code" along with a serial.

With respect to the start date of the Classic 1CR, another recent thread on this site showed a tag that actually stated 1969 as the copyright; so I am wondering if it perhaps came out in November or December of 1969 rather than January of 1970?

I hope you find success in your authentic restoration of your Kirbys!

Post# 302537 , Reply# 11   10/20/2014 at 22:43 (3,763 days old) by KirbyClassicIII (Milwaukie, Oregon)        

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I think Ray is right, that Kirby began using Phillips screws for the first time starting with the Sanitronic 562. I'd love to see an unaltered 562 or even 561 sometime for proof.


Post# 302539 , Reply# 12   10/20/2014 at 23:05 (3,763 days old) by Marks_here (_._)        

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519 has the slotted 560 has the Phillips go one Ebay enlarge the pics for each model & there's the proof

Post# 311762 , Reply# 13   1/12/2015 at 17:00 (3,679 days old) by KirbyClassicIII (Milwaukie, Oregon)        

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Score one! Here's a 560 with both the slotted and Phillips heads.


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Post# 311777 , Reply# 14   1/12/2015 at 19:49 (3,679 days old) by beekeyknee (Columbia, MO)        

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If B = January - July 1977 how did I get this Classic III in December 1976? According to the list, serial #'s starting with B didn't start until January. Maybe reply #10 is the answer to my question?

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Post# 311781 , Reply# 15   1/12/2015 at 20:13 (3,679 days old) by KirbyClassicIII (Milwaukie, Oregon)        

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Again, I have not much knowledge with pre-1981 Kirby serial numbers, so they are all just guesses until I can find some book compiled by Kirby experts about this.


Post# 430822 , Reply# 16   8/28/2020 at 08:20 (1,625 days old) by KirbyClassicIII (Milwaukie, Oregon)        

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I can share with you when each Kirby machine first adopted Phillips head screws, and where applicable...

Model 560 (1960-61): motor shell mounting screws (#10-24 x 3/4")

Model 562 Sanitronic (1962-63): wheel screws (#10-32 x 3/8")

Model Sanitronic VII (1963-65): front shaft clamp screws (#8-32 x 3/8") and front bearing plate screws (#8-32 x 5/16")

Model Classic 1CR (1970-73): rear shaft clamp screws (#6-32 x 5/8")

Model Classic Omega 1CB (1973-76): fan case to motor housing screws. First one to get the change was the long #10 screw (1-1/4" long) that secures the fan case to motor housing from the front; the other four #10 screws, all 5/8" long (three round head and one flat head) would change from slotted to Phillips in 1974.

Model Tradition 3CB (1979-81): the short #6 screws that secure the headlight lens, vent seal and speed switch (#6-32 x 3/8")


Post# 430843 , Reply# 17   8/28/2020 at 13:25 (1,624 days old) by electrolux137 (Los Angeles)        

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Post# 473032 , Reply# 18   8/30/2024 at 21:40 by KirbyClassicIII (Milwaukie, Oregon)        

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Is it true that your Kirby Classic III instruction book's warranty page has the words "LIMITED WARRANTY" underlined?


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