Thread Number: 24029
My Extensive Collection Part 2
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Post# 268936   2/22/2014 at 10:07 (4,010 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
Looks like I did it again :)

Robert will ad the link to part one as I have no idea how to .

More to come later today .

Phillip ,
The new Vortech Force is a whole new design its more powerful and just an all around stronger and lighter machine .


Post# 268940 , Reply# 1   2/22/2014 at 11:56 (4,010 days old) by Unimatic1140 (Minneapolis)        
Thanks Dan!

unimatic1140's profile picture
This great thread is continued from here...


Post# 268948 , Reply# 2   2/22/2014 at 12:56 (4,010 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        
Your welcome

kirbyloverdan's profile picture

I have one appointment left for the day and hopefully can post a few more ;)


This post was last edited 02/22/2014 at 16:21
Post# 268979 , Reply# 3   2/22/2014 at 16:05 (4,010 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        
I am up to 75 vacuums before these pics on

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
the new post part II.

Here are more of My Nannys vacuums she was a neat freak and kept
every thing in her home looking like brand new .

I inherited that from both of my Nannys both were
so caring of products they owned only bought the best
and had stuff forever .

This is my Dads mom vacuums she really loved vacuums I got
quite a bit of them when she passed .

First her Hoover Lark model 12 my favorite number only flaw is handle paint worn.

Second her prized Kirby model 518 I sent back to Kirby
to get it rebuilt when she passed it cost me $21.99 a bargin
but I had no idea they would change the color but it looks nice
anyway and the brown family was her favorite color so it's Kool .


This post was last edited 02/22/2014 at 16:26
Post# 268980 , Reply# 4   2/22/2014 at 16:20 (4,010 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        
Another favorite

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
Brand Sanitaire just like an old Eureka
and always trying to too a convertible
These are just plain and simple vacuums
that out clean all those bag less Dysons .

Sanitaire S647 on left

Sanitaire S677 on right TOL model
with the new cloth type ST disposable bag .


Post# 268986 , Reply# 5   2/22/2014 at 16:36 (4,010 days old) by HooverCelebrity (Germany)        

That model 12 Lark is gorgeous -- what a lovely specimen!  I have one or two of those around here somewhere, awaiting a spa treatment...

Post# 268987 , Reply# 6   2/22/2014 at 16:41 (4,010 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        
Thanks Fred

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
I love it as did my Grandma (Nanny) did .

It is immaculate and looks and runs brand new just the handle grip area paint missing as usual on older Hoovers .


Post# 268989 , Reply# 7   2/22/2014 at 16:46 (4,010 days old) by stricklybojack (Southern California)        
Oh no...

stricklybojack's profile picture
between that Lark and the Hoover 370 Junior i just posted about i'm afraid i might expand the number of desirable vacs in my known universe far beyond that which i could ever manage.

Post# 268991 , Reply# 8   2/22/2014 at 17:00 (4,010 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        
See I'm giving

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
Members ideas on which vacuums they should seek out next for
their collections .

I am "the" professional collection specialist 😜


Post# 269020 , Reply# 9   2/22/2014 at 20:49 (4,010 days old) by luxman107 (USA )        
Miracle Mate

Thanks Dan. Awesome collection.

Post# 269022 , Reply# 10   2/22/2014 at 20:52 (4,010 days old) by luxman107 (USA )        

Do you have one room to keep all these awesome machines displayed in or are they scattered through out your house ?

Post# 269032 , Reply# 11   2/22/2014 at 22:05 (4,010 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
No I live in a small 20's Bungalow on 28 acres they are all crammed into the loft .
That's why I'm pulling them out and going through them to sell .
I just donated 50 to my local food banks thrift store they were a lot
of bag less and low end vacuums I had picked up cheap just to try
Out . I buy a lot of nib low end on eBay to see how they are made I get them
really cheap and the donation helps for tax season .


Post# 269054 , Reply# 12   2/23/2014 at 03:31 (4,009 days old) by gsheen (Cape Town South Africa)        

gsheen's profile picture



The lark looks beautiful, if you ever wanted to, a auto parts store should be able to match up a small amount of paint to repaint that handle. 


I also buy allot of new machines to see how they work, although its cheaply made one of the cheapy's I am most impressed with is the new Eureka airspeed one, It wont win any build quality contests but it actually cleans rather well, and its dual cyclone tech actually keeps the dirt off the filter rather well.


I wish we had donation tax benefits here but they canned them a few years ago 

Post# 269059 , Reply# 13   2/23/2014 at 06:18 (4,009 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
That's right my friend owns an Autobody
shop I should bring the handle to him .

But on the other hand it's my Nannys hand that did
that so I'm kinda stuck as what to do .

I had an airspeed one I almost kept it but thank God
it was bag less that changed my mind . I thought it
did a great job .

They are trying to get rid of tax deductions here too
more money for the Goverment to waste in nonsense ;)


Post# 269068 , Reply# 14   2/23/2014 at 07:33 (4,009 days old) by gsheen (Cape Town South Africa)        

gsheen's profile picture

Yea I have a similar problem with one of my machines, To restore it to its original beauty or keep it the way it was made by been used every day. Its a tough choice but I think I have made up my mind, I want it to be like it was when that loved one first got it, It was there new vacuum and even though they were not vac mad like  back then it was a big purchase and they would have enjoyed having it all new   

Post# 269077 , Reply# 15   2/23/2014 at 09:51 (4,009 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
Gareth I will keep it just the way nanny left it 😁


Post# 269096 , Reply# 16   2/23/2014 at 13:13 (4,009 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        
Two more gifts

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
From my good friend John Gregory from Sweeper Central up in Dunmore Pa on Drinker street .

Both windtunnels

One is the Windtunnel Max bagged

The other is the 100th anniversary self propelled Windtunnel

Love them both very good machines from Hoover ;)


Post# 269131 , Reply# 17   2/23/2014 at 19:59 (4,009 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        
Next up

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
Are two what I consider copies of Tacony vacuums .

First an Evolution Prestige 6300 it's brand new I have never used it but it has
a three row steel brush roll .

Second is an Cirrus professional grade .


Post# 269135 , Reply# 18   2/23/2014 at 20:28 (4,009 days old) by stricklybojack (Southern California)        
Ding Ding!

stricklybojack's profile picture
And the award for, 'Purplest Vacuum Ever' goes to...

don't get me wrong, i want a Purple Prestige of my own sooner than later...that is one sweet sweeper.

This post was last edited 02/23/2014 at 22:16
Post# 269136 , Reply# 19   2/23/2014 at 21:10 (4,009 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
OMG that machine is bright the headlights don't even need to be on lol

My sister loves Purple I may just give it to her for a basement family room vacuum she is strictly Aerus so we shall see ;)


Post# 269140 , Reply# 20   2/23/2014 at 22:29 (4,009 days old) by ctvacman (CT)        

I wonder if the three row brush from the evolution would fit on a simplicity 7 series if you swapped out the ends.

Post# 269174 , Reply# 21   2/24/2014 at 09:23 (4,008 days old) by ctvacman (CT)        

If you had to pick between a cirrus cr99, evolution 6709z or simplicity 7850 which would it be based on your experience.

Post# 269176 , Reply# 22   2/24/2014 at 09:48 (4,008 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
All the way I was a Simplicity dealer and swear by the quality and the company it's self is amazing .


Post# 269197 , Reply# 23   2/24/2014 at 11:59 (4,008 days old) by gm1982 ()        

Over the weekend I stopped into my local vacuum store to inquire about the new Prima/Wonder, said they will not have them for a bit. While I was there I demoed the TOL Simplicity canisters, the Uprights and Sebos (D4, K3, X4) all up against the Dyson Upright (recent model). I have to say I was very impressed with the Sebo canisters over the Simplicity and well beyond the Dyson-no comparison. I liked the simplicity it performs very well on all the different surfaces I tested them out on. But the Sebo K3/D4 is more refined, smoother powerhead, lighter to maneuver and quieter. I felt it groomed/cleaned slightly better. I do not like the cuff on the Simplicity hose. The store owner told me he has sold them for many years and they are great machines, but those cuffs always break as well as the power cords over time, otherwise he claims they don't get many in for repair. The Sebo is solid, it blows away my Aerus Upright.

Post# 269200 , Reply# 24   2/24/2014 at 12:12 (4,008 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        
Good for you George I am glad for you

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
then it seems like the Sebo is your vacuum brand of choice .That's why there are so many machines available because if they only had one it would be boring .Sounds like you may actually own number 3 vacuum cleaner your on your way .

I personally do not like Sebo having owned a vacuum shop and my collection of almost every brand I prefer Tacony products , Aerus , Kirby ,Oreck , Royal metal, Rainbow, TriStar , Miracle Mate , Vortech ,and Hoover .


Post# 269205 , Reply# 25   2/24/2014 at 12:41 (4,008 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        
This pair

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
An LG compressor I love the way it compacts the dust and dirt into a cube
but it weighs more than a Kirby . Does an outstanding job cleaning looks like they
copied Windtunnel technology .

Bissell ProLight bag less I prefer the bagged 8lb twin fan to this any day .
It cleans really well but I rather take a bag over bag less .


P.S Johnny Long these are on you tube and eBay too isn't that funny ? 😝

Post# 269211 , Reply# 26   2/24/2014 at 13:08 (4,008 days old) by ctvacman (CT)        
Thanks Dan

That's what I was leaning toward, since I've had and have so many Tacony products.

Post# 269219 , Reply# 27   2/24/2014 at 14:00 (4,008 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        
Your Welcome

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
Colby ,

I strongly believe in Tacony products and I love that they are assembled here in the USA . Plus it gives me great confidence knowing Tom Gasko is there to give them advice with the museum to grab ideas from . Amazing vacuums from an amazing company making the very best in vacuum cleaners today .


Post# 269229 , Reply# 28   2/24/2014 at 14:45 (4,008 days old) by ctvacman (CT)        

Wait to purchase the Sebo if that's what you decide on. I say this because my dealer said they are going to add a switch for the power nozzle on the handle grip of the D4, instead of trying to push that stiff small button on the PN itself.

Post# 269231 , Reply# 29   2/24/2014 at 14:50 (4,008 days old) by gm1982 ()        

Thanks, I don't have much of a desire to own more than two vacuums actually, but I like to try out many different ones. I had a Simplicity Synchrony last summer, I sold it. Does an awesome job on carpets, but its so damn loud and not a fan of the dial for the hose to work, and then you have to switch it back. It also blew fairly moderate on the particle counter- don't need my electronics and furniture hazed in dust. I understand your preference for liking 90% American assembled vacs and 10% Asian built. I like some of those machines as well, but I am more concerned with ease of use/filtration.

Post# 269232 , Reply# 30   2/24/2014 at 14:54 (4,008 days old) by gm1982 ()        

thanks for the info on the switch... I am in the process of deciding on a new purchase and getting rid of my Aerus for a Simplicity or Sebo.

Post# 269254 , Reply# 31   2/24/2014 at 16:30 (4,008 days old) by gsheen (Cape Town South Africa)        

gsheen's profile picture

We Sadly don't get Tacony products in SA, but I will say I agree with Dan on a few points,( and while we are friends we have very different tastes in vacuums )  


For one I am very big on buying stuff that is  made in the country you live in, it is after all supporting the economy you live in. 


Second I have never understood why so many people find sebo's so wonderful, I have had every model they have made and still own my Felix and G1, The build quality is ok but no were near as great as people make out, There performance is OK but not fantastic, and they are missing many convenience features that others include.

The x4 was my least favorite sebo only which could never get the height right from new.(I owned 4 from new all the same) If you don't believe me on this rub some sebo dry carpet cleaning powder into your carpets and use your x4 to clean it up and vacuum your carpets every day for a week, Now go down to your local sears or walmart and buy a $ 40,00 Bissell power force, Bagged or bag less it doesn't matter, Go and vacuum your house again and see what the x4 left behind because it can never get the adjustment right. The bag will be full of powder.

Out of interest I did the same thing with a x4 and better G1 with manual height setting, I dry cleaned the carpet in my one test room at my factory, vacuumed every day for 5 days with the X4 then vacuumed with the G 1 same machine but without the electronic height adjustment, One bag filled 3/4 with powder the x4 left behind because it simply can't get to it.


I was equally  unimpressed with the d4, Its build quality was not on par with machines half its price, Its PN was big and bulky compared to the competition and it didn't have a switch ( which I see is been remedied ) on the handle. 


The Felix is one of my favorite sebo's, It cleans really well but again falls short in the convenience department, the hose is a joke and it still fails me that a machine made in a country that has 90% hard flooring in homes doesn't have a On OFF brush button on the handle or upper body( at least it has one unlike all  other sebo uprights ) Hepa filtraion is not even standard for that price either. 


One last point they are prohibitively expensive to repair if something goes wrong, More expensive than many machines costing twice there price like Kirby's and Rainbows.


My opinion, If you want a good vacuum for carpets don't buy one designed in  a country were the average home has none.  



Post# 269256 , Reply# 32   2/24/2014 at 16:48 (4,008 days old) by gsheen (Cape Town South Africa)        

gsheen's profile picture

Just one other point, a particle tester can ONLY be used to give an accurate result in a clean room. IE No contaminates or particles in the air.


If you go to a vacuum shop and they use the particle  tester and show you zero in the reading then its been fixed. No machine will be able to get a close to a  zero reading outside of a clean room.  


Think of it this way as-well, a vacuum blowing clean air int a room is going to moving air particles around if you put a particle tester to the vacuum it will pick up the particles in the air been blown around.


The best reading I ever got was on a Nilfisk hazardous dust vacuum and that was 0.02 , micron, it was analyzed and found to be factory dust that had settled on the filters during manufacture.

The really good analyzers ( the ones professionals use )  will tell you the different size of the particles they pic up.


I have actually done this, you have to rent a lab and a couple of techy guys who know there chemistry. You cannot do this in the front of a vacuum shop 

Post# 269261 , Reply# 33   2/24/2014 at 17:08 (4,008 days old) by gm1982 ()        

Everyone has different likes and opinions. You think the Sebo is bulky, try seeing how bulky the simplicities are. (all metal) but The Simplicities are great machines, they just are not as refined as the Sebo in terms of quietness, ease of use and lightweight. I've seen what they all pick up, the Dyson, Simplicity and Sebo. The later two both pick up just about the same from what I have seen. We have a brand called Aerus here, made here, but the Simplicity blows that away, so I don't think it really matters where the country of origin is anymore. Just because you didn't like Sebo doesn't mean its still not a quality machine. Its like me saying I don't like Kirby and its not built well when in fact its probably the most bullet proof machine on the market today. Its just not suitable for my flooring types. That's why there are many brands.

Post# 269267 , Reply# 34   2/24/2014 at 17:21 (4,008 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
That's how I feel about Sebo also nothing about those machines wow me .We as professionals with the many years experience plus vast knowledge beyond trying a vacuum out for a few minutes in a vac shop or department store know a good vacuum design from an ok design . Especially you with
all of your R&D of many vacuum cleaners .

George ,
Gareth isn't saying quality is bad because he dislikes Sebo he has
many years experience with the brand because he owns a successful
vacuum shop where he sells and services vacuums that's where his opinion
is coming from professional real life experience . Plus I owned a vacuum shop
and I had many in for repairs and customers were very unhappy when they
brought them home . Sebo had a very high return and repair rate in my store .

That being said that is George's most favorite vacuum for his needs I just want him to buy his Sebo
so he will be happy finally with the perfect vacuum in his mind .

I love that there are so many brands for every one and you and I Gareth can stay as far away from Sebo
as possible ;)


This post was last edited 02/24/2014 at 17:42
Post# 269269 , Reply# 35   2/24/2014 at 17:28 (4,008 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        
Two bagged

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
Eurekas .

Twins 😁

Air Extreme Black

Smart Vac Red

Nice good cleaning but very heavy vacuums even pulling vacuum Back is a struggle .


Post# 269276 , Reply# 36   2/24/2014 at 18:28 (4,008 days old) by kloveland (Tulsa)        
35 special

kloveland's profile picture

Just out of curiosity. What happened to the used 35 special that you purchased

from me on eBay?

Post# 269284 , Reply# 37   2/24/2014 at 19:30 (4,008 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        
I still have

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
It Kenny I love it I will post a picture tomorrow that is a beautiful machine
one of those used vacuums that are like brand new ;)
I really appreciate that you had that for me to purchase .
That's a definite vacuum I will always cherish and keep .
That was a machine that my mother got as a wedding shower gift
and I sold it years ago I always regretted it but thanks to you I found that
model again . I also found 2 others one was in bad shape but yours and the
other one I purchased was in great shape .

Thanx again


This post was last edited 02/24/2014 at 21:34
Post# 269292 , Reply# 38   2/24/2014 at 20:20 (4,008 days old) by electromatik (Taylorsville, North Carolina, U.S.A.)        

Gsheen is entitled to his opinion about Sebo's too gm1982. You are guilty of the exact same thing with your constant Aerus bashing... Trying to "prove" one vacuum's superiority over another is a very difficult thing because people are subjective and laboratory results don't reflect real world results and vice versa. Someone reminded me recently of something Aerus does that to my knowledge no other vacuum company provides... An ELECTRIC hose and ELECTRIC turbo tool on an upright. Lot's of people out there swear by Kirby's. After having owned one for almost 15 years I can say I will not buy another for everyday usage. Kirby's clean well for me (despite Consumer Reports ranking them "below average" in rug cleaning for 40 years) because my carpets look fantastic and my shampoo water isn't very dirty or sludgy. I've liked Sebo's too but after hearing they ranked so low in air flow and suction power (70 inches), I have thought twice... We all have opinions. Our opinions, however, don't constitute facts. :-)

Post# 269293 , Reply# 39   2/24/2014 at 20:27 (4,008 days old) by electromatik (Taylorsville, North Carolina, U.S.A.)        

I forgot to add that the reason I won't buy another Kirby despite the fact they clean well is due to the obsolete design. It's entirely too loud, I can't stand the hose hookup another year, it's far too heavy, and it's far too bulky and it won't fit under ANYTHING in my home. I have found I place a premium on ease of use. If my chosen machine vacuum's up 15 fewer grains of sand, so be it. I can live with it. Opinions, opinions, they are like hind-ends, we all got 'em.

Post# 269298 , Reply# 40   2/24/2014 at 20:59 (4,008 days old) by ctvacman (CT)        

Consumer reports has always given kirby the highest rating for the carpet test for as long as I've been getting it, it's also been the most reliable. Unless by carpet you meant shampooing which I don't ever remember them testing it's shampooing ability. But yea for the last 20 years kirby has been in the top ten and has gotten the highest embedded dirt removal rating. Just clarifying not trying to start s**t.

Post# 269305 , Reply# 41   2/24/2014 at 21:49 (4,008 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
Is correct Kirby has been at the top for deep carpet cleaning .
It's rated low for ease of use and price .
I surely hope the next Kirby is a total update but the noise
doesn't bother me one bit .

I am also an Aerus lover too as most everyone knows :)


Post# 269327 , Reply# 42   2/25/2014 at 00:43 (4,008 days old) by DC (Arizona, USA)        
That LG...

dc's profile picture
I forgot all about the LG kompressor! I always called it the Miele of bag-less upright vacuums because it cleans well, costs a premium compared to most vacs, it's really innovative, and... it's heavy just like a Miele S7. What a cool concept for a bag-less vacuum to cake up the dirt to suck more dirt, and not create a dust storm while emptying the bin into the trash. I really like LG products. I have LG's G2 smartphone and their Smart TV and they're really nice. The Kompressor is now in my dream list of vacs.

Post# 269354 , Reply# 43   2/25/2014 at 10:46 (4,007 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
it is an awesome idea cleans really well plus holds a lot makes a nice clean cube .

It can be your for $100.00 plus shipping ;) I bought it brand new and used it twice.


Post# 269365 , Reply# 44   2/25/2014 at 13:27 (4,007 days old) by gsheen (Cape Town South Africa)        

gsheen's profile picture

Dear Gm1982


I never said I didn't think Sebo was a quality machine, I just said its not the great quality that people brag about. 

I have extensive knowledge about vacuums, I own plus minus 300 machines currently but have had over 1000, If a new Mid - high end machine is launched I buy it, I may not keep it and mostly I don' but I buy them and use them as my daily driver for a few weeks some times longer to evaluate them. Every time Sebo launches a new vacuum I buy it take it to my shop, test it, then I take it home and use it. You cannot evaluate a machine correctly buy using it a few times in the shop. 

I think this more than qualify's me as a expert in vacuums. I work in the industry, I own a vacuum shop, I have helped luanch a few vacuums in our market and get them ready for our market. 

My interest in vacuum cleaners stems deeper than just liking how they look or a cleaning with them, I am interested in the engineering, How well they are made and what makes them different to each other. 


I simply cannot believe that a Tacony vacuum is not as refined as a Sebo considering a Sebo is mediocre at best. If Dan says the is well made then I tend to believe him as we are both Mercedes fanatic's. You know why? Refinement and quality My Daily driver is a Hyundai, its got every bell and whistle but my 29 year old Merc is of much better quality and refinement. 

I also know that any product that has Tom Gasko's involvement has to be a good product. 

This post was last edited 02/25/2014 at 15:14
Post# 269372 , Reply# 45   2/25/2014 at 14:33 (4,007 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
I was wrong yours I took the bag from it because of the two perfect machines I found the one had a white genuine Hoover outer bag replacement . So I found the one you sold me in the garage because it wasn't as nice as the two others I have . The two I found have no scratches at all . I am just super picky if I have a used machine in my collection they must look brand new. Thanks again for the purchase the bag came in handy .

Gareth ,
You are a true professional that I respect I only wish we lived closer but if you ever get to the US you are more than welcome to stay with me .We would have lots of fun with my collection plus all of my Mercedes .


Post# 269376 , Reply# 46   2/25/2014 at 15:09 (4,007 days old) by gsheen (Cape Town South Africa)        

gsheen's profile picture

Dan if we lived closer I would be very worried about our banks accounts because together we would spend way to much time buying and testing vacuums and not working LOL. Not to mention Merc's 

I look forward to visiting as soon as it is possible, it would be great fun. I also hope that you have your next vacuum shop going when I am able to come visit. 

BTW I love those Eureka smartvacs, One of the best cleaning machines they ever made, It was a beast though. It was sold as an Electrolux here in SA and came in grey with yellow accents. I still have it some were. 

Post# 269378 , Reply# 47   2/25/2014 at 15:22 (4,007 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
OMG that would be KRAZY , I am hoping to have one again but I think it will be once I retire . Real Estate is back and the money is too good to stop now .

That was the color of our first smart vac by Eureka . They clean really well but one can not take using it for too long it is an exhaustive work out . Easier to use a Kirby G series or a Hoover Windtunnel Self Propelled .


Post# 269386 , Reply# 48   2/25/2014 at 15:34 (4,007 days old) by gsheen (Cape Town South Africa)        

gsheen's profile picture

That's exactly what I did I got my hands on a green windtunnel self propelled. 


When you retire ??? I am not waiting that long to come visit Smile

Post# 269391 , Reply# 49   2/25/2014 at 15:39 (4,007 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
Who knows it might be sooner I thought about hiring an assistant so I will see how that works out .
Maybe your visit will help me find a great spot :)


Post# 269415 , Reply# 50   2/25/2014 at 20:21 (4,007 days old) by DC (Arizona, USA)        
Hi Dan

dc's profile picture
That's a great offer for such a vac in that condition, but I'm good with what I got now. As much as I would like to have that and other vacs that would be so awesome to have, I just don't want another vacuum in the House. I'm just one of those upright vacuum enthusiasts who have a few vacs and one all-time favorite vacuum of mine.

Maybe someone else on this thread may want that and be really happy with it! Does anyone here want Dan's LG Kompressor he tried to offer me for $100 plus shipping in reply 45? It's only been used twice.

Post# 269416 , Reply# 51   2/25/2014 at 20:41 (4,007 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
Derek I will put it on eBay then . That was really nice of you I need to really just collect fewer vacuums this is really too many . I am a Hoarder of vacuums and need to get this under control 😝


Post# 269421 , Reply# 52   2/25/2014 at 21:15 (4,007 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        
Another family pair

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
Here are two more from relatives

Convertible U4305 Kmart exclusive with the start of the signature layered stripped bag was my Aunt Dorothy's (Godmother) she bought it in July of 1981 and gave it to me about 6 years ago when she bought a Hoover Windtunnel Self Propelled .

Last of Decade 800's my Nanny my Mothers mother she loved Hoover and had 3 floors to clean and had 2 vacuums per floor her home was huge 3700 sq ft . She bought this in 1992 around April we were at Service Merchandise I said nanny look how cool she said lets get it and she used it in her bedroom only for years until she passed away. Of course I got every vacuum from her 😄
Notice how every machine from my family are very mint and well kept never scratched or abused .


Post# 269441 , Reply# 53   2/25/2014 at 23:19 (4,007 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        
Here are two very sentimental

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
Models of Convertibles

I had sold my mothers 35 and always regretted it
so thanks to eBay I found not one but three :)
I just wanted two but purchased the third because
one of the machines that was mint had a white genuine replacement
bag and I wanted it completely stock . Mother received them as wedding
shower gifts .

Next is her 32 Special Pink she and I traded she wanted an Oreck Pilot
and I always wanted the Hoover .


Post# 269449 , Reply# 54   2/26/2014 at 01:19 (4,007 days old) by gsheen (Cape Town South Africa)        

gsheen's profile picture

Ow wow, Those are beautiful, I am a big fan of convertables, both in vacuum and in car form HEHe. They were called the Hoover 652 here in SA and the switch was on the base of the machine, We did not get the awesome colours you guys did either. 

Here is one I restored 

Post# 269459 , Reply# 55   2/26/2014 at 06:51 (4,006 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        
I love both

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
Convertibles too ;) that's a good one my friend .

Yours is stunning I remember your restoration and I love your
colors . Yes Hoover in the US had amazing colors that were very
designer like as they went into the Lexan models with all the great
bag colors and designs . Not too many appreciate the Lexan models
but I see them as works of art .

Kmart had many beautiful colors and I loved their bags with the stripes .
Other higher end department stores here in the northeast NY ,Pa, NJ had beautiful bag
colors also . Hoover Convertible bags catch my eye first that's why I love
the Lexan models from department stores best . I loved John Wanamakers Abraham & Straus ,
Strawbridges and would only go there to look at and buy convertibles .


Post# 269466 , Reply# 56   2/26/2014 at 08:53 (4,006 days old) by gsheen (Cape Town South Africa)        

gsheen's profile picture

I have one lexan based Convertible with the old style top, the rest have the full hood cover. 


I must get one of those hoods ( like in the pic of the three machines ) from you sometime, We never got that style here and I really like it. 

Post# 269468 , Reply# 57   2/26/2014 at 09:30 (4,006 days old) by stricklybojack (Southern California)        

stricklybojack's profile picture
like you said...
I working on getting this one right now.

Post# 269474 , Reply# 58   2/26/2014 at 10:11 (4,006 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
When ever you want one I have one for ya .


Post# 269476 , Reply# 59   2/26/2014 at 10:13 (4,006 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
That is a beautiful convertible wow make it shine ;)
I have one like that with a lighter green hood same bag


Post# 269488 , Reply# 60   2/26/2014 at 11:11 (4,006 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        
Both grandmoms

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
Hoover convertibles

Left is my Dads mom owner of Kirby 518 and Model 12 Lark
U 4089 my uncle nick bought that for her Christmas 1975

Right is my Mothers Mother my Nannys beautiful
U4005 she bought that in 1974 at Baers Furniture
She actually bought two I have both she loved the style
and color .


Post# 269594 , Reply# 61   2/27/2014 at 15:09 (4,005 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        
Two more

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
NIB Hoovers

Top C1525 Hoover FloorMax commercial upright

Bottom an ultra rare C1439 Hoover Prefered commercial upright .
eBay finds


Post# 269598 , Reply# 62   2/27/2014 at 16:03 (4,005 days old) by luxman107 (USA )        
Gareth and Dan

Your collections are unreal. Wish I could see them in person some day

Post# 269610 , Reply# 63   2/27/2014 at 16:56 (4,005 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
Any time you'd like to visit NJ let me know
Thanks for the compliment Gareth is my brother
from another mother living in South Africa he is
such a kind soul .


Post# 269633 , Reply# 64   2/27/2014 at 19:29 (4,005 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        
Oh Canada

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
This is another favorite convertible 1973 U4015 Custom Convertible from my Grandmoms best friend in Quebec Canada .Francois sent this to me when I turned 21 because she knew I loved it when I was there in 1975 for a visit with my Nanny . I asked her if I could have it because she told me she hated it
her husband bought it for her and she was a Hoover Constellation caniater only lady . Turned it on and gave it one push and in the spare bedroom closet it sat for years . I have had it for 25 years and have loved this vacuum .She died 12 years ago and this is a great gift I will cherish for ever .
I don't think any US Hoover collector would have one of these rare machines in brand new condition .
One piece handle Brittish square peddles painted bottom plate red switch .
This is like the US version U4007 a stunning vacuum but I love the Canadian version best .


Post# 269684 , Reply# 65   2/28/2014 at 05:57 (4,004 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        
Brand new

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
Eureka 1440 I like the thicker bumper on this machine .


Post# 269696 , Reply# 66   2/28/2014 at 11:51 (4,004 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        
Now a

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
Kirby Classic Omega I bought in 1974 I sent it back to the factory in 1996 to have it rebuilt
I used to use my Kirby's before I started buying two now I use one save one .


Post# 269697 , Reply# 67   2/28/2014 at 12:11 (4,004 days old) by gsheen (Cape Town South Africa)        

gsheen's profile picture

Wow Dan now that is a beautiful Kirby, I like the wood grain finish. I would love to get one like that, I have never seen them here but i know they were sold here. The most popular older models here are the Hirritage II and Legend II I have both, 

Post# 269698 , Reply# 68   2/28/2014 at 12:18 (4,004 days old) by gsheen (Cape Town South Africa)        

gsheen's profile picture

I must add a Eureka lik ethat to my collection, Its one model of machine I don't have any Eureka's( of that design)  or Sanitaires in my collection

Post# 269700 , Reply# 69   2/28/2014 at 12:49 (4,004 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
Yes I love that Kirby too . You need to get one for your collection .

I love the legends they are great machines I have several with large nozzle and small , the Legand II is my favorite .

Did they sell that style Eureka in South Africa ? You must get that style Eureka/Sanitaire they are good machines.


Post# 269701 , Reply# 70   2/28/2014 at 13:00 (4,004 days old) by gsheen (Cape Town South Africa)        

gsheen's profile picture

No they didnt sell that model here.  It was only in the 90's that we stated getting Eureka/s badged as Electrolux's starteing with the Widtrack 


I have never seen the small nozzle for the Legend II

Post# 269702 , Reply# 71   2/28/2014 at 13:02 (4,004 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        
I only have

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
the small nozzle on the Black Legends not the burgandy Legend II


Post# 269709 , Reply# 72   2/28/2014 at 14:18 (4,004 days old) by electromatik (Taylorsville, North Carolina, U.S.A.)        

Kirbyloverdan, will you be posting a newer picture of your Lux Guardian Platinum? I'd like to see it with the headlight lit up. When you use it, does the headlight give off a bluish light as LED's sometimes do?

Post# 269714 , Reply# 73   2/28/2014 at 14:36 (4,004 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        
Sure Christopher

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
When I get some time yes they are bluish , I am doing this in between $elling house$ but I finally hired an assistant so I will have some free time she can do all the picture taking adding listing to the MLS all the stuff that bogs Realtors down so I can concentrate on listing and $elling more home$ .Love being able to snap some pics with my iPhone and when I get a second pop them onto this site .


Post# 269735 , Reply# 74   2/28/2014 at 17:04 (4,004 days old) by baglessball ()        

Is that a 240v Royal I see!!?

What a collection Dan! You must be stuck for choice when you come to clean :)

Post# 269741 , Reply# 75   2/28/2014 at 17:55 (4,004 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
Shaun it's very hard to choose now that I'm finding all my forgotten treasures .


Post# 269783 , Reply# 76   3/1/2014 at 01:34 (4,004 days old) by gsheen (Cape Town South Africa)        

gsheen's profile picture

Hi Shaun 


Yes the last two on the left are Royals, both 240v , I have another commercial Royal too but its in use in our workshop 

Post# 269795 , Reply# 77   3/1/2014 at 06:38 (4,003 days old) by baglessball ()        

I see..

I'm going to have to keep my eyes peeled!!

Are yours SA models, or have you acquired them from the UK?

What do you think if them as a cleaner?

Post# 269837 , Reply# 78   3/1/2014 at 11:37 (4,003 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        
This is a Convertible U4047

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
From the late Albert Marks home he started Miss America
Mr. Marks had shaped and shepherded the pageant onto the stage in Atlantic City's Convention Hall for 35 years. He guided it through feminist thickets and petty scandals and dwindling public attention with an unquenchable panache. For a decade, while the city languished before the advent of casinos, the extravaganza, known locally simply as "The Pageant," was the one uncontestable bright spot in Atlantic City's year.
I sold the home to a friend of mine it was in Margate NJ that was a nice sale $1.25 Million dollars :)
They had a tag sale because his wife died Mary Katherine Mr. Marks died in 1989 .
This Hoover was sitting in the back of the closet covered by a wedding gown it was like a Vacuum cover. The son never knew his mother had this Hoover they had another Hoover Wind tunnel in that same closet they used. This vacuum was unused they gave it to me along with a Eureka Cord real twin power which I will list next. I could of had all the vacuums in the home but only took these two because I didn't need the newer ones.


Post# 269840 , Reply# 79   3/1/2014 at 11:49 (4,003 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        
Now the Eureka 2093

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
Twin Power with cord reel
From the late Albert Marks home he started Miss America
Mr. Marks had shaped and shepherded the pageant onto the stage in Atlantic City's Convention Hall for 35 years. He guided it through feminist thickets and petty scandals and dwindling public attention with an unquenchable panache. For a decade, while the city languished before the advent of casinos, the extravaganza, known locally simply as "The Pageant," was the one uncontestable bright spot in Atlantic City's year.
I sold the home to a friend of mine it was in Margate NJ that was a nice sale $1.25 Million dollars :)
Also a gift to me for selling the house .


Post# 269894 , Reply# 80   3/1/2014 at 20:49 (4,003 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        
Another Hoover

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
Couple ;)

Hoover U4729 Heavy Duty from Sears brand central
1989 I received it as a graduation gift when I finished
Harvard business school .

Hoover U4107 I purchased it in 1978 with gift money .
I broke the original bag zipper so I had to replace it with
an OEM white bag :(


Post# 269898 , Reply# 81   3/1/2014 at 21:02 (4,003 days old) by stricklybojack (Southern California)        
Heavy Duty Hoover...

stricklybojack's profile picture
Elvis has not left the building! Lookin' good, thanks for posting.

Post# 269907 , Reply# 82   3/1/2014 at 21:27 (4,003 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
You are so welcome I'm glad you are enjoying the pics :)


Post# 269969 , Reply# 83   3/2/2014 at 14:23 (4,002 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        
More purple

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
I had no idea I had so many purple vacuums ;)

Kenmore purple direct drive bagged


Post# 269980 , Reply# 84   3/2/2014 at 15:31 (4,002 days old) by panofan (West Coast)        

How do you like the purple direct drive? My mom has that one - she got it when she finally got tired of using her central vac (only had a turbine head) - one of my favorites, probably from the memories when I used to live near by & help vacuum.

Post# 269983 , Reply# 85   3/2/2014 at 16:00 (4,002 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        
I like it

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
bought it new years ago it does a great job but is a heavy machine I have several Kenmores stay tuned .


Post# 270004 , Reply# 86   3/2/2014 at 19:36 (4,002 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        
Purple Kenmore

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
Progressive bag less with intelli clean & Direct drive .
My sister received it as a gift but gave it to me because
she prefers her Aerus Legacy upright and canister I bought her .


Post# 270048 , Reply# 87   3/3/2014 at 07:57 (4,001 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        
A red

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
Progressive Kenmore


Post# 270078 , Reply# 88   3/3/2014 at 12:19 (4,001 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        
A teal

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
Kenmore Intuition with Direct Drive bagged .

Great machine I just bought the new Elite and I
think this is better built .


Post# 270082 , Reply# 89   3/3/2014 at 13:00 (4,001 days old) by VacManJay ()        
Hoover Decade 800

Hello eveyone,

I was wondering if anyone had good advise for me on my hoover Decade. I have it all appart cleaning it for resale and it doent seem to have very good suction prior to me taking it apart. Im in the process of getting new brush roller barings to see if that helps any. Im sure these are the origional and they are a bit ratty and dont roll smoothly. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Post# 270122 , Reply# 90   3/3/2014 at 17:04 (4,001 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        
One of my

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
Favorites a Kirby Sentria


Post# 270127 , Reply# 91   3/3/2014 at 17:53 (4,001 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        
This is a

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
Disappointment too heavy and bulky plus tiny dusting brush .

Just not all it's cracked up to be .


Post# 270162 , Reply# 92   3/3/2014 at 22:45 (4,001 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
Disappointment my Capricorn I am giving this to my friend
she loves Miele even after I told her about why I dislike it she
still wants it so it hers on Sunday .


Post# 270196 , Reply# 93   3/4/2014 at 07:22 (4,000 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        
A favorite family

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
Brand Aerus Electrolux

Lux 3000 my family loves Aerus uprights the ONLY
upright with an Electric mini powernozzle (sidekick) still way ahead
of the competition . Bag changes couldn't be easier .


Post# 270198 , Reply# 94   3/4/2014 at 07:44 (4,000 days old) by gm1982 ()        

Aerus Uprights, they're okay. Have you tried to get the new Maytag Mo2or Upright. I think this will dance circles around any Aerus or Miele Upright. Probably the answer to anyone with 50% hard floors and 50% carpeting. The power, suction, filtration, agitation look solid. Plus you have tools ready to go, no connecting and disconnecting.

Post# 270210 , Reply# 95   3/4/2014 at 10:04 (4,000 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        
George I have the

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
Riccar Radiance which is similar to the Maytag . It is an awesome machine and is much better in ways than the Aerus and Superior to the Miele S7 but my family prefers the Aerus upright because its lighter and they are used to carrying the tool caddy with them and just lift the flap insert hose and do above floor cleaning simple yet effective .
I do own the new Maytag M500 light weight a favorite of mine .


Post# 270222 , Reply# 96   3/4/2014 at 13:08 (4,000 days old) by gsheen (Cape Town South Africa)        

gsheen's profile picture

I see your miele's paint also started to scratch off the hose handle, This is what I am talking about , I know how you take care of your machines and for a High end machine the quality simply isn't there anymore 

Post# 270230 , Reply# 97   3/4/2014 at 13:36 (4,000 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        
You are

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
Exactly right Gareth I don't wear a ring and I don't stick it in tight spaces nor drop it . It just started to show those scratches out of no where . Plus the rubber grip stuff is pealing .

I think they took their success and cheapened the product relying on a reputation they once had to carry them through to save a few $$$ .

Plus that SHORT hose drives me KRAZY and the tiny toy dusting brush is a joke .


Post# 270246 , Reply# 98   3/4/2014 at 15:16 (4,000 days old) by electromatik (Taylorsville, North Carolina, U.S.A.)        

I like Miele's upright better than the canister. Miele vacuums are designed for European homes. The average European home tends to be a townhouse/duplex type and are smaller quarters. Even single family homes tend to be smaller than North American homes. I suppose in such a situation that long hoses would be a liability rather than a benefit.

Post# 270249 , Reply# 99   3/4/2014 at 15:44 (4,000 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
I live in a tiny 1000 sqft 1920`s Bungalow and the Miele S7 is way too bulky to get around it bumps into all my furniture where as my Kirby Sentria II fits every where perfectly .Any product can be Americanized to please us a longer hose and larger tools wouldn't hurt them .

I don't think one more foot or two of hose would be a liability its just Miele being cheap. I own many canisters and Miele has the shortest hose out of all of them .


Post# 270306 , Reply# 100   3/5/2014 at 07:26 (3,999 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
Aerus vacuums twins no less :)

Aerus Lux Guardian Ultra one on left is first one made
one on right had improved PN with LED lights and they added
the flip rug and floor tool back .


Post# 270315 , Reply# 101   3/5/2014 at 08:44 (3,999 days old) by HooverCelebrity (Germany)        

Although it obviously doesn't say "Electrolux" - it's cool how they put "AERUS" on the side of the machine. Definitely a nod/throwback to the XXX.

Post# 270319 , Reply# 102   3/5/2014 at 09:09 (3,999 days old) by gsheen (Cape Town South Africa)        

gsheen's profile picture


Do you have the latest one,  Forget what you guys call it there.  

Post# 270324 , Reply# 103   3/5/2014 at 09:50 (3,999 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
That is great I never thought about it that way :)


Post# 270325 , Reply# 104   3/5/2014 at 09:55 (3,999 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        
Yes Gareth

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
you know I have all the latest high end vacuums :)

I purchase the Aerus Guardian Platinum when it first came out . My Aerus guy called me while leaving the sales meeting that he had two and I always buy the first one he receives .

I will post the full picture later I have the one with the Stainless plate on the PN the newest ones don't plus they quieted the PN which I don't like either Aerus?Electrolux has a distinct sounding PN . I never thought it was loud but I think my Kirby Sentria II and others aren't noisy either ;)


Post# 270330 , Reply# 105   3/5/2014 at 10:14 (3,999 days old) by vacmanjay ()        

Dan, have you used your new Electrolux much? If so do you like it? I want one, but don't want to be disappointed like I was with my Guardian 75th aniv. Like my Renaissance much more and it has a cooler wand lol

Post# 270335 , Reply# 106   3/5/2014 at 10:59 (3,999 days old) by countryguy (Astorville, ON, Canada)        

countryguy's profile picture

I have had the newest Lux Guardian Platinum since last November and love it. Previously I had the Lux 9000 and 6500. The Platinum is so much more quieter although I don't really notice much difference in the power nozzle noise. I do like the smaller handle for when using above the floor attachments. Also the multi speed and auto function is a nice touch.


Post# 270336 , Reply# 107   3/5/2014 at 11:08 (3,999 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
I love and use my Guardian Platinum Aerus a lot . It is an awesome vacuum and I love that they brought back a metal machine . The wand doesn't have the controls of the Renaissance but it has the brush roll on off switch . It cleans really well and filters great also two internal HEPA filters. It is the best Aerus in a very long time .


Post# 270339 , Reply# 108   3/5/2014 at 11:23 (3,999 days old) by gsheen (Cape Town South Africa)        

gsheen's profile picture

I have the previous LUX version, and was not impressed with the EU style hose and pn, but the machine was well made


ARE the USA versions made in the USA ? or Hungary like the EU versions 

Post# 270358 , Reply# 109   3/5/2014 at 14:25 (3,999 days old) by vacmanjay ()        

Thanks guys for the great info on the vacuum. Will see how things play out, keep finding nice vintage canisters on eBay LOL

Post# 270363 , Reply# 110   3/5/2014 at 15:23 (3,999 days old) by luxman107 (USA )        
Lux platinum country of origin.

The USA version of the paltinum gets complicated. The hose , power nozzle, above the floor tools are made in the USA. The canister parts are made in Europe and assembled in the USA.

Post# 270365 , Reply# 111   3/5/2014 at 15:38 (3,999 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        
Here is a

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
Picture of mine I bought the very first on the East Coast :)

I prefer the original PN with the SS plate .


Post# 270368 , Reply# 112   3/5/2014 at 15:51 (3,999 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        
If Aerus

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
Hasn't started they will be building the entire machine here in the US
it costs more to import it .

My machines seem to never end it's like Christmas every time I discover
a vacuum and all I can say is wow I have this one too ?


Post# 270396 , Reply# 113   3/5/2014 at 16:54 (3,999 days old) by vacmanjay ()        

Sexy looking machine Dan... Like how sleek it looks!!

Post# 270398 , Reply# 114   3/5/2014 at 17:20 (3,999 days old) by electromatik (Taylorsville, North Carolina, U.S.A.)        

Wow Dan your Platinum still looks brand new. Are you supposed to polish the stainless every now and then to protect it? The Art Deco based styling cues are so clear to me... I'm surprised more haven't taken notice. I can also see that the style of the canister is closer to the Lux Renaissance/Guardian "bullet" style than the older "boxy" style of Lux International's last one.

Post# 270411 , Reply# 115   3/5/2014 at 18:22 (3,999 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
Jay it is a very beautiful machine that's why I love Aerus machines as my number II favorite vacuum brand 😁


Post# 270416 , Reply# 116   3/5/2014 at 18:58 (3,999 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
That's how everything I own always looks brand new .
I've done nothing to it but use it I guess I'm just very careful and have been taught well to take extra good care of every thing I own .

You'll never find a scratch or paint from rubbing along baseboards .
I am the same way with everything even my cars people always ask
if I just bought my cars because they always look like they just came
off the sales floor at the Benz dealership 😁


Post# 270423 , Reply# 117   3/5/2014 at 19:50 (3,999 days old) by vacmanjay ()        

Dan ... Another question for you. I see that you also have a kenmore intuition. Mine will be here tomorrow and I'm wondering how you like it, if you have used it all that much? Can't really complain considering I got it for 45$ on eBay lol ... So if it "sucks" I will use it for my cleaning biz 😃

Post# 270424 , Reply# 118   3/5/2014 at 19:53 (3,999 days old) by vacmanjay ()        

Not bad for 45 bucks!! And I love the color 😉

Post# 270428 , Reply# 119   3/5/2014 at 20:31 (3,999 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
I like mine I may have used it 4 times but it's a very good quality vacuum for being sold in a department store . I did just buy the newest Kenmore Elite upright .
I used it for 10 minutes so I will have to try and use it a few
more times to see how it really compares . Seems like we have
similar vacuum tastes 😛


Post# 270433 , Reply# 120   3/5/2014 at 21:18 (3,999 days old) by VacManJay ()        

LOL yea looks like we have the same tase in vacuums and in cars! I tend to use some of my vacs for a little longer then a few minutes, especially if I need to use them while cleaning a home. Love Love Love my Sentria and did wonderfully in a two story home when my hoover windtunnel was in need of bags. So, I will have to give the kenmore a run for the money to test out how good it is. Like the detachable hose/wand, such a pain in the ass on the hoover fiddling around with everything. But its such a powerful vac it makes it all worth the fiddling LOL

Ill drop you a few lines and let you know how it goes, especially interested in the direct dirve brush roll!

Post# 270435 , Reply# 121   3/5/2014 at 21:32 (3,999 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
I prefer to use my high end D2D vacuums more than the others . Kirby and Aerus are my top machines to use first then it's a Tacony Rainbow TriStar Miracle mate Vortech force Convertible and Oreck .
Then the other get used but very little .


Post# 270464 , Reply# 122   3/6/2014 at 09:52 (3,998 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        
One of my

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
Habits I buy two and use one and keep other in box
I have all Generation series NIB plus a couple of Heritages .
Rest of my Kirby's I have bought one and used them until
the next model was released .


Post# 270493 , Reply# 123   3/6/2014 at 14:40 (3,998 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        
More of my

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
Aerus vacuums

80th anniversary Ultra Lux

Lux Guardian upright I own 3 of white newest 2012-13
waiting to get the 2014 .

Lux Legacy 2013 canister

Lux Guardian canister 2008

Lux Guardian upright 2009


This post was last edited 03/06/2014 at 18:09
Post# 270522 , Reply# 124   3/6/2014 at 20:25 (3,998 days old) by gm1982 ()        

Very nice collection. I like the Aerus canisters way better than the upright. The upright is not sealed or well constructed that it blows 500,000-695,000 on a scan. A good amount of air leaks through the bottom duct. The side HEPA filter does get 0. To anyone with allergies, not a great machine. The lux legacy is much better, no leaks of air and the electrostatic filter gets close to HEPA standards. At the negotiated price point, Riccar canisters and uprights are superior in every way I feel. The performance of a Radiance is so much better. Quality, Quality, Quality

Post# 270526 , Reply# 125   3/6/2014 at 20:50 (3,998 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
Thank you for your opinion but that does not matter to me one bit .
All this nonsense about totally sealed machines and sealed homes
is in my opinion why so many people have allergies and various sicknesses
today . You never heard of all this vacuums blowing 0 on some stupid scanner
someone invented to sell all those sealed vacuums . My grandparents and
parents NEVER had allergies and they used cloth bag Kirby and Hoovers that
blew a million percent on that scanner your so into .

Aerus uprights are QUALITY George so is every Aerus product the uprights
are a top choice in my family and of all the uprights back to the very first Discovery I
Purchased for my family members to their newest Legacy uprights are all still working problem free they are the most reliable/user friendly upright Vacuums since my family gave up their Hoover Convertibles .

You see how many different brands I own I can give them any machine they desire but they all chose Aerus uprights except two aunts who prefer Aerus canisters . So you enjoy your two vacuums and my family will enjoy their Aerus uprights .


Post# 270535 , Reply# 126   3/6/2014 at 22:24 (3,998 days old) by gm1982 ()        

The point of a vacuum is to pick up dirt and dust and contain it, not send it back into the air. Allergies aside. Its 2014, technology has come along way

Post# 270539 , Reply# 127   3/6/2014 at 22:37 (3,998 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        
Thank you

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
Once again George enjoy your two vacuums and I will enjoy my hundreds .
I have no idea how I've made it in my vacuum collecting of Hundreds of vacuums for over 40 years
plus managing a vacuum shop owning my very own vacuum shop plus working for Kirby Aerus
and Rainbow without your experience of going to a few vacuum shops trying some
vacuums for a few minutes and owning two vacuums .


Post# 270542 , Reply# 128   3/6/2014 at 22:54 (3,998 days old) by stricklybojack (Southern California)        
The very act...

stricklybojack's profile picture
of vacuuming kicks up dust.
I am allergic to dust and feel the only really significant development in vacuums in many years has been better filtration.
That said, at a certain point the background level of dust in the air is far higher than what comes out of most vacs. I read it some where, here on VL maybe, "our homes are not clean rooms" like in a chip fab. Carpets, mattresses, furnishings, all harbor some dust even after the best vacuums are used.
Forced air heating is bad news for me, as is a vacuum with regular unlined paper bags.
But when you get down to these parts per zillion meter reading worries perhaps you shouldn't have carpets or a vacuum at all. A recent study concluded just that, i'm too lazy to find the link right now.
I do not really know enough about the Electrolux/Aerus brand so i won't comment specifically there. But i will say one of the coolest looking vacs i have is this sweet orange and deep green Prolux2000 upright.

Post# 270543 , Reply# 129   3/6/2014 at 23:00 (3,998 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
You are so right I thank God have no allergies with all my hundreds of leaky vacuums 😁
I have much better things to worry about than what a dust meter says .


Post# 270583 , Reply# 130   3/7/2014 at 15:05 (3,997 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
Is that your prolux ?
I like that vacuum real Kool colors


Post# 270587 , Reply# 131   3/7/2014 at 15:29 (3,997 days old) by madaboutsebo (Midlands, UK)        

madaboutsebo's profile picture
Loving reading the comments on this thread, wish the Lux's where available in the UK. I would consider having on probably an upright!

Post# 270592 , Reply# 132   3/7/2014 at 15:56 (3,997 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        
Thanks Jon

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
Just like I wish we had more Juniors here I especially
love the Dirt Searcher ones . Ours never had headlights
you guys were so lucky to have so many different models
of what I think would have been a very popular Hoover had
they pushed it more here especially as a competor to Oreck
Touting its light weight and deep cleaning ability compared to
Oreck .


Post# 270594 , Reply# 133   3/7/2014 at 16:27 (3,997 days old) by madaboutsebo (Midlands, UK)        
Your welcome Dan

madaboutsebo's profile picture
Shame you didn't have more Juniors, I'm sure your right it would of been more popular if pushed more. Especially against the Oreck. It certainly was a very popular model over here in all its forms including the Dirt Searcher ones.

My Mother had 2 when I was young, both all metal bodied unlike the later plastic body ones. I used to love using them, specially loved being able to vacuum the stairs with them without having to use the tools. Something you can't really do with todays vacuums. They where light, simple and effective vacuums and easy to maintain. Hoover should bring them back I'm sure if marketed right they would be popular again!!

Post# 270601 , Reply# 134   3/7/2014 at 16:57 (3,997 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
They remind me of a lighter Kirby same motor set up and side bag but ultra light .
I have two brand new ones one is still in the box once I find them I will post them .
I doubt Hoover would bring them back because they now own Oreck .

Post# 270602 , Reply# 135   3/7/2014 at 17:20 (3,997 days old) by madaboutsebo (Midlands, UK)        

madaboutsebo's profile picture
I would love to see a picture of them that would be great look forward to seeing that. When I think back the Juniors where light very light.

Very true, why would they.

Post# 270603 , Reply# 136   3/7/2014 at 17:54 (3,997 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
As soon as I find the assembled one I will post them both .
The other one is still in the sealed box which I will leave it sealed .


Post# 270607 , Reply# 137   3/7/2014 at 18:28 (3,997 days old) by stricklybojack (Southern California)        
Yes Dan...

stricklybojack's profile picture
that is my flagship Electrolux vacuum. I have another grey Prolux and an older Discovery which i plan to sell soon as they are redundant and i too am buried in vacs. Oddly i have not come across a canister Lux yet other than an old metal straight suction model i found in the trash. I plan to use that as a shop vac soon.
I know you like the newest models but what might be a stand out Lux from the not too distant past, a Renny perhaps? I was considering that model but the electronic hose gave me pause.

Post# 270613 , Reply# 138   3/7/2014 at 18:51 (3,997 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
I had the Rennisance NIB and stupidly gave it to
a friend which I now regret because he hired a house keeper
and she totally scratched it up so bad . Had I known
he wanted it for a housekeeper I would have given him
a Kenmore canister instead .

The first day she used it he gave her the instruction book
So she could learn how to use it well she spilled a glass of
red wine on it and I knew from then on that machine would
be destroyed :(

Get one you can always go to Aerus and they sell replacement
handles with new controls and the hose Carcus is also sold seperately .


Post# 270634 , Reply# 139   3/7/2014 at 21:51 (3,997 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        
My Eurekas

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
My Favorites being the metal cord reel vacuums .

Also the Precision a concept one competitor
in a nice mauve color .


This post was last edited 03/07/2014 at 22:08
Post# 270636 , Reply# 140   3/7/2014 at 22:21 (3,997 days old) by electromatik (Taylorsville, North Carolina, U.S.A.)        

I LOVE that Prolux!

While I don't think it's "silly" to worry about filtration, I do think vacuum companies prey upon the deep-rooted American fear of dirt. We do not live in sterile environments for sure. It's also true that brushrolls stir up dust also and even central vacuums stir up dust. Having said that, I still think that I agree with strictlybojack that filtration is the best innovation to come out of the industry in many decades. A vacuum should keep what it picks up inside. I don't think that carpet is responsible for allergies. There are many studies that show allergies are not correlated to carpet use. There are studies that show hard floors cause more dust to become airborne and that carpet acts as a filter. A study from Sweden showed that while there is almost no carpet, there was an increase in asthma and allergies. HEPA filtration is the best thing to come along in generations. Aerus is said to be updating it's canisters by putting HEPA/carbon filters behind the bag in ALL canisters, soo that is a major upgrade. They should also follow suit with the uprights. If someone can put a meter on the Aerus Guardian and it reads zero, then that's the most important thing. I don't think it makes a vacuum obsolete if it lacks sealed filtration but the public thinks so... There will be technological progress, either we get on board or get left behind. We don't ride horses anymore, we drive automobiles.

Post# 270638 , Reply# 141   3/7/2014 at 22:38 (3,997 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        
Christopher sorry but

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
I ride horses on the beach and drive automobiles ...

Dan 😁

Post# 270653 , Reply# 142   3/8/2014 at 03:26 (3,997 days old) by madaboutsebo (Midlands, UK)        

madaboutsebo's profile picture
Thanks will look forward to seeing the pictures, of course leave it sealed bit of history there one in a sealed box.


Post# 270671 , Reply# 143   3/8/2014 at 08:05 (3,996 days old) by gsheen (Cape Town South Africa)        

gsheen's profile picture

I personally think people worry to much about sealed filtration too, Even the best vacuums with the best sealed system will fail of they are not maintained resulting in a machine that leaks air.


Did we all die of allergies and dirt 30 years ago? No, Are you trying to tell me that because my Grandmother used a Electrolux ( SA Electrolux ) with a Cloth bag her home was Filthy No, People these days are so obsessed with Clean they forget to live, That's why every second child has allergy's now.

Post# 270673 , Reply# 144   3/8/2014 at 08:33 (3,996 days old) by gm1982 ()        

Thanks for seeing my point, yes there is constant dust and particulates in any home or building stirring around- no kidding. My point is a system that reduces, not contributes to more dust. A brush roll does stir up some dust as well as basic body movements or shaking out clothes in a home for example. A well built vacuum should not leak dirt or dust and add to it. Who wants to sneeze 15 times, I don't. So, to many people including myself, allergens and dust is a concern, so sealed vacuums work best for me and millions of other people.

Post# 270674 , Reply# 145   3/8/2014 at 08:46 (3,996 days old) by sebo_fan (Scotland, UK, member AKA ukvacfan, & Nar2)        

sebo_fan's profile picture
I agree - well said, Gareth.

In my opinion, brands are trying everything to snatch the buyers in if it hasn't got a Dyson name on it. They say one thing and forget to tell another. Dyson does the same, but the powers of advertising divert the customers attention so easily.

We've become so conditioned that sealed suction is the best way forward, that the customer often forgets that "sealed suction" isn't all the same with every vacuum cleaner on the market. Same with filter design and of course the biggest ignorance of all - maintenance.

Also the same with HEPA filters, brush rolls etc - they're not all the same.

You can have the best vacuum cleaner on the market IN YOUR OPINION and it may well seal and capture dust with clean filters, but you have to maintain the other parts that the eyes seldom see.

Post# 270675 , Reply# 146   3/8/2014 at 08:52 (3,996 days old) by gm1982 ()        

Today, people are obsessed with clean healthy living, so what, there is a market for it and that translates into business. I would market and sell sealed vacuums, the guy in my area has four vac shops and does phenomenal business! People have allergies for all sorts of reasons including the lack of exposures at birth, the environment, humidity levels, bacteria, etc.

Post# 270681 , Reply# 147   3/8/2014 at 09:47 (3,996 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        
Gareth is

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
A Million percent right . A true professional as I am in the vacuum business .
People are making them selves sick beleiving all that nonsense.
Yes it sells but it's not the end all catstrophy the manufactures made it
out to be . I used to eat dirt as a child maybe that's why I have ZERO allergies
that's the real problem today people want to stay clear of dust and dirt which could
actually be the cause of these so called magical allergies that have popped up
over the years . Take a deep breath of an Aerus upright exhaust leak it may
just solve everyone's problems .


Post# 270687 , Reply# 148   3/8/2014 at 10:28 (3,996 days old) by gsheen (Cape Town South Africa)        

gsheen's profile picture

I did have allergy's as a child, Pets , dust, chocolate, Grass . Every one told my Mom to get rid of the cats but she didn't, I mowed the lawn every weekend and vacuumed the house regularly with Our Moulinex major ( not known for filtration ) and lets not even get started on the chocolate, There is a good reason I am not thin :).


The truth is buy constantly been exposed the the things I was allergic to I built up a resistance, Owning a successful vacshop also helps, dust and lots of it in the workshop.


Today  I can get a face full of dust without even sneezing( old Electrolux 25 unloaded all its dust into my ace today )  and I have many pets at home too. 

Post# 270729 , Reply# 149   3/8/2014 at 12:35 (3,996 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        
If you

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
Are sheltered from that stuff I believe that's the cause of
allergies . Constant exposure helps build ammunitiy .


Post# 270731 , Reply# 150   3/8/2014 at 12:38 (3,996 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        
Now some

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
Convertibles I have a pretty sizable collection of them most are ones I purchased brand new
or received from relatives as I replaced them with Aerus uprights .

Post# 270754 , Reply# 151   3/8/2014 at 17:32 (3,996 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
More Convertibles


Post# 270823 , Reply# 152   3/9/2014 at 07:57 (3,995 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
More . I love the rare John Wanamaker , Macys , Bloomingdales ,
Kmart plastic Convertibles with the designer bags .


Post# 270824 , Reply# 153   3/9/2014 at 08:00 (3,995 days old) by gsheen (Cape Town South Africa)        

gsheen's profile picture

Dan , Were some of the supplied without the rubber grip on the handle ? 

Post# 270826 , Reply# 154   3/9/2014 at 08:51 (3,995 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
Yes low end models didn't have the hand grip .


Post# 270859 , Reply# 155   3/9/2014 at 14:42 (3,995 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        
Still more

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
Convertibles yes I even have a denim Hoover Convertible ;)

There's my Nanny's vacuum the highly controversial white hooded Model 65 these pics I took years ago before I put them in cool storage .


This post was last edited 03/09/2014 at 19:57
Post# 270957 , Reply# 156   3/9/2014 at 20:18 (3,995 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        
Never ending

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
Convertibles ...


Post# 270970 , Reply# 157   3/9/2014 at 21:16 (3,995 days old) by Vintagerepairer (England)        
Handle grip

So if there was no handle grip, what was in the hole in the end of the handle? And did this not make using the cleaner more difficult? I cannot think of a cleaner on the UK market in the last 60 years which had a tubular metal handle and no grip. Interesting.

Post# 270973 , Reply# 158   3/9/2014 at 21:25 (3,995 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
There was a metal cap in the hole . We had many without the handle grip it was never a problem holding on to the Convertibles .


Post# 270975 , Reply# 159   3/9/2014 at 21:31 (3,995 days old) by Vintagerepairer (England)        

Thanks for the reply. I assume the lack of handgrip was more about making a distinction between models rather than a cost saving exercise. That is to say, the cost of not putting the hand grip on would probably be a good deal less than the actual retail price differences between cleaners which had no grip and those which did.

Post# 270976 , Reply# 160   3/9/2014 at 21:44 (3,995 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        
Your very welcome

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
Benny thanks for the question .
The non handle grip models were the low end Convertibles .
I guess every penny helped as they had many models and sold
at many stores .


Post# 271003 , Reply# 161   3/10/2014 at 09:19 (3,994 days old) by stricklybojack (Southern California)        
Denim Hoover, nice!

stricklybojack's profile picture
Denim was to the 70's what "Clear" was to the 90's.
Don't believe me? Ladies and Gentleman too young to remember, behold: the 1973 Levi's AMC Gremlin!

"Optional was a Levi's interior trim package, which included spun nylon upholstery made to look like denim (fire safety regulations prohibited the use of real cotton denim). Details included removable map pockets, burnished copper denim rivets, and red Levi's logo tabs." -Wikipedia

This post was last edited 03/10/2014 at 09:43
Post# 271016 , Reply# 162   3/10/2014 at 10:16 (3,994 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
I had no idea Robert my neighbor had a purple Gremlin
what an interesting car that and the Pacer .


Post# 271019 , Reply# 163   3/10/2014 at 10:46 (3,994 days old) by stricklybojack (Southern California)        

stricklybojack's profile picture
did you say Pacer?
Those too came Levi clad, witness:

Post# 271025 , Reply# 164   3/10/2014 at 10:59 (3,994 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
Robert they did too ?
You live and learn every day 😁


Post# 271026 , Reply# 165   3/10/2014 at 11:02 (3,994 days old) by stricklybojack (Southern California)        
Last pic...

stricklybojack's profile picture

Post# 271052 , Reply# 166   3/10/2014 at 13:48 (3,994 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        
Love that

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
Pacer wow what a Kool interior .


Post# 271054 , Reply# 167   3/10/2014 at 14:07 (3,994 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
Convertibles 😁 another Pair


Post# 271065 , Reply# 168   3/10/2014 at 14:46 (3,994 days old) by gsheen (Cape Town South Africa)        
handle grips

gsheen's profile picture



When you do mass manufacture they tend to look at making a certain quantity on vacuums, ( batch).

Now why they do this is its pointless looking at the cost of making one vacuum, The tooling costs and such make this impossible, So you look at making say a 100 000. Now if they were making them in a particular color like they did in the USA( lets say pink)  This would mean they would have to specially order  pink grips, costing 1$ each. Now to you and I 1 $ is nothing mere pocket change so why not fit a handle grip, Trouble is you are not ordering 1 but 100 000 so that's 100 000 dollars you have to pull out of capital just to fit a grip to a handle.


This is more evident when you get to cars, You know those budget entry level cars that manufacturers make. They take the bottom of the range car, strip out a 4 dollar clock,  hubcaps $ 70.00, and car mats, $70.00 and remove the lower bumper spotlights ( $80.00 ) and suddenly they car is $ 3000.00 cheaper, How ? its all down to mass manufacturing and producing in batches.



Post# 271078 , Reply# 169   3/10/2014 at 15:50 (3,994 days old) by HooverCelebrity (Germany)        

Totally unrelated, but similar context... That reminds me of a story I heard, probably in college, with relation to cost-cutting/reduction. In 1987, American Airlines removed one olive from each salad it served in First Class, and as a result saved $40,000 per year.

Love all of the Convertibles, Dan! You have some really nice examples. :-)

Post# 271084 , Reply# 170   3/10/2014 at 16:18 (3,994 days old) by stricklybojack (Southern California)        
More than cost cutting...

stricklybojack's profile picture
I think Hoover did this to creat tiered pricing. At this time the biggest company in America, and probably the world was General Motors. They sold (and still sell) cars under different name plates from Chevrolet on the low end to Cadillac at the top. The thinking was people would climb the ladder as they moved up in income and continue buying GM.
So it wasn't really done to make the cheapest Hoover more affordable as much as it was to help differentiate, and justify, the TOL and it's higher cost. It's why cheap stuff of all kinds is usually ugly, they save the better looking designs and or colors for the higher priced items because those that can afford it will more often than not pay the added cost.

Seeing all these convertibles has made me realize how much i prefer some colors over others.

Post# 271087 , Reply# 171   3/10/2014 at 16:28 (3,994 days old) by HooverCelebrity (Germany)        

Oh, I didn't mean to imply that Hoover was cost cutting by not offering handle grips on some models. For some reason, when the topic of ordering mass quanitites was brought up, that story about the olives entered into my mind. Just a random thought.

I agree - the handle grip, zippered bags, longer cord, full bumper - those were all to differentiate the machine as a higher-end model, and as you say tier the pricing.

Post# 271089 , Reply# 172   3/10/2014 at 16:33 (3,994 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        
Thanks Fred

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
I love my Convertibles I had no idea what I had John Gregory of Sweeper Central
Says I have a few very rare examples I had no idea but I am
truly grateful to have all of my Convertibles and all the other brands
also .

I so wish Hoover would bring back the iconic Convertible .


Post# 271091 , Reply# 173   3/10/2014 at 16:55 (3,994 days old) by stricklybojack (Southern California)        
Time to...

stricklybojack's profile picture
start thread part 3 I think. Please. Thank you...

Post# 271125 , Reply# 174   3/10/2014 at 18:20 (3,994 days old) by Vintagerepairer (England)        
Thank you

for all the replies.

Strictlybojack has summed up what I was getting at, in his reply #170. This being that the money saved by not fitting the handgrips (and I appreciate of course how it all adds up) is not proportionate to the additional money which can be charged for one that does have a grip. As he says, it's about creating a tiered market and showing how much more one gets for the extra money one spends. Though savings would clearly be made by not fitting the handgrips, it would have still been quite likely that those cleaners which did have them brought Hoover more revenue overall as they were able to sell them for a disproportionally higher price.

I once knew a Hotpoint rep who told me that they encouraged all store staff to sell from the mid & top ranges, for example the Aquarius and Ultima laundry appliances, rather than the First Edition, simply because the First Edition machines cost roughly the same price to manufacture as all the others, yet the prestige nature of the alternative ranges and the minor additional features added pounds to the selling price. The problem Hotpoint (and indeed others) had in this instance was that the profit the stores made on the goods was pretty much always proportionate to the cost price they paid to the manufacturer, so for the store there was not a great incentive to worry too much about up-selling. However, for the manufacturer, the money they made on the higher specification machine was, as I explained, completely disproportionate, so for them, more was definitely more.

Post# 271211 , Reply# 175   3/10/2014 at 22:56 (3,994 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        
My Convertibles

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
I must say the one thing I am most proud of concerning my Hoover Convertible collection is the more rare upscale versions of these uprights sold in the stores native to my surroundings ....Hoover would give Wanamaker's ,Abraham and Straus , Gimbles , Macy`s , Bloomingdales , and the May company stores the same retail white bagged Convertibles but do a specific high end look production of the same models with fancier color coordinated and boldly patterned vinyl printed bags to attract the higher end 1980`s shopper is incredible . I am so happy John Gregory had the Hoover Convertible listing guide to keep track of these models and all their alternate versions ... John had me read this book when I visited him and I must say it was fascinating ... some day if John comes back he should have Robert list this most interesting dealers guide to the Hoover Convertible upright


Post# 271253 , Reply# 176   3/11/2014 at 10:47 (3,993 days old) by Unimatic1140 (Minneapolis)        

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This thread is now continued here...


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