Thread Number: 23093
Hoover Constellation Model 822 - Both versions
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Post# 258411   12/3/2013 at 08:25 (4,026 days old) by 1066hoovers ()        

Hi all,
Thought Id post pics of my 822s since I have both types to show the differences.
First 4 pics are of the 822 Early. This is the only non floating Constellation and dates from early 1957.
The second 4 pics are of the 822 late. The first floater - dates from mid 1957.
(Production ended at the end of 1957 to make way for the model 822A, which utilised the new type base which was later used for the 862 in 1960.)

Post# 258413 , Reply# 1   12/3/2013 at 08:26 (4,026 days old) by 1066hoovers ()        
Pic 2

Pic 2

Post# 258414 , Reply# 2   12/3/2013 at 08:26 (4,026 days old) by 1066hoovers ()        
Pic 3`

Pic 3

Post# 258415 , Reply# 3   12/3/2013 at 08:27 (4,026 days old) by 1066hoovers ()        
Pic 4

Pic 4

Post# 258416 , Reply# 4   12/3/2013 at 08:28 (4,026 days old) by 1066hoovers ()        
Pic 5

Pic 5

Post# 258417 , Reply# 5   12/3/2013 at 08:29 (4,026 days old) by 1066hoovers ()        
Pic 6

Pic 6

Post# 258418 , Reply# 6   12/3/2013 at 08:29 (4,026 days old) by 1066hoovers ()        
Pic 7

Pic 7

Post# 258419 , Reply# 7   12/3/2013 at 08:30 (4,026 days old) by 1066hoovers ()        
Pic 8

Pic 8

Post# 258432 , Reply# 8   12/3/2013 at 11:01 (4,026 days old) by Ultimatevacman ( Leeds, West Yorkshire, UK)        

ultimatevacman's profile picture

That's interesting, thanks for sharing. I've been wanting a Constellation for ages, and now I've finally got myself an 867A.

Post# 258474 , Reply# 9   12/4/2013 at 00:42 (4,026 days old) by chan55 (Green Bay, WI)        

How did one use the early model if it did not float? I can never figure why it took so long to figure out how to put wheels on a canister,ex the GE swivel top and this vac.

Post# 258502 , Reply# 10   12/4/2013 at 10:20 (4,025 days old) by rugsucker (Elizabethton TN)        

Nice Hoovers!In US when Hoover went from first to floating there was a color change.I like the British switch.
"how did one use"-Floating is better but the 82 did have a hose that would both swivel and stretch.In smaller homes it might have been OK in the middle of a room.

Post# 258703 , Reply# 11   12/6/2013 at 15:23 (4,023 days old) by hotpoint95622 (Powys, UK)        

hotpoint95622's profile picture
Early non floating model, used a dolly with about six wheels on, but the idea was to place the machine in the middle of the room and the extra long stretch hose reached into every corner of the room.

Post# 258776 , Reply# 12   12/7/2013 at 02:00 (4,023 days old) by chan55 (Green Bay, WI)        

I always wondered, what did you do in the bedroom. Sit it on top of the bed? OR the dining room, atop the table? Just don't get canisters without wheels..............

Post# 258812 , Reply# 13   12/7/2013 at 12:04 (4,022 days old) by rugsucker (Elizabethton TN)        
canisters without wheels

It does seem unusual that after many tank vacs(but not Elux XXX)were using wheels most canisters had no wheels or optional dolly.As above the first Constellation had a little known dolly available.Others were Rexair,Filter Queen,Jet 99 and Eureka Rotomatic.The first GE Swiveltop with wheels had a removable but standard wheel dolly.

Post# 343379 , Reply# 14   2/10/2016 at 11:05 (3,227 days old) by spuggy (turriff)        

i bought one of the ones that did not hover to make a lamp out of however i seem to have lost it.

Post# 473970 , Reply# 15   11/1/2024 at 12:19 by Paul (USA)        
822A—Made in Australia

This 822A recently sold for $150 AUD ($98.65 USD) at

Would Hoover (Australia) Pty. Ltd. have used a different color scheme (possibly matching a version of the Junior Model 1224) than Hoover Ltd., or were all Model 822As the same?

Btw, it's the first I've seen of Hoover's metal wand latches. The attached Model 867A instructions (sourced at: show the more common plastic ones, so the change was apparently made sometime in '60s. Come to think of it, the wands that came with my mid-'60s Constellation Model 454 have the plastic version, too.

As an aside, the linguist in me noticed in the instructions that Britons use the terms 'tube' and 'flex' while Americans commonly use 'wand' and 'cord'. And as I perused the Guarantee, I spotted the plural form of 'Hoover' that in the US is most often viewed as one entity (e.g. "Hoover Limited are unable to ... , "Hoover make things better for you.") I know, I know, "/to-MAY-toe/" "/to-MA-toe/" ... just sayin' I've learned from good ol' WEBSTER'S and WARRINER'S! :)

Some other vintage Aussie cleaners at:

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