Thread Number: 14720
A rarity and fine piece of Hoover history...
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Post# 155945   10/18/2011 at 21:08 (4,733 days old) by broomvac (N/A)        

broomvac's profile picture
...this is indeed!

I present: the Hoover Commercial C1403

This vacuum was the predecessor to the C1404 (infact, it was the first variation of the Hoover Elite line to be featured as "COMMERCIAL"), and was based off of the earliest design of Hoover Elites. Specifically, the Hoover Elite 200. It features a slide top bag design, as opposed to the zipper type Elite bag, has a five amp commercial motor (with harder carbons) as opposed to the very usual 7 amp motor installed on all C1404s, and is the bright orange used on the earliest of Commercial vacuums made by Hoover, instead of the typical black that has been used on all C1404s. This vacuum also originally featured the single row brush roller, but I changed it out for the modern double row brush roller used in C1404s, since the double row brushes seem to groom much better. I still have the fully functional original brush though.

Another interesting thing to note is the small and plain "HOOVER" logo located in the top right portion of the bag that looks just like the logos printed on the earliest Hoover Elites, and does not resemble the newer "HOOVER TOP FILL BAG" logo centered in larger print on the bags of the C1404 vacuums.

Also, this beauty was made in '91 here in the USA, by HOOVER, not TTI.

I found this fine example of a C1403 a couple of years ago and had been wanting one of these for forever before I acquired it. This specific model is very hard to acquire since it is the earliest commercial Elite ever produced, and was shortly replaced by the C1404. When I got it, it really only needed a good cleaning, and a new belt and bag. That's about it! This is a much tougher and more powerful machine than it looks!


Post# 155977 , Reply# 1   10/19/2011 at 01:03 (4,733 days old) by kirbyvertibles (Independence, KS)        

kirbyvertibles's profile picture
Since that was sold as commercial, the fact that its still around not to mention that wonderful condition is pretty rare. Congratulations on that. Hard to believe it's already 20 years old.

Post# 156054 , Reply# 2   10/19/2011 at 18:18 (4,732 days old) by broomvac (N/A)        
I know huh

broomvac's profile picture
Early Elites are hard to find, but the commercial versions are virtually impossible to find nowadays, since they tended to get abused.

It took me forever to find one of these!

P.S. This is an old picture, so that is why there is the holiday stuff out.

Post# 156056 , Reply# 3   10/19/2011 at 18:33 (4,732 days old) by broomvac (N/A)        

broomvac's profile picture
I am not sure which forum I should have put this in, for it is EXACTLY 20 years old!

I saw the Hoover Elite 700 thread in the Vintage Forum, so maybe this thread should be moved there. IDK

Post# 156641 , Reply# 4   10/23/2011 at 16:41 (4,728 days old) by super-sweeper (KSSRC Refurbishment Center)        
i own

super-sweeper's profile picture
the residential model,the elite 200,could you be saying it's one of the first elites?

Post# 157318 , Reply# 5   10/28/2011 at 21:58 (4,723 days old) by kirbyvertibles (Independence, KS)        

kirbyvertibles's profile picture
The Elite 200 is one of the first yes

Post# 157363 , Reply# 6   10/29/2011 at 09:04 (4,723 days old) by elux-o-matic ()        
Hoover Commercial

Here is a brochure of Hoover commercial models. It goes back in 1995.

Post# 157364 , Reply# 7   10/29/2011 at 09:10 (4,723 days old) by elux-o-matic ()        
Page 2

We can see the Hoover C-1403

Post# 157366 , Reply# 8   10/29/2011 at 09:16 (4,723 days old) by elux-o-matic ()        
Page 3

More Hoover Commercials

Post# 157367 , Reply# 9   10/29/2011 at 09:23 (4,723 days old) by elux-o-matic ()        
Page 4

Hoover Conquest

Post# 157368 , Reply# 10   10/29/2011 at 09:27 (4,723 days old) by elux-o-matic ()        
Back Page


Post# 157374 , Reply# 11   10/29/2011 at 10:35 (4,723 days old) by hoover1 ()        
Hoover Conquest 28"

I saw one of those when I stayed at a Holiday Inn one time.

Post# 157377 , Reply# 12   10/29/2011 at 10:40 (4,723 days old) by broomvac (N/A)        
As far back as '95

broomvac's profile picture
That's cool to know. Thanks for posting the brochure! I love it! I also knew that my particular machine was not a super early one, but I definitely recognized the model C1403 as being the earliest of its kind.

Post# 157379 , Reply# 13   10/29/2011 at 10:50 (4,723 days old) by broomvac (N/A)        
Another thing that I noticed...

broomvac's profile picture that the one in the brochure had a different bag logo. That makes me wonder why mine has (what would seem) an earlier HOOVER bag logo? Maybe the bag was replaced at some point with an earlier C1403 bag?

Any info on that would be greatly appreciated!

On the note of bags, I'll have to keep an eye out for one of the optional cloth insert bags. I use type A bags currently, but a type A shakeout would be awesome!

As for the maid's hook and polycarbonate fan advertised, I did discover both features on my C1403 when I bought it. The overgrown cord hook is basically double sided and immovable.

Post# 157384 , Reply# 14   10/29/2011 at 11:09 (4,723 days old) by gottahaveahoove (Pittston, Pennsylvania, 18640)        
I have the 1433

gottahaveahoove's profile picture

Matt Geda took it to service.  I'd like it back!  No one ever seems to hear from Matt,  (I've not heard from him since Easter) I hope all is ok,  and, I DO want that cleaner back.  They certainly are workhorses.

Post# 250229 , Reply# 15   9/14/2013 at 19:22 (4,036 days old) by KirbyClassicIII (Milwaukie, Oregon)        

kirbyclassiciii's profile picture
Although the brochure is copyrighted 1995, the print date reads "3/00" (March 2000).

Was there ever a Legacy-based Hoover Commercial upright in Safety Orange?


Post# 250231 , Reply# 16   9/14/2013 at 20:11 (4,036 days old) by vacuumman206 ()        

I still have an oportunity to get a C1403. needs a cord and a fan and that's why I wasn't interested for $10. I'll have to give the guy a call because I have been interested in some other stuff he's had for a while.

Post# 363283 , Reply# 17   12/7/2016 at 17:26 (2,856 days old) by Vintagevaclover (Athens, GA)        
I picked up this one from work today!

vintagevaclover's profile picture
It was just getting tossed out!

Post# 459471 , Reply# 18   1/14/2023 at 18:48 (627 days old) by AmtrakSebo1997 (Vacmasterthegreats basement)        
I hope you aren't mad...

amtraksebo1997's profile picture
but I used the picture of page two of that 1995 Hoover commercial brochure for my binder. I'm sorry, I didn't know there was a rule on vacuumland prohibiting that. I hope you aren't upset.

Post# 459487 , Reply# 19   1/15/2023 at 08:30 (627 days old) by Ilovehoovers (England)        

ilovehoovers's profile picture
I'm sure it's fine, nobody would know unless you said

Post# 473052 , Reply# 20   9/1/2024 at 16:04 by Eureka1998 (New York )        

eureka1998's profile picture
The introduction of the commercial Elites, always made me wonder if Hoover ever had any plans to introduce the Self Propelled Elite model to the lineup. I know they later on added the Dimension/Soft Guard styles.

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