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Post# 201324   9/20/2012 at 19:35 (4,503 days old) by kloveland (Tulsa)        

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Recently I've added an UltraLux canister to my collection. I already have the metal version of the LX which was one of the last metal based Electrolux tanks. The plastic UltraLux has some power, it's definitely the most powerful Electrolux I own. For some reason the power nozzle runs when I plug in the canister before I turn on the canister switch. I'm not sure how this can happen unless somebody rewired the canister at some point.

Post# 201347 , Reply# 1   9/20/2012 at 22:21 (4,503 days old) by eurekastar (Amarillo, Texas)        

eurekastar's profile picture

Those are great vacuums.  Some people say the Electrolux power nozzles aren't that great, but I find that particular model to be quite good.  It sounds like someone wired the hose leads with the power cord leads on your switch!  I once did that on a Tristar.  I put it all back together before testing it too.  I ended up having to take it apart to fix it. 

Post# 201356 , Reply# 2   9/20/2012 at 23:38 (4,503 days old) by kirbyvertibles (Independence, KS)        

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I bet the powerhead switch on the head itself is in the "on" position.

Post# 201376 , Reply# 3   9/21/2012 at 03:43 (4,503 days old) by danorob1 (Central New Jersey)        

danorob1's profile picture
Hi Kenny,

That was a Machine that Electrolux put out for QVC - I had purchased one for my Mother a number of years ago - It came with two different heads - One was the standard Electrolux Power nozzle to clean the Rugs, and the other was what looked like a power nozzle, but had a Blue Brush roll, and no opening to the power nozzle neck -

This nozzle was to work in the rug cleaning powder that came with the package...

One of the Nozzles had a blue cover like yours, and the other a Cream cover - But since she tossed it years ago, I can not remember which color was a power nozzle, and which was the Carpet Cleaning nozzle...

That is why the machine runs the nozzle without suction - The be able to brush in the powered carpet cleaner...

Hope this helps,

Post# 201385 , Reply# 4   9/21/2012 at 07:33 (4,503 days old) by eurekastar (Amarillo, Texas)        
@ Dan

eurekastar's profile picture

That's an interesting feature.  I've seen those non-suction nozzles on Ebay but never knew until now how they worked. 

Post# 201394 , Reply# 5   9/21/2012 at 09:51 (4,502 days old) by rugsucker (Elizabethton TN)        
plastic body Ultralux

These were very nice with less weight than metal and the after filter.Many customers will say"What after filter?!".We then tell them to place a filter on closet shelf and put 5 bags on top of it.Then after using the 5 bags,change the filter.--Dan has good information on the QVC model.That nozzle was also on some TriStar and other Elux.Many seem to have had a handle grip and extra cord to use with nozzle and wands only for the Capture type powder.

Post# 201396 , Reply# 6   9/21/2012 at 10:52 (4,502 days old) by kloveland (Tulsa)        

kloveland's profile picture

Thanks for the info. It seems like a strange setup to me. So only the DriClean power nozzle will only work with this model, unless it has the separate cord and handle. Talk about QVC specials, a couple of years I did see an Electrolux “Classic” on QVC. They were demonstrating its ability to pick up sand with the vacuum turned upside down to show no sand would fall out of the bag.

Eurekastar - That's what I thought at first.

Phillip - The rocker switch was broken and the power nozzle wouldn't run, so I taped the two leads together. I plan on purchasing another switch, soon.

Post# 201401 , Reply# 7   9/21/2012 at 12:42 (4,502 days old) by Sanifan ()        

I have one of those. It looks exactly like yours!

I actually love the thing. It has very good suction and performs very well. I just love the feel of it and its performance.

One quirk about it is that the main switch on the body does NOT control the power going to the powernozzle. That means the power switch on your powernozzle is the only on/off switch for the powernozzle.

You will find once you bypass the powernozzle switch that the PN will be on all the time. That's even if the main vacuum motor is off. The two are controlled totally independently. Once you plug the cord into the wall, your PN will start running.

I find that a design flaw. I have a Powermate mini PN that has no switch on it. The only way I can turn it off is to either pull it from the hose (disconnecting a the leads while they are powered up can't be good for longevity) or to pull the plug from the wall. Annoying!

Otherwise it is an awesome vac. I actually like the lighter weight of the plastic body a lot. It's so much easier to use.

I've read that the motor in these is a single phase unit that have had reliability issues. That is what I've read. Mine works great, though!

Have fun with yours!

Post# 201410 , Reply# 8   9/21/2012 at 18:04 (4,502 days old) by danorob1 (Central New Jersey)        

danorob1's profile picture
Hi Kenny,

I was determined to find a picture, and after an hour, I did - ( Thank You Yahoo!!)
This is what the kit would have looked like -


Post# 204181 , Reply# 9   10/19/2012 at 00:56 (4,475 days old) by Floor-A-Matic (somewhere)        

Did the Ultralux come with 2 extra wands & bare floor tool?

Post# 204184 , Reply# 10   10/19/2012 at 04:43 (4,475 days old) by electromatik (Taylorsville, North Carolina, U.S.A.)        

That's a great machine. That solid blue power nozzle is awesome. I had never seen a Lux like that before. Glad to hear it is powerful. My aunt had a 2100 and I used it once and it didn't have much oomph. I checked it's bag and it was packed full to the opening. You could look thru the hose port and see the dirt packed right at the bag hole. Sad. Even Electrolux will lose power when filled that full. It sure looks well used/abused. The back vents look dirty. Wonder what they did to the poor machine.

Post# 204188 , Reply# 11   10/19/2012 at 08:08 (4,475 days old) by suckolux (Yuba City, CA)        

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I had that model a few years back, maybe 20? I think the top was maroon, it fried 2 motors, no idea why.

Post# 475011 , Reply# 12   1/4/2025 at 11:00 by Paul (USA)        
80th Anniversary Model branded 'Aerus'

Kenny's is a Model C152E. Here's Tom Gasko's C152F with the Aerus label (originally posted by luxboy).

The C152E only sported the 'Electrolux' name on the 80th anniversary decal instead of on the bumper decals that had 'Ultralux'; same with the 'Aerus' name on the C152F—likely a cost-saving measure in anticipation of the brand switch. The use of the updated original Swedish Electrolux logo on the C152F is another indicator of the partnership of Lux International and Aerus along with the use of 'Lux' in model names at the time which continues in the current line. Electrolux Corporation last used it on the Model XXX.

'Aerus' branding replaced 'Electrolux' in 2004, so the C152E was likely made in 2003, and the C152F in 2004 unless the change occurred in mid-2004.

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